Kumkum Bhagya 18th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Inspector telling that he has to talk to Commissioner. He calls him. Commissioner asks if they killed someone. Inspector says not yet, there is no guarantee that they will not kill anyone. He tells that more terrorists have come now. Commissioner says what help you need, you can’t talk to CM right now, as meeting is still on. Inspector says he needs permission to start the mission, and wants more team. Commissioner gives him permission.
RV and Poorvi keep the ex military officer in the cupboard. Harleen, Harman and others ask how we will see RV now. Dushyant says until Anthony reaches RV, we can’t see him. Vikrant says there is another agent, and we can see RV when he reaches him. Poorvi asks RV where are we going? He says shopping. She says we are in bad situation. RV blames Poorvi and says he is in danger because of her. Poorvi asks why did he come here with Monisha and asks him to blame her. RV says Monisha’s Papa sent men to save me, and asks her to go and bring her father. Poorvi turns and sees Ranbir coming there and hiding just as the terrorists come. RV hides with Poorvi. The terrorists are about to see Ranbir, but Poorvi distracts them and runs from there. The terrorists run behind her. RV and Ranbir run together for Poorvi. More terrorists come there.
Monisha is walking and recalls RV caring for Poorvi. Deepika comes there and asks if she is thinking about RV-Poorvi. Monisha says she is not bothered and don’t get effected by Poorvi. Vaishali and others come there.
Ranbir tells RV that he has come to rescue Poorvi. RV says who does this to save someone. Ranbir says Poorvi is my daughter and I can do anything for her. RV says but who risks life for others. Ranbir says I do, and she is my daughter and I can risk my life thousand times to save her. He tells RV that Poorvi came here to save him, as she loves him very much. He says he has to be good with him and his family because of Poorvi. RV says you are not that bad. Ranbir says I am bad for you. Later Anthony comes to RV.
Harleen and others see the lady’s interview who was sent outside by RV and she tells that the condition inside is very bad, and she was saved by the Messaih RV. She hopes everyone gets rescued. Harleen panics, and says my RV is with the terrorists. Everyone asks her not to worry. Monisha says Dad’s men are trying to bring RV out. Harleen says I want my son back. Dushyant says my men is inside, they will reach RV and asks her to have patience.
Anthony stops RV. He gets a call. RV says you have a network. Anthony says we know the special trick. He attends Dushyant’s call, and tells him that RV is with him. Harleen says I want to talk to my son. RV talks to her and says he is fine. Harleen asks him to come out to her. RV says he will come. Harleen feels unwell. Harman says I will take her to other room.
Anthony asks RV to come to this side. RV says Poorvi went that side. Anthony says we got assignment to save just you and we can’t save Poorvi. He asks RV to come with him. RV looks on.
The terrorist sees the couple and is about to shoot them, but Poorvi throws a box on his head, and the couple manages to run. The terrorist runs behind Poorvi. Poorvi runs.
RV tells Anthony that he don’t need his suggestion. He tells him that they shall save Poorvi and other hostages. Anthony asks what you are saying, you want to save everyone. The Police force get ready to attack the terrorist. The Inspector asks his force to kill the terrorist if they try to harm the hostages. He then calls Terrorist and warns him to leave all the hostages. The terrorist refuses. He ends the call.
RV hears the terrorists telling others terrorists that he will kill the fake Nurse, that Poorvi. RV says he has to save Poorvi. Anthony says you will be killed if you go to save that girl. RV says that girl Poorvi is my wife. Ranbir hears them.
Precap: Anthony tells Dushyant that RV don’t want to come out without Poorvi and that’s why he is ending this mission here, as they had come to save RV and not Poorvi. Poorvi runs and falls on RV. The terrorist run towards them and falls down.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
In previous episodes liked purvi treating RV wound it was so cute to see it seems like seeing their old episodes before marriage.
I think RV will start to having feeling for Purvi and outgoes Monisha
I loved RV’s concern for Purvi and his refusal to leave without her,Only Rajvi , Rajvi is best

PRANBIR in alternate universe

Now purvi will sCe kk and rv as they will be hostage in a room ..prachi is not there only purvi
Save rv and kk..prachi is not there at hotel she is at home..kushi stopped bua to tell prachi about attack as she may get worried
Useless trashu sitting on her fat ass dreaming ranbir to touch her disgusting woman she is she doesn’t care about her husband

Cheap lady only cares about watching tv
Rkk how much shameless you are your parents doens’t teach you about self respect
Don’t worry duplicate rkk mugdha is leaving the show new prachi will come I read comments in YouTube

RISHMI’s about to happen misunderstanding is so much logical and well placed
1) Lakshmi already has trust issues with Rishi
2) Malishka made Police believe that Rishi had tracker in his phone and he has asked Malishka to inform police about his location
3) Malishka has also asked Police to explicitly thank Rishi that the tracker in his phone helped them locate Lakshmi’s whereabouts
4) So now Lakshmi will think that Rishi deliberately trapped her in his pretense love to separate her from Paro
This all situation is very much realistic and believable. There are no exaggerations and forced plot twists. Lakshmi’s insecurities are very much logical and realistic, but so is Rishi’s love, and Malishka’s cunning got upper hand over both and caused their separation in very believable and acceptable situation. We can’t blame either Rishi or Lakshmi because neither is wrong and both are right in their places.
I just wish that PRANBIR separation was also like this so that we could have sympathized with both of them
Whichever way, as per promo they may again show some silly things till next week the content of the promo is being shown ,But basic flaw I see is drag
J , that is the problem with shows, they want to stick to a given format
I’m watching only because of Abrar
They have now introduced heroines who cant speak,suhaagans show new lead is mute
None of your spoilers or news come true
Go write your tashu book somewhere else
No one cares
Shameless lady you are like your tashu
Kk has a haply life with tashu and jaiswal and prachi has to face all the problems alone and now kk will become guardian of angle for purvi and malhotras..and prachi will be sidelined .For kk nothing had changed. He has jaiswal and he loves purvi .so after face off also nothing is changed for him. He will keep leading his gappy life with his new wife and prachi will keep tackling all the problems alone
Makers not foccusing on them how kk will become angel for purvi still purvi love her mother more than kk prachi always used to talk about abhi with sahana and pragya but purvi never talk about her kk sir with anyone there bond is not that much strong
So where is that guy so called King of Hearts (
as aptly dubbed by JJ) who was singing Operas in Dushyant’s praises:- and vilifying Ranbir based on the same :- that Dushyant is so big hearted that he is trying to save EVERYONE in the hotel??
Dushyant’s so called mercy isn’t even extendable to Purvi who is currently RV’S wife.
It’s dragging too much.it should reveal everything soon. the show become boring.
Today also mugdha not shooting

makers got to know she is not important
Tashu and Prachi both are not shooting.
Malhotras are shooting. Rv kk purvi and today Khushi also not shooting
Didn’t you get tired by sharing fake schedule everyday

schedule didn’t come yet
If mugs does not shoot today then she is not the part of the track ..her scenes which have Been shooted will be removed only of she had shooted
If prachi is not shooting today again then I don’t think she is at hotel..so makers have decided to only use kk not prachi for this track..seriously how can they let a mother doesn’t know about the attack when all are there
schedule didn’t out yet purple dot everyday give fake schedule in morning
I am new in the site so don’t know about fake schedule people.Hope mugs shoot today as some one mentioned rv and kk are kept in a room by terrorist so I wish to see prachi there .
It is so unfair that the good suffers so much before the bad can be found out. all the soaps on zeetv there is so much bad happening. Praying to lord ganesh under pretext and still doing the bad things ,How long has this this feud going on with kumkum bhagya and look why is happening in Bhagya Lakshmi how Malishka even conspires against the little girl, Paro look where the story is going. So not what we would like to see. What are we teaching the viewers – that bad prevails. You writers should revisit the trend and make the world a better place even in the soaps. We need to see positive things too
Rajvi hug

Before marriage and after you got 100000000 rajvi hug what is new. 100000 rv save purvi

Nagpal doesn’t want to show any progression in Rajvi.He doesn’t want to take their story seriously in kkb lead couple sidelines
.What can we do I guess you are pranbir fan coz pranbir got progression even during abhigya era but here he only likes to drag actually he completely fooling rajvi fans so for you it feels like normal scenes since you are a pranbir fan who got to see progression given by Nagpal but for us having revenge, Malhotra fam control and anaconda komo it feels like torture so a hug its special thing.Maybe you see hug just a simple thing but each time their hug seems unique and different it’s not same Each of their hug scenes are so unique and every hug of them are so special and lovely it’s not a normal hug ,the expression that damn good hug their moments and their eye lock during the hug is so special for them 

Nagpal give you all kind of romantic scene of rajvi. So don’t tell that you can’t get anything. Hantaned House sce jungle scene every thing you got which pranbir can’t got.
Will only pranbir fans comes to this site
Well I can’t see any rajvi fans interaction here 
They are are sleeping like……
I am asking do rajvi fans comes to this site or not
.Did Rajvi fans interact in this site before or now.
Ranbir fans comments on this site ,but may be this track is making them angry sp they aren’t commenting. It is normal this track was supposed to be rajvi centric tack..but Instead of rajvi the focus is 9n malhotras and monisha and other things
Yes, they interacted, but due to the marginalization of the heroes on this track&drag, their interaction decreased
You know anything about today’s schedule?
Prachi is not shooting..she didn’t shoot for days .she is not the part of this rack
I guess since they added rk they will put prachi staying away from this track
.So they will add her only at the end of this track waiting outside the hotel 
This track is to make rv realise purvi’ s love..so kk is there to make him realise and also they want yo show malhotras purvi is daughter to kk ..prachi is not needed at all. At this moment purvi only needs kk as he can shut up malhotras and protect purvi. Prachi is useless now .so may be they are going abhira track.kk tashu and purvi as new family and prachi alone
Only in your imagination.
You are mocking that Prachi isn’t in this track. Ranbir was absent for a whole MONTH
It is true pranbir will have abhira fate..kk doesn’t remember prachi at all after face off . He has fallen for tashu unknowingly. He had to accept it and after this track he can also realise his feelings for tashu. But kk doesn’t love prachi at all
Why you are talking about trashu where is she in this track

idiot rkk too much obseesed with prachi everytime talking about her 
you come in this site only to talk about prachi shameless rr
June 19, 2024 at 10:53 am
This track is to make rv realise purvi’ s love..so kk is there to make him realise and also they want yo show malhotras purvi is daughter to kk ..prachi is not needed at all. At this moment purvi only needs kk as he can shut up malhotras and protect purvi. Prachi is useless now .so may be they are going abhira track.kk tashu and purvi as new family and prachi alone
If Nagpal ever goes ABHIRA track then Purvi will get new dad not new mom because just like Abhimanyu there, here Ranbir is in wrong. Not Prachi, so if one of PRANBIR gets sidelined ever, it will be Ranbir after truth revelation as his daughters will refuse to forgive him. In no way will they break their relationship with Prachi
But abhimanyu was not wrong rather it’s writer fault it’s annoying that the most loved character in gen 3 ruhi they demolished her character inorder to make abhira a fl who is daughter of abhinav
.They did injustice to abhir, abhimanyu,ruhi.All the behaviour funny, smiley, sensible were the characters of little ruhi but that was only with Abhira.whenever i see abhira it feels like seeing little ruhi coz many of gen 3 fans imagined grown up ruhi would be like abhira…….Gen 4 is such a toxic both leads seriously so much problem
.They totally destroyed ruhi character and turned her which doesn’t look like little ruhi rather made everyone to hate her.
FLs are the focus point in Bhagya shows. They never get replaced or sidelined. Prachi is the FL of second generation. She will never get sidelined. Ranbir solos like you exist only on social media but Prachi supporters are so called trp aunties. Nagpal will never remove Prachi from importance. If one of PRANBIR has to go then it will be Ranbir not Prachi
Rr yes Khushi purvi will get new dad

Sima”Nagpal give you all kind of romantic scene of rajvi. So don’t tell that you can’t get anything. Hantaned House sce jungle scene every thing you got which pranbir can’t got.”

.I was replying to a person who said Rajvi hug is not new thing RV saving purvi not new but their hug each time feels new and so unique beautiful awesome 

.Also I didn’t say we didn’t get to see any Rajvi scenes it was just still not any proper progression
When did I disagree to it
Yes yes that’s why you rajvi is now world best couple, every week they in barc top 1 jodi, every month they are the number 1 jodi. And the trp with their scene every day increase Tomorrow trp is 2.5 for the romantic rajvi track
How much Zee5 paid to get Pranbir(Younger brother and older sister) Best jodi with Nagpal Best writer

Ranbir is the best father this year, the best joke
Zee5 Shame on you for forgery and cheating to this extent
RR”This track is to make rv realise purvi’ s love..so kk is there to make him realise and also they want yo show malhotras purvi is daughter to kk ..prachi is not needed at all. At this moment purvi only needs kk as he can shut up malhotras and protect purvi.”
but we have to wait till the end who knows this nag can suddenly change his idea 
.Rk started to stand for purvi yesterday he was giving lectures to RV and repeatedly saying Purvi is my daughter 1000000times
Rk and RV scene it was funny though 
FLs are the focus point in Bhagya shows. They never get replaced or sidelined. Prachi is the FL of second generation. She will never get sidelined. Ranbir solos like you exist only on social media but Prachi supporters are so called trp aunties. Nagpal will never remove Prachi from importance. If one of PRANBIR has to go then it will be Ranbir not Prachi
They have removed prachi ..now she won’t be necessary so may be she will leave for some place .this track is prove that prachi is not needed at all in kushi purvi lives. She has raised them ..and now they need their father specially purvi against malhotras so kk tashu purvi will be new family. Kk will be in dad mood. Fans already liking rv kk banters so prachi is no where and will disappear
You stupid idiot
Rajvi fans aren’t liking kk in this track
I hope he dies and one of the terrorist shoots him in the head and Tashu also dies
That way they’ll disappear and Rajvi can have more SS
Sperm donor should also get shoot in his dick right before he dies

Why do you keep saying Tashu Tashu your disappeared nag doesn’t like her so he made her vanish
Like he did with kk during rajvi wedding
Why so much obsessed with prachi what if she shoot today

you don’t have any other work everytime doing prachi prachi idiot shameless rkk dumb rkk mental rr go mental hospital doctor searching you from so many days go there

June 19, 2024 at 11:02 am
It is true pranbir will have abhira fate..kk doesn’t remember prachi at all after face off . He has fallen for tashu unknowingly. He had to accept it and after this track he
can also realise his feelings for
tashu. But kk doesn’t love prachi at all
How dumb are you
Brainless fool
I swear ranbir solos are funny
They don’t know bhagya revolve around FL
So if nag wants he can bring a new ML for prachi
And your stupid clownbir but would disappear
And never return and his trashy trash would also disappear
and prachi new love story would start with the new ML
Brainless pigeons don’t know anything especially this RR
Who keeps barking didn’t Lisa tell you to go buy a brain from the job
You fool
You clearly haven’t I see
Nobody from Malhotra house was going to make RV realise that Purvi loves him, so the only option left was RK.
This FIL SIL scenes are comical.
RK use to take advise from Abhi how to woo his daughter with Abhi just not knowing which daughter.
RK may become a love guru here again helping RV woo his daughter only to get shocked later that its his own blood daughter and start in dad mode comically regretting giving the advise.
This FIL SIL scenes are comical

So JJ you accepted today that now pranbir will be in this show as purvi’s dad and mom and they won’t have their own story.
Where did I say that?
You said kk will start his dad mode after learning purvi is his blood daughter
If pranbir won’t have their own story then why Trishna is brought?
But here kk consider purvi as his daughter and he can give advices to rv but still he will know it is for purvi..I don’t think purvi being his own blood or no matters to him. He believes her to be his daughter so he will be already protected about her . May be now he will start seeing malhotras not a good in laws for purvi and rv not a good match for purvi as he can witness something related to monisha kk on future
Both are idiots
flopal end ranbir character in this track

finish him once and for all
So that the extras also disappear him that came with him
Kill Tashu and her family and this clownbir
End them all in one go
So that the irritating brainless fools like Rkkk and RR
Disappear from here like there fave.
Looks like Prachi won’t be involve in this track which is weird. Her daughter in danger and she doesn’t know while everyone knows.
Stop eyeing over prachi. Go and look enjoy with your idol
June 19, 2024 at 11:44 am
You said kk will start his dad mode after learning purvi is his blood daughter
He can find out Purvi is his blood daughter in 5 years time also.
Yes yes that’s why you rajvi is now world best couple, every week they in barc top 1 jodi, every month they are the number 1 jodi. And the trp with their scene every day increase Tomorrow trp is 2.5 for the romantic rajvi track

June 19, 2024 at 11:50 am
How much Zee5 paid to get Pranbir(Younger brother and older sister) Best jodi with Nagpal Best writer
Ranbir is the best father this year, the best joke
Zee5 Shame on you for forgery and cheating to this extent
Because they are best jodi now stop barking

Best father Ranbir won because he has most votes his fan vote for him 
but he don’t deserve that award but we can’t do anything
The father who left behind his daughters, and the old couple are side characters and guests in the show

So when I say he deserve best father not zee5 fault they told to vote his fans vote for him so he won
pranbir in the show from 5 years so obviously they will won best jodi now also they nominated in ita awards not rajvi you calling them side characters but see side characters are nominated but not leads 

Thanks to Zee5

Ita awards is not of zee5 or zeetv
why they doesn’t nominated leads of kkb in best actor and actress 

his fans vote for him so he won
Really crazy who votes for the worst father
Pranbir giving 5 years of this show. Pranbir highest trp is 2.6 lowest trp is 1.3.
And i if you remember when rajvi came in kumkum bhagya only completing 2 months they got 4 award. That time they got best actors best actress best director awards so how much they pay that time of the award
Those awards are fake no media no hype not any big actors in those awards function
Like Pranbir paid awards

Atleast in this awards big actors come and media also come not like that shivaji award function not any big celebrity not any media