Kumkum Bhagya 21st June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Ranbir tells RV that he want to protect him and that’s why he don’t want him to go. RV asks why you want this, and tells that even her real father can do this. Ranbir says but I will do. Poorvi asks them not to fight. Ranbir goes out of the room and sees the Inspector. Inspector says KK sir you are here. Ranbir says we have to save RV and Poorvi. Inspector comes inside the room and meets RV and Poorvi. He tells that they are rescuing the hostages. They go out behind the Inspector. RV says you had said that you take any step until you are sure. Ranbir says I am not sure yet. The Inspector comes back and asks them to hide, saying the terrorists are coming. They are still standing. The terrorist comes there and starts firing. Inspector and the constable fires at the terrorists. Ranbir also fires at them. Poorvi is shocked. RV opens the door and gets inside the room. RV asks Ranbir to come. Ranbir asks him to leave with Poorvi. RV says we will not go without you. Poorvi shouts come back to me, Papa. Ranbir gets emotional and gets up. He gets up, continues to fire and reaches Poorvi. Poorvi hugs him and cries. She asks if he is fine. Ranbir says he is fine. Danny comes there and aims gun at Ranbir. He asks the terrorists to stop firing. The terrorist asks Inspector to go back from where he has come and don’t dare to come again. Inspector says we will leave, but please don’t kill any hostages. They leave. The terrorist tells that he will kill fake Nurse and will do something different with her. RV comes infront of Poorvi.
A lady comes there and asks the Police officers what they are doing. The lady constable asks her to support them and let them do their work. The rescued hostages thank the Inspector for saving them. Diya asks Inspector what is he doing to save them. Monisha also asks them. The Inspector asks them to let them do their work and says they have to do proper planning, but rather than that they are being interrupted by the family members of the hostages. They are brought to the lobby of the hotel. Poorvi says everyone is here. The terrorist says nobody shall show any smartness. He asks Ranbir and others to go. RV and Ranbir ask Poorvi to come. The terrorist asks another Terrorist Ajju to take only RV and Ranbir and not Poorvi. Ranbir says we will be here silently. He asks Poorvi not to be afraid. They are taken by the terrorists to the room. The terrorist asks Poorvi to sit silently. Khushi comes there and tells that she didn’t see the news as she was in the party with Armaan, and asks Diya why she didn’t call her. Vishaka tells her everything and says they just want to save RV, when they haven’t come out. She says she will call Armaan. Vaishali stops Khushi and says you know me, but I know very well. She asks her to stay away from them. Khushi asks if this is your house, and says you can’t stop me. She says I came here for my sister and you don’t know what I can do. She goes. Monisha and Deepika come there. Vaishali says she was Khushi and asks them to ignore her. Monisha asks Deepika if Khushi came for RV. Deepika says RV hates Khushi, and that she is past now. Monisha says she can’t take any chances with RV.
Precap: The terrorist ties bomb to Poorvi’s body. Another terrorist comes out with a hostage and asks the media to come inside and cover the news. The reporters go inside. Ranbir and RV get up to save her, but the terrorist stop them.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
June 22, 2024 at 8:29 pm
It hurts you as pranbir fan when you see him like this. He does not know purvi ia his daughter. Still giving big lectures
Nagpal himself doesn’t seem remotely emotionally linked with ANY of his positive characters or leads, hence he doesn’t understand the impact their hypothetical behaviour has on the fans. These obsessive dialogues about Purvi are just to let RV know how deeply KK considers Purvi as his daughter. It’s just a scene in that moment as written by Nagpal, hence Khushi isn’t in picture at all acc to Nagpal
I guess audience/fans confusion of ranbir believing purvi his own daughter will clear once after he face prachi(PoV dialogue). Till now why is repeatedly uttering his daughter dialogue.
Their is no anything confusion here,he just consider her as his daughter that’s all
Why saying she is his daughter and not she is like my daughter
Yeh but he used to tell everyone Poorvi is like his daughter
To Rv to his manager to Tashu but after he knows Poorvi is prachi daughter he changed his words and says my daughter
How dare he takes purvi father position..when he considers prachi has new husband
earlier he used to say purvi is like my daughter but after knowing truth that purvi is prachi daughter he is saying purvi is his daughter when he thinks purvi is prachi daughter with her new husband than how he can say now purvi is his daughter
From precap, looks like Khushi will be shooted.
So khushi went to hospital
Maybe or bullet missed.
All misleading unless we see khushi injured
I doubt it. If we as viewers are made to think like this then definitely Khushi won’t get actually shot. There will be twist. That’s how Nagpal works

Khushi won’t get injured. She will be saved by purvi.
What is achieved by making Khushi injured? Ranbir giving her blood? But Khushi being his daughter is already known to PRANBIR, so what would it achieve by making Ranbir give blood to Khushi?
Nothing, but a small wound can make her leave from there.
June 22, 2024 at 8:54 pm
I guess audience/fans confusion of ranbir believing purvi his own daughter will clear once after he face prachi(PoV dialogue). Till now why is repeatedly uttering his daughter dialogue
After KK entered hotel and 1 of his scenes with RV, I think he mentioned he (KK) has to be nice to RV and his family and RV and KK are going to be relatives soon.
He probably thinks once he woos Prachi again her daughters will accept him as father.
He is married to tashu
So what?
A character having EMA is a basic requirement in Balaji shows.
Purvi is his pathway to approach prachi again
June 22, 2024 at 9:11 pm
From precap, looks like Khushi will be shooted.
In segment purvi IV police officer dragged away khushi from window and saved from terrorist
Didnt see segment
Khushi did not get injured, Poorvi screamed and looks like she dodged the bullet. Poorvi spoke about it in the last SBS segment. Also, Khushi was shooting today.
Where did she get the revolver?

You got any spoiled about today’s pranbir scene which is shot?
You don’t know kk is going to get Tashu pregnant his scene with Tashu is Tashu stopping him as they need to save poorvi
So Tashu promised him to be romantic at home and he promised her to give her a child of her own
I saw the scene of Tashu asking KK for a child.
He brought her a Barbie doll that can pee so that she can change diapers.
She then complained that she wants her belly to also grow and feel pregnancy. He bought her Macdonalds with losts of Pepsi so that atleast her stomach looks like there is a baby and that she can get pregnancy gas feeling.
No jj
Ranbir wants a child from Tashu now he told her they are practicing for one
When Tashu gets pregnant don’t cry like Colin
Kk is bursting to get Tashu pregnant their alone scene is Tashu trying to get Kk to console his desire for prachi
Conceal his desire for Tashu
“RV and kk fight still continued both are kept in separate room and tied to chairs. Kk and RV both blames each other for hiding about their personalities. Kk tells RV he got purvi responsibility as she is my daughter, iam not like other father’s who gets daughter married and leaves them. I will purvi responsibility till my death(which obviously not going to happen).”
Correctly said, he is one of those fathers who abandons their children because their mother does not love him

This time Ranbir actually might end up keeping his promise of being with Purvi till his death because obviously he isn’t going to go away anywhere this time and his next exit will be from this world itself, and as long as he lives, he will around both Purvi and Prachi.
So that means he might actually keep his promise to Purvi
First let prachi accept him now, then he can keep his promise
Rajvi fans would be happy Poorvi gets a younger sister that she can play with

I am amused by RV’s scenes with Ranbir, but all Ranbir’s conversations look so hypocritical… At one time, I really wanted to see Abhi as a possessive father, and to some extent the creators now in Raghbir embody what I wanted to see from Abhi, but in the context throughout the rest of the story it looks much worse than if the creators had then shown what I wanted to see.
The scenes are funny to a certain extent, but as always when taking into account the plots background regarding Ranbirs behaviour with Khushi it does look pathetic.
Ranbir wants a mini Tashu that badly don’t you know
June 22, 2024 at 9:58 pm
No jj
Ranbir wants a child from Tashu now he told her they are practicing for one
When Tashu gets pregnant don’t cry like Colin
So he will leave her also like old dirty laundry? Apperantly its become his habit.
RV-KK scenes are fun to watch because both are on the same level – arrogance
But RV is better than Ranbir Hypocrite:He doesn’t remember his daughter Khushi
The way tandons are with prachi and her daughters,very supportive and love her alot,i fail to understand why they made the character of Aaliyah who is a blood aunty of prachi so cruel to her to the extent to taking her life
Is that true or not
Kind of…..we only got to see rv reaction to those rk dialogue is just to show that RV loves Purvi he gets softened hearing those words.This is what we got but since when Ranbir involved in this track till now it’s moving only for father daughter relationship
I don’t understand why the writer destroys every Rajvi’s track
Let’s see what kk is thinking about prachi now..an accidental mother of his s3cond daughter,who loves her ex or he has his mu cleared
JJ. “The scenes are funny to a certain extent, but as always when taking into account the plots background regarding Ranbirs behavior with Khushi it does look pathetic.”
That’s why I wrote that if Abhi had once been shown as such a possessive father closely watching his son-in-law, it would have been more interesting than in the cases of Ranbir, be it Prachi or Riya. Although Prachi also grew up without him, at least it was not entirely his decision. But unfortunately, both Abhigyas were the opposite – they stopped being completely interested in their daughters after their marriage.