Categories: Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya 22nd June 2024 Written Episode Update: The Terrorists plan to target Poorvi to scare Police

Kumkum Bhagya 22nd June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Deepika telling Monisha that Khushi came here for Poorvi, and not for RV, Khushi and RV are old chapter. Monisha says she don’t trust anybody in RV’s matter. Khushi talks to Armaan. She tells Diya that Armaan told that he will enquire about the officer (Inspector). Ranbir and RV taken inside the room by the terrorists. Ranbir says they will sit here for long time, but he wants his daughter Poorvi here. He offers them much money. RV says even I will give you much money. Danny asks who are we, we are terrorists, if we wanted money then we would have looted the bank. He tells that they want their boss freedom and asks Ajju to tie their hands. Ajju ties them on the chair. Danny asks them to sit quietly. The terrorist leave. Ranbir blames RV and says this happened due

to you. RV says you said that it is safe to go out. Ranbir says I said just because you insisted to go out and we hit the axe on our feet. He asks RV to be silent and says let him think about how to save Poorvi.

The terrorist asks Danny to take a lady hostage out and call Media here. He tells Jaggi that he wants that jacket and asks him to go and bring. Inspector gets worried and thinks they are going to do something bad. Just then the lady constable asks Inspector to see. He comes out. Danny brings the lady hostage out on gun point and asks the Media to come inside who wants to report live news. He assures them that they will not harm Media, but if they try to show any smartness then they know what they can do with them. The Media agrees to go inside. Danny takes them. Khushi tells Inspector that it is a trap. Monisha calls her father. She tells Deepika that she didn’t know how to take out RV.

RV asks Ranbir if he thought something. Ranbir says you know about my qualities and asks do you know that you have the quality to irritate others. RV says my mother tells that I am good and I have many good qualities, and my bad things hide behind it. He asks why you are counting my qualities, I am a married man, and can’t marry if you have any daughter. Ranbir says you are married to my daughter only. RV asks him to forget his daughter as she is his wife now. Ranbir says he will not forget his responsibility and will do it till his last breath. He asks him to be quiet for sometime. He sees the glass bottle and says he needs it. RV misunderstands. Ranbir says he is senior than him and needs bottle to break it so that they can cut the rope. He slides with the chair and gets the bottle with his mouth, and then throws it on the floor to break it. He then falls on the floor and manages to pick the glass piece. He asks RV to help him. RV makes his chair proper. Ranbir asks him to come near him and says he will tie his rope. RV slides towards him.

Danny brings the Media inside. The terrorist asks them to start recording and telecast it when he says. Khushi hears Monisha talking to her father and asking about her relation with RV. Monisha says why shall I tell you. Ranbir frees RV’s hand and asks him to free his hands. RV says he don’t want, but will do it. He opens the rope and frees his hands. They get up to go, when Ajju comes there. Ranbir hits him, but he is uneffected. RV puts cloth on his head and runs out with Ranbir. Ranbir says he is bahubali. Ajju also runs out.

Inspector tells that they are not picking the call. Lady constable says you said CM is in meeting. Inspector says yes. He says how to handle, people are getting angry as their family members are inside. Khushi asks Vishaka and Diya, if Maa knows about this. Vishaka says Prachi’s phone is not working and that’s why she doesn’t know.

The terrorist opens the window and tells Police and the families of the hostages that they have made him angry young man. Inspector says he is going to do something. The other reporters tell that the reporters who has gone inside, has done a mistake. Terrorist says he felt love for Poorvi due to Police, nad says this is the last chance for you. Monisha says what did Poorvi do? Deepika says she will never mend her ways.

The terrorists asks Media to go live. Everyone starts watching the live streaming. The terrorist says Poorvi is here. Monisha says where is my RV? Deepika says Poorvi is here. The terrorist asks Danny to give gift to Police. Danny takes out the bomb jacket. Poorvi is shocked.

Precap: Poorvi is shocked as she is made to stand wearing bomb. Jaggi tells that a girl is coming running. The terrorist asks him to shoot her. Khushi is coming running there. Jaggi shoots at her. Poorvi and others get shocked. span>

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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  • I'm gonna stop watching this bullshit thing.Worst drama

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  • ..
    June 22, 2024 at 11:29 pm
    I don't understand why the writer destroys every Rajvi's track

    You should have been prepared for this based on PRANBIR'S condition...if you weren't, that just shows you don't learn anything from the history.

    Nagpal destroys everything he touches

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    • Kirti? Do you get the meaning of insanity? “Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result”. I watch kkb show over and over again expecting a different ending. I'm no more saner than insane

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    • Yug? 🧐

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      • Yug has also come, only Dada and Dadi are left, they will also come soon

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  • JJ. "The scenes are funny to a certain extent, but as always when taking into account the plots background regarding Ranbirs behavior with Khushi it does look pathetic."

    That’s why I wrote that if Abhi had once been shown as such a possessive father closely watching his son-in-law, it would have been more interesting than in the cases of Ranbir, be it Prachi or Riya. Although Prachi also grew up without him, at least it was not entirely his decision. But unfortunately, both Abhigyas were the opposite - they stopped being completely interested in their daughters after their marriage.

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  • After KK entered hotel and 1 of his scenes with RV, I think he mentioned he (KK) has to be nice to RV and his family and RV and KK are going to be relatives soon.
    He probably thinks once he woos Prachi again her daughters will accept him as father.


    Ofcours he said this as he consider purvi his daughter then he tashu and malhotras will become relative is not wrong to think so . He consider purvi his daughter so he wants to be nice to her family

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    • You needn't involve Trashu into every damn thing. 🥴🥴🥴

      Tashu doesn't have any part in RV and KK becoming relatives.

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  • And every one is safe now so who said tashi will stop kk to go inside or becomes selfish are wrong ..nothing had happened. Kk still consider prachi a cheater who married another man and purvi is prachi and her new husband's daughter and tashu is positive

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    • Where you see everyone safe 🤔🤔rv is still inside hotel 😂😂

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    • Why in everyline saying tashu is positive 😂😂by saying again and again it will not become true 😏😏

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  • Ranbir needs a good kick in his behind need plenty help!

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  • Maybe Yug wanted to impress Diya, hence he went in to save Purvi and become hero in Diya's eyes

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    • So that means we can have Yug-Diya-Soham Triangle, wherein Yug would groomswap Soham and marry Diya? 🧐🧐

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      • Just get rid of Noodle head actor then Diug 🥰🥰🥰

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  • “Ranbir says you are married only to my daughter. RV asks him to forget his daughter as she is his wife now. Ranbir says he will not forget his responsibility and will do it till his last breath ."


    We totally agree. This is the same guy who denied the paternity of his daughter in front of her mother. I can't stand hearing him talk like he really is Purvi's father when he acts like he doesn't care. And why the hell isn’t he talking about Khushi? The way he ignores her, I don't hope he'll run after her the moment she meets him. Because I know how Ranbir is. As long as it is dead in a person's mind, it completely fades from existence. But on the other hand, if we ever catch him alive, the guy will do anything to explain himself even if it means victimizing himself. A real torturer, this Ranbir! 😒

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  • "Khushi asks Vishaka and Diya if Maa knows about it. Vishaka says Prachi's phone is not working and that's why she doesn't know."
    The good excuse. At the start of the terrorist attack, she was among the first to learn that RV was trapped at the hotel. And there the writers tell us that she doesn't know because, I quote, her phone doesn't work. But otherwise, can we know how Vishaka learned the news and not her? Aren't they supposed to live in the same house? And doesn't television work to follow the news on the terrorist attack live? It's just pathetic the bullshit Nagpal writes

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    • For Prachi it's because her phone doesn't work that she didn't know anything about the attack. Even if it seems improbable we can admit it, but as for Ashok and Manpreet? Don't tell me their phones are broken too.

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      • 😂😂😂😂😂

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      • 😂😂😂

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    • Wait a minute, we are talking about the same phone with which Prachi spoke with Purvi when the latter was at the restaurant with Diya. The writers aren't making fun of us by chance?

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