Kumkum Bhagya 16th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Bijli comes to Bua Jee with the tray who is massaging her head due to the extreme headache, she says that Divya asked about the turmeric milk, Bijli mentions that Diya herself asked her to bring it, she stops Prachi saying that she will show her something strange, Prachi comes to sit beside Bua jee asking what did she say, Bua jee replies she said she would show something strange however if they ask her Bijli herself is very strange, Bijli returning asks Bua je to curse her when she has left, Bijli comes to show Prachi the wallet, she asks who owns it when Bijli informs the person is just like Poorvi didi, Prachi tells Bua to jee was right about Bijli however she gets shocked after seeing the wallet and is not able to accept it.
Ranbir is sitting in his bed while Vinod is constantly searching for something with the mobile, Ranbir asks what is he doing when there is so much light, Vinod informs that he is trying to search for it carefully since he knows of everything in the house, Ranbir asks then where is his wallet, Vinod suggest she might have left it in the office but Ranbir says he knows it is not in the office, Vinod suggests he might have left it in the car, Ranbir recalls when he was sitting in the car then placed it on the dashboard, Ranbir says he knows where he left the wallet, Vinod asks then why did he make him search the house, Ranbir explains he placed the wallet on the dashboard which would have fallen into the bag o Poorvi, Ranbir starts calling Poorvi however it does not have any signal, Vinod says his phone has all the signals, Ranbir asks if he is calling as he meant the phone of Poorvi, Prachi calls Poorvi asking whose wallet does it belong to, Poorvi mentions she saw it in the car of KK sir, explaining he gave her a lift and this might belong to, Bijli says this means the face of Kk sir is like Poorvi, who also opens it explaining they cannot even see the photo but Prachi asks Poorvi to return it since he might be searching for it, Poorvi says she is getting his call and then Poorvi answers it apologizing to him for his wallet but she says she will come to return it however KK says that he is going to take it when he comes to attend the wedding, Poorvi mentions he has to come as he promised so Prachi immediately starts scolding KK for not caring of his wallet, but she realizes that the phone has disconnected, Poorvi mentions KK has very good luck since they found his wallet and he did not even have to hear her scolding, Prachi hits Poorvi on the arm.
In the morning Dadi and his brother come to wake RV but he is still on the bed when Dada asks if RV was not able to sleep in the night and asks what happened to him, his brother says that when RV has fallen in love then ho can he fall asleep, Dada says that he just talks foolish things, Harleem comes asking what is going on, RV requests her to save him from this Grand father and nephew, Dada says that RV is also his nephew so why is he complaining to his mother, Harleem comes saying that RV must get up as they have to check the clothes, RV suggests they can change in the venue, Harleem says he should be quick since they need to reach on time, Dada and his brother agree which irritates Harleem, RV brothers asks what if the clothes donot have proper fitting, Harleem replies he would have to wear the clothes as they are, Dada questions then why should they waste time in checking the clothes, Harleem informs that the brother of RV is very idiot so he has to give such answers as it is obvious that they have to get the clothes proper as he is the groom and this is what Prachi would also be doing.
Prachi comes to Bua jee giving her the saree which she should wear today, Prachi turns to leave when Bua jee stops her making her sit down explaining they both have argued a lot and she is the one who has scolded her a lot, but Prachi knows how she is and she says whatever she has in her heart, Prachi tries to stop her but Bua jee explains today she wants to share something from her heart and mentions that she is feeling very good today, especially from the day when their Poorvi was getting married to Ashitosh as they both felt that he is not suitable for her, Prachi replies she stayed quiet for a lot of reasons but Bua jee explains that now everything is as they desire so she is very happy that Poorvi is getting married to such a nice boy, Bua jee says Prachi would also be happy but she knows Prachi will be happy as her daughter is getting married to such a nice person, Bua jee explains she performs pooja for them both, Prachi replies this is why they both are so happy when Prachi explains she knows their thoughts donot meet but even then she would always thank Bua jee for whatever she has done for Poorvi, Bua jee says that Prachi should leave otherwise she would cry but Prachi explains she is glad that Poorvi loves Bua jee a lot who has also cared a lot for her, Bua jee asks her to stop as she needs to wipe the tears of the children or would she herself cry. Bua ji asks if Prachi does not have any work since today is the wedding day when Prachi leaves, Bua jee goes to the mirror and thinks that Prachi knows all the things about her and this is why even brought the color that she likes, Khushi comes telling Bua jee that she wants to talk with her mother for something important as Arman as other plans for the wedding but Bua jee says that it is very late and the wedding is tonight.
In the night the family reaches the main hall when Diya gets excited saying that Poorvi is very lucky and even Bua Jee mentions now Poorvi would go to such big parties, Diya asks if she is looking nice. Prachi comes with Manpreet asking if they come, Bua jee what help would they end when they have done everything but Prachi replies they were just checking, Manpreet starts praising the family of RV for making very good preparations, and they do not have any ego while they did not even demand anything. Mr Tandon says while the family of Ashitosh would demand things from them, Bua jee scolds them when Diya says now even Poorvi would find a suitable match for her daughter so they all talk, Prachi asks Poorvi to go and get ready so she ends her with Bijli as the family of RV would arrive very soon.
RV come with his entire family with his mother and the rest of the family, RV hugs Mr Tandon so they ask about Poorvi when Bua jee says that she just went to get ready, they even ask RV to go and get ready as they have to enter once again with the Baraat, Bua jee mentions that RV is a boy and would get ready very soon but then they ask about Pandit jee, Mr Tandon says that he is just going to come very soon, Dada je asks Mr Tandon to not be worried as he would get them married, Dadi jee asks if he remember the Mantar when Dada je says he has witnessed a lot of destruction, Dadi jee gets furious so he gets scared mentioning he meant he has seen a lot of weddings so has a lot of knowledge regarding the Mantar while he has seen how the trend of getting married on line has started, RV’s father says that neither he was married online nor his parents which is why they are going to get RV married in a normal manner, Harleem explains they still have to make a lot of preparations for it so they all leave.
The worker comes inside saying he had to drink today but still tries to wake Jasbir who is unconscious, the worker thinks if Jasbir gets up after he throws the water then he will be killed, the person leaves after Jasbir does not wake up and so walks out of the room while Jasbir starts talking in his sleep so the worker returns when Jasbir orders tiger to send Poorvi but he says he brought the drink for him, Jasbir says he should go and send Poorvi ordering Tiger to leave and not enter his room without asking, the elder brother of Jasbir comes asking if he asked him to wake Jasbir, he angrily saps Tiger saying he did not order him so he also leaves, Jasbir keeps calling Poorvi to bring the tea,
Update Credit to: Sona
This person says it’s Ranbir’s dream
Its Normal because ranbir in dream IS Always romantic
Be prepared to hear a monologue from ranbir about prachi betrayal and teary eyes otherwise that would leave a bitter taste after the dance.
Well , then it’s Good but I hope after this we won’t get gibberish monologue

Guys see appy’s story… I don’t know why fans are requesting the creative director to cast krishna and appy in music video… definitely it would be flop
Who are talking about Poorvi’s character?
Don’t forget that in Ekta Kapoor’s show the leading lady has more crying scene even more than dialogues..
,but looks like she’ll surpass here 
On single day so much pranbir stories. I think this could be last dance sequence of pranbir
I think all upcoming episodes scenes are covered with sbs, sbb segments
. No need to wait for episodes till telecast
I was going to Say the same
PICOTELNG, that’s why I am not happy about their dream sequence, because after the dream ends, in reality you’d either get a crying Prachi or a Ranbir who would cuss and curse Prachi
Let’s hope after the dance KUTTA won’t spoil our mood with his monologue,

I just can’t wait for pranbir dream dance thou
and the song added more aroma to their chemistry 

Arjit Singh song
Nowdays you like this emoji

It’s became your current fav emoji 

, giving the kisses to good things..
January 16, 2024 at 8:00 pm
Who are talking about Poorvi’s character?
Don’t forget that in Ekta Kapoor’s show the leading lady has more crying scene even more than dialogues..
,but looks like she’ll surpass here 
January 16, 2024 at 8:06 pm
In promo itself Purvi expressed desire to be pati’s slave with entire dedication. That should give hint about the upcoming character of Richvi
I Guess They will drag this track like the hell , I Guess 1 month
Yeah, according to sana on our group chat, she said they’ll be alot of drama,both jasbir, Ashutosh and Khusi’s husband are storming in the marriage ground, And obviously it’s to stop the marriage..
. What’s happening to makers bringing kundali cast to kkb and now rishmi in promo
no logic just for trp all these stunts
Promo of kkb but rishmi invition for rajvi marriage. Rishi said RV is his friend but holi episode shown both rishi and RK are friends !!!
They never gave pranbir this importance

But they won lot of hearts from audience with their hardwork.
What to expect from makers
even the situation of kd cast in kkb IS so funny
given the gap of gen leap , they haven’t the same chronology and Now rishmi ( who was supposed to be rk Friend during 2bd gen IS now 

Ishan is getting shown even more a two timer than Ranbir…I am not at all liking the current happenings in Ghum
How ? I don’t see anything wrong with him taking care of Savi as he feels guilty of been responsible for the havoc in savi’s life

… I also don’t like how they’re going about with the story as Ishaan really loves reeva and reeva loves him too,but now ishaan will betray reeva for savi’s sake..
He is looking as two timer because we know that he is going to marry Savi very soon, and it seems like he will do it by himself, without any external pressure.
And marrying Savi by his own wish, while expressing every time how much he loves Reeva is called two timing
January 16, 2024 at 8:28 pm
Yeah, according to sana on our group chat, she said they’ll be alot of drama,both jasbir, Ashutosh and Khusi’s husband are storming in the marriage ground, And obviously it’s to stop the marriage..
Umm….Jasbir, Ashutosh, and Khushi’s husband are 3 people, not 2
OMG! This Ashutosh is such a boring character. I can’t tolerate him in the show
Jasbir is a loser
I Guess for jassi , and ashu it will be their last track . I can’t Say for kushi’s husband maybe he will continue to create chaos even After rajvi’s mariage
THANKS for the correction dear..
Sick and tired of Ekta’s same kind of story lines… One or the other way hero heroine will marry but will be hold some grudge as usual…
Did anyone followed naagin7 series? How was it?
There is no naagin 7 it stop at 6
Do you mean naagin 6 ,7 is still in the works
It’s Already out ?
Sorry naagin6*
Go to Tejaswi’s insta chat and write sorry there…… she won’t see your sorry if you write it here

How old is Rishi, if he is a friend of R.V.? Then can roughly determine the age of R.V.
The channel and makers clearly lack confidence with everything they doing getting Kb and Rishmi involved as well as Pranbir dream dance. Couldnt they have though about this before writing all the crap last year which included making 1st gen killer live lavish lifestyle after murdering them?
Rajvi jodi and story may be good, but they will unfortunately due to the sins of the writer.

… I also don’t like how they’re going about with the story as Ishaan really loves reeva and reeva loves him too,but now ishaan will betray reeva for savi’s sake..
January 16, 2024 at 8:47 pm
How ? I don’t see anything wrong with him taking care of Savi as he feels guilty of been responsible for the havoc in savi’s life
Marrying Savi while loving Reeva is two timing especially when that marriage was done by him by his own wish
But he’s going to marry her out of helplessness , he’s not Just going to marry Savi because he wants to but because he feels Savi lost everything because of him and there’s nobody to protect her so he has no choice than take full responsibility of Savi by marrying her

, if only he has someone sane to talk to, maybe that person would’ve advice him that marrying Savi isn’t the only way …
Any idea will pranbir leave by feb. Coz there contract ends not in montage too
Yes I’m so happy soon Pranbir would leave and then my Rajvi story would start Pranbir were taking all the SS can’t wait for them and there stupid fans to leave

Failed Jodi
lol Kirru insta story
#buddha buddhi dancing
Bland boring
Trp, it will still suffer. Every time the actors of KKB went to visit other series, the trp either remained unchanged or fell. If actors from other bhagyas come to KKB now, it is possible that the trp of KKB will increase, but the trp of other bhagyas will suffer.
Looks like Rishi is in motion at speed that’s near to speed of light… those who travel at speed that close to speed of light, time passes very slowly for them and they also age very slowly…two years ago Rishi was Ranbir’s friend, means close to his age..20 years later, Rishi is close to RV’S age who is at least 20 years younger than Ranbir, means Rishi didn’t age at all in 20 years..
If Rishi takes Lakshmi with him to the wedding, then Lakshmi and Prachi will have something to remember. Prachi will tell Kushi how Lakshmi saved Prachi and the unborn Kushi from acid. It’s a pity that Lakshmi is like a child now.
Muje lagta jo dulhan rv key sapne mai aati hai jo ussey arrest karati hai… Wo kushi hai tabhi toh usssey rv sey aaj tak milatey nhi hai,Khusika pati gundake rol ma khelega
You right meko bhi asa lgta h
Looks like Rakesh has been caught and arrested now it’s time for him to kidnap Poorvi and do groomswap

… I also don’t like how they’re going about with the story as Ishaan really loves reeva and reeva loves him too,but now ishaan will betray reeva for savi’s sake..
January 16, 2024 at 9:04 pm
January 16, 2024 at 8:47 pm
How ? I don’t see anything wrong with him taking care of Savi as he feels guilty of been responsible for the havoc in savi’s life
Marrying Savi while loving Reeva is two timing especially when that marriage was done by him by his own wish

, if only he has someone sane to talk to, maybe that person would’ve advice him that marrying Savi isn’t the only way …
January 16, 2024 at 9:25 pm
But he’s going to marry her out of helplessness , he’s not Just going to marry Savi because he wants to but because he feels Savi lost everything because of him and there’s nobody to protect her so he has no choice than take full responsibility of Savi by marrying her
Dudette, then there is no existence of ISHVI…. Where is ISHVI if Ishan marries Savi but keeps Reeva in his heart??
Ranbir was at least blackmailed by Billo Rani to marry Rhea by keeping Prachi in heart, but no one is forcing Ishan for marrying Savi
January 16, 2024 at 9:29 pm
Looks like Rakesh has been caught and arrested now it’s time for him to kidnap Poorvi and do groomswap
What’s the use of groomswap if bride herself is kidnapped and not in mandap
Colin either he’ll do poorvi kidnapping or he’ll do a groomswap with rv
After a long time saw Prachi with good clothes and looking so lovely after a long tome that beautiful smile. This is the r3ason they dress her 8n terrible clothes because she looks like her daughter sister.seeing her like this so good. And kd and bl cast for trp. Pranbir did all.by themselves from begning there acting and chemistry was awesome.
Those who believe that Pranbir did everything himself… Just remember that they initially came with a ready-made, promoted series, and they did not have to do anything at all in order for people to know about them. Abhigya’s amazing chemistry kept audiences hooked for years. And what did the Rajvis come to? To the ruins. Rvjvi does not have the same support within the series as Pranbir had, which is why the creators rely on outside support.
And the 1 who ruined everything is still captain of the ship.
Abrar is a popular actor morethan sharbir so he didn’t need any support from outside,most of audience are watching generations 3 just because of abrar if not him I don’t know what will happen,so please stop saying Rajvi need support from outside
Really before abhigya exited Pranbir had already established themselves and there wasn’t need of extra promotion for Pranbir whereas Rajvi on the other hand more time goes into spending on promotion rather than focusing on the story.
Anna you will never change your hatred will always be there you are so insecure do we comment about your rajvi when you comment about them no matter what you say even makers know about Pranbir popularity
I don’t want to go into too much argument here,but the way ekta casted siriti and sharbir is thesame way she casted rachi and abrar,if we’re talking about chemistry of abhigya that make the audience stay for years then I don’t think ekta should have take a generation leap the makers should have continued with abhigya but it’s not like this look now we’re in generation 3 which means makers and ekta didn’t care about abhigya,they want there show to become a long running show so for them every actor can pass the chemistry,I’m tired of seeing this comparison here be it abhigya or pranbir
Quick question where is Poorvi going to go after Rajvi has separations Pranbir would exit I suppose so who would she go to
A stranger might end up helping her or tondon’s
(tondon’s might still be around)..
She probably wont go to Tandons as Bua will side with Khushi.
Wherever she goes, she will come back in RVs life being rich.
Abrar is a popular actor morethan sharbir
Best joke