Kumkum Bhagya 21st June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Ranbir tells RV that he want to protect him and that’s why he don’t want him to go. RV asks why you want this, and tells that even her real father can do this. Ranbir says but I will do. Poorvi asks them not to fight. Ranbir goes out of the room and sees the Inspector. Inspector says KK sir you are here. Ranbir says we have to save RV and Poorvi. Inspector comes inside the room and meets RV and Poorvi. He tells that they are rescuing the hostages. They go out behind the Inspector. RV says you had said that you take any step until you are sure. Ranbir says I am not sure yet. The Inspector comes back and asks them to hide, saying the terrorists are coming. They are still standing. The terrorist comes there and starts firing. Inspector and the constable fires at the terrorists. Ranbir also fires at them. Poorvi is shocked. RV opens the door and gets inside the room. RV asks Ranbir to come. Ranbir asks him to leave with Poorvi. RV says we will not go without you. Poorvi shouts come back to me, Papa. Ranbir gets emotional and gets up. He gets up, continues to fire and reaches Poorvi. Poorvi hugs him and cries. She asks if he is fine. Ranbir says he is fine. Danny comes there and aims gun at Ranbir. He asks the terrorists to stop firing. The terrorist asks Inspector to go back from where he has come and don’t dare to come again. Inspector says we will leave, but please don’t kill any hostages. They leave. The terrorist tells that he will kill fake Nurse and will do something different with her. RV comes infront of Poorvi.
A lady comes there and asks the Police officers what they are doing. The lady constable asks her to support them and let them do their work. The rescued hostages thank the Inspector for saving them. Diya asks Inspector what is he doing to save them. Monisha also asks them. The Inspector asks them to let them do their work and says they have to do proper planning, but rather than that they are being interrupted by the family members of the hostages. They are brought to the lobby of the hotel. Poorvi says everyone is here. The terrorist says nobody shall show any smartness. He asks Ranbir and others to go. RV and Ranbir ask Poorvi to come. The terrorist asks another Terrorist Ajju to take only RV and Ranbir and not Poorvi. Ranbir says we will be here silently. He asks Poorvi not to be afraid. They are taken by the terrorists to the room. The terrorist asks Poorvi to sit silently. Khushi comes there and tells that she didn’t see the news as she was in the party with Armaan, and asks Diya why she didn’t call her. Vishaka tells her everything and says they just want to save RV, when they haven’t come out. She says she will call Armaan. Vaishali stops Khushi and says you know me, but I know very well. She asks her to stay away from them. Khushi asks if this is your house, and says you can’t stop me. She says I came here for my sister and you don’t know what I can do. She goes. Monisha and Deepika come there. Vaishali says she was Khushi and asks them to ignore her. Monisha asks Deepika if Khushi came for RV. Deepika says RV hates Khushi, and that she is past now. Monisha says she can’t take any chances with RV.
Precap: The terrorist ties bomb to Poorvi’s body. Another terrorist comes out with a hostage and asks the media to come inside and cover the news. The reporters go inside. Ranbir and RV get up to save her, but the terrorist stop them.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
The good thing about kkb is that even if you miss a week or two of the episodes, you can simply catch up on the latest episodes.Without missing anything because the story didn’t move an inch
lol true!!!
Now tomorrow reporters will record live ..and no one will see kk on tv and even prachi won’t see tv but tashu will come after seeing tv ..seriously
How bua knows about terrorist attack
she didn’t told anyone in her home
Some mental producer with mental writers. Need to go to mills & boons for these plots. I bet you will find it there. Really mind boggling story line and can make us go to therapy if we keep watching. Lol
Inspector didn’t utter a word against KK, a civilian going inside the hotel without permission.
This terrorist drama should end soon.no more dragging fed up,The suspense effect will be lost with the dragging
I agree ,Dragging That is the simple reason the show won’t increase its rating
Someone said that prachi’s character is on hold . She won’t shoot more. So now end game can be kk tashu
There is no need to keep the character on hold unless Mugdha is on leave and obviously Prachi’s character will be needed to keep on hold until Mugdha isn’t ready to come back.
Which also means that Mugdha hasn’t left. Because character isn’t affected by actors. If an actor leaves, they are replaced and character goes on.
Prachi’s character is most important in 2nd generation, not only as FL of 2nd generation but also mother of 3rd generation FL. Prachi’s character will never be replaced or completely terminated. Tashu will never replace Prachi in ANY way.
mugs will shoot in July so you stop dreaming go to mental hospital doctor waiting for you

Mugdha has stopped posting about pranbir. Prachi’s character will be finished by giving her responsibilities to tashu kk..you will see in upcoming. Prachi is not going to come back
Are you mental

go to mental hospital from how many IDs you will come
One side you said prachi character will end by giving responsibility to tashu kk other side you say prachi is not going to come back if prachi will not come how she will give responsibility to tashu kk
please use your brain when you write illogical comments 

Kk tashu scene of consoling kk will clear your doubt that how much she is worried about her step daughter and her husband and the real mother is not going to come..so they want to increase bond between kk tashu and rajvi ..so fans accept them .3rd gen don’t care about pranbir
3rd generation care even less about Trashu
For them doesn’t matter who kk is with ..with prachi or ranbir so if they show kk tashu and remove prachi no one cares as it doesn’t impact story of 3rd gen..however kk being shield of purvi against malhotra will be loved by 3rd gen
Did you see trp without trashu trp increased

whenever trashu didn’t come trp always increases 
and you think makers will make her fl 
when in July mugs will shoot than you will know 

did you see Manpreet ashok and Divya in show
makers remove them also 

So u mean your brain didn’t tell you anything or send any signals when you were typing such nonsense?

The episodes were full of bullshit,I lost all interest in the show
I accept since it’s revenge story Purvi made so innocent infront of RV as she always needs support from her husband but what about infront of Ranbir
lol are they showing 5years purvi been taken care by 35 years dad Ranbir.This is a total nonsense 

Finally we are nearing the end of the terrorist track. The next one is Diya’s wedding, right?
I don’t like purvi character
Why makers making her dumb infront of all
. Shouldn’t fl be strong and bold everyone in this show is protrayed strong atleast even making diya to be brave again gutterhotras
The role of silly damsel in distress is hereditary among the Arora

Seen all the Indian shows, it’s all the Indian girls who are damsels in distress and the guys are heroes with fists of steel
You’re just a macho guy
That’s why his name is MACHO Viraj Dobriyal
.They are making all the females except her strong and what will she do if they make her alone weak while diya khushi prachi Malhotra clans even tashu they are atleast not weak.Worst mentality of these makers are letting them to make fl weak while all having well brave character.
22 juin 2024 at 00h33
“Tashu will never replace Prachi in any way.”
With Nagpal everything is possible. Already with Karan from Kundali Bhagya, he had him replaced despite his importance in the plot when he could have invented a story to put the character on hold during Dheeraj’s maternity leave
Yeah but Shakti knew how to play the character of Karan well. Could this be the case with the new Prachi?
No one can replace Prachi. Same for Pragya. These characters are too important to replace. We have already seen that it was a disaster with Rhea’s character changing three times and Alia changing to the face of an old witch. No, but Nagpal did well to get rid of this character. Do you realize that it was the last of the G1 to stay this long and stuff the series with filler episodes? I am very happy that this time, only Pranbir remains as G2 representative. Once dead, we can say goodbye to them for good.
Shanya it’s mistake of shitty writer Flopal.Its disgusting when they protray fl weak everytime infront of everyone
.In Twitter this Flopal giving great ideas to Rose a great troller of Rachi
Did you see what those two calling khushi has prachi and pragya elements
That was only one person a pranbir fan
That rose is just a rachi hater
Even Prachi used to be protrayed weak before abhigya exit from the show
Nice elements visible 
They are meaning it since she was shown strong infront of Malhotras obviously she will since she everything also its only makers ultimately weakened purvi character even I can’t see her being crying backing up for everything even infront of Mongorilla she is a mute
Lisa that’s the reason why I don’t like weak purvi
they are only making he dumb
Can’t tolerate more
She needing support infront of RV agree but the problem is
She is mute infront of Circus family
She says all her plan beforehand to Monkeysha who will
She protrayed weak inorder to lift up her sister khushi looking like she needs support from her sister always and khushi will rush and take care of crying sister literally
I was surprised when they gave befitting dialogues to side character like diya while Purvi
Purvi character needs some improvement
Dumb headed Flopal
You made Rajvi fans to hate their own fl

What about RV then
.This shitpal for his obsession went over his mistress made both our leads one lead weak another one celebration love anniversary 

While when terrorist mentioning that they didn’t make RV realising his mistake or feeling guilty or any appropriate dialogues during that time rather they made purvi to say “He is my husband don’t middle in my personal matter I will deal” wth how 
That line is just to stop the matter further now no one will ask also we won’t get any monologue
Flopal protecting Shitsha so much

Lisa …..Flopal giving ideas to haters to hate them more
He is giving what those trollers and haters want thats it and he succeeded completely by making our RV infront of other fandom and haters to question his character while he is such a pure innocent soul 

and purvi it’s worst.
Why Tashu having scenes outside hotel
Just to stop rk going inside the hotel again
For what
Save RV’S life. Ranbir has already said that he will save RV at any cost for Purvi’s sake, so upon learning that RV is still stuck inside, Ranbir will decide to go back to save him and Trashu’s role might be to attempt to stop him
Nagpal might use this opportunity to show beginning of cracks in KK Trashu relationship
So it’s to bring promo content of gen 3 at the same time a new way to gen 2
I hope and wish so, otherwise I see no reason for Tashu’s presence outside the hotel, since we know she isn’t the actual FL so it’s not possible she is been brought to care for Ranbir

King of Hearts
June 22, 2024 at 8:19 am
22 juin 2024 at 00h33
“Tashu will never replace Prachi in any way.”
With Nagpal everything is possible. Already with Karan from Kundali Bhagya, he had him replaced despite his importance in the plot when he could have invented a story to put the character on hold during Dheeraj’s maternity leave
Karan’s character wasn’t replaced, just shown having memory loss which the character itself found out pretty soon. Nagpal, because of Dheeraj’s leave, didn’t terminate Karan’s character altogether and paired Preeta with Rishabh as endgame. Rishabh was just a namesake husband, not Preeta’s new ML. Like that Trishna will never become Ranbir’s new FL because here Ranbir’s importance is even less than Preeta in Kundali. Preeta was independent FL, despite that her original ML wasn’t changed. Here Ranbir is nothing on his own. All his importance is derived from being paired with Prachi the real FL so there is no question of Prachi getting replaced
Anyways I was talking in regards with actor-character. That Rkkk has been blabbering that since supposedly Mugdha is leaving, Prachi’s character will also be removed and Trishna will take Prachi’s place in plot, as Ranbir’s fl and Purvi’s mother. I said this will never happen because this is not how Balaji works. If Mugdha leaves, they will bring in another actress to play Prachi’s character. They will not reassign the role designated to Prachi, to Trishna.
Purvi and Ranbir came out now RV still in the hotel so they are back to promo according to promo RV purvi Mongorilla will be inside so after hearing RV still inside the hotel Ofcourse purvi will go again but Ranbir will also if he learns purvi went inside so to stop Ranbir from going inside again they involved tashu
and tashu is just a private Watch women who specially made to stop rk from going in ……she is crazy fellow
we saw how she stopped rk when purvi fell in Trash wedding venue 
Wow everyone feels she is a watchwomen

So she is a watchwomen

Now the private servant playing private watchwomen

June 22, 2024 at 8:32 am
No one can replace Prachi. Same for Pragya. These characters are too important to replace. We have already seen that it was a disaster with Rhea’s character changing three times and Alia changing to the face of an old witch. No, but Nagpal did well to get rid of this character. Do you realize that it was the last of the G1 to stay this long and stuff the series with filler episodes? I am very happy that this time, only Pranbir remains as G2 representative. Once dead, we can say goodbye to them for good
Might be unpopular choice but I liked Pooja Banerjee as Rhea, best among all 3 Rheas, and I wished that Rhea’s expose should be with Pooja only playing Rhea’s character since hotel incidence was done by Pooja Rhea, so it would be fitting if it’s Pooja’s face as Rhea who got the brunt of expose.
Same with Alia’s character. Considering the actual witch-like that character became, Shikha Singh was too pretty imo to have done all those heneious crimes that Alia did eventually.

Imo Reyhna perfectly fit Alia’s role. I was already used to her doing witche’s role from Manmohini so I was easily able to accept her as new Alia who was actually a witch’s reincarnation

I hope there happens big fight between Ranbir and Trashu over going inside to save Purvi..Trashu fights with him to forbid him from going inside and Ranbir puts her in her proper place and shows that Purvi is much MUCH more important to him than Trashu will ever be
Yes now only purvi is important for him more than Prachi and Tashu.
How come
because of prachi only purvi is important to him as purvi is pranbir’s daughter.If purvi is important to him then prachi will also be as he once loved prachi they will make Ranbir run after prachi when he completely learns about purvi real father
But he don’t know purvi is pranbir’s daughter. For him purvi is Prachi’s daughter with someone else still he cares for purvi because from the beginning he had fatherly bond with purvi.
So it doesn’t matter purvi is Prachi’s daughter or not.
And he thinks Prachi moved on so Prachi us not that much important for him. Right now only purvi is important in his life.
He doesn’t know but the core reason he formed that bond with Purvi is that inexplicable kinship he felt with her since the beginning.
In case you are forgetting, there was a time when he was thinking that Prachi is carrying Siddharth’s child, yet his heart wanted her to be his.
Ranbir will always love Prachi, consciously or unconsciously. That’s the beauty of their love

Let’s not talk about Prachi.
Prachi for Ranbir is like pinned post.
A pinned post always stays at top no matter how many new posts you add. Just like that, Prachi is forever at top for Ranbir. He just stops seeing her there in times of misunderstandings but she is always there
Prachi isn’t actually in competition at all regarding who is the most important person in Ranbir’s life. She is and will always be the first most important person in his life by default. The competition is to sort the importance of other people
They made Ranbir to make RV realise his love atleast a little bit and now using purvi to break trashu and ranbir so called bond
I guess they will use those scenes as fb in upcoming tracks if RV doesn’t realise his love for Purvi in this track.Coz those scenes didn’t make him realise it immediately but his reaction somehow changed…….will see
Till now he is not objecting tashu as he consider his best friend. Everyone knew about how ranbir character, if he finds something related to prachi, he never care about other person.Now ranbir knows purvi is prachi daughter, if tashu is stopping him , she will see other side of ranbir till now which she didn’t see. Already ranbir shouted on her , once after pranbir faceoff happened.observed his change in behaviour
But I don’t want someone to make RV realise his love so I don’t want this track to be let’s at the end no one will be there to make him realise his love so he can realise it at the end of track or in upcoming track by himself
Nagpal’s MLs are always dumb so it will be always like someone else knocking the sense into them, be it love realization or mistake realization.

So what about Ranbir
Did he realise his love with the help of someone
Yep. Pragya made him realize his love for Prachi
Ranbir before pragya help him he already had feelings for prachi, but he was just confused with his feelings. Pragya helped him with confusion erasing fog
. RK knows he feels for prachi something.

Our cutie 
.Yes first he thinking it getting confused but he himself realising that he can’t stop caring for her or can’t Stop controlling his love for purvi will surely make him realise 

.His looks during this track when terrorist dialogue harming purvi the man was literally on fire
he will break the entire world inorder to save purvi 

Ranbir the hero of the episode
seriously kk nailed it
Kk (Krishna Kaul) has all the qualities of being a phenomenon main lead pro at romance and action, both. It’s really unfortunate that Nagpal never actually utilized KRISHDHA’s unbeatable chemistry. PRANBIR fans are so addicted to KRISHDHA that they tolerated the worst of bigamy era just to see KRISHDHA together in same frame. If only Nagpal hadn’t separated PRANBIR during this generation leap in most horrible way and worse, not paired Ranbir AGAIN with another woman then entire PRANBIR fandom would have contributed to trp, even to watch 55+ years old PRANBIR
Exactly…even now if nagpal make his wedding fake and give more ss to pranbir too then definitely trp would increase
Finally today prachi is shooting

Wow finally

I know she will coz after faceoff to give some moments between father and daughter they didn’t give her scenes
but here people with their delusion one saying she is pregnant other one saying she is for new show other one new prachi will come 
Did she reach at hotel?
Yes ranbir prachi ke 2 scene h outside hotel and outside tant with trishna
V you lied about the promo
Fake you wanted your 5 second of attention

June 22, 2024 at 9:30 am
Finally today prachi is shooting
Ritika, Rkkk

Now those people tell she is not mugdha, makers brought some look likes same like mugdha