Categories: Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya 25th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Maddy refuses to leave Poorvi

Kumkum Bhagya 25th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Ranbir asking CM to come inside with him. CM refuses. Ranbir tells him that her daughter is inside. He asks terrorist to give the gun. RV asks Maddy to leave her, and whatever he wants to do, do with him. Maddy says you are scared as she will die anyhow. RV insists. Maddy refuses. Ranbir and the terrorist take CM inside. Maddy asks him to take CM to Police and make him talk to him from there.

Harleen sees Khushi and gets angry. Khushi says you want your son to be saved and not my sister. Harleen says you are inauspicious for us, and asks her to leave from there. Khushi says this is not your house. Harleen says you are saying as if you haven’t left my house and says we saw the hell because of you, we don’t like your face, you are a curse. She says my son wanted

to marry you, and we had come on the road because of you. Khushi asks when you will forget it. Harleen says never. Khushi says she will not go from here.

Monisha goes behind Khushi and asks her if she will do what she said. Khushi says I will not do anything which will harm Poorvi, but will do anything to save her. She goes. Vaishali comes there and asks Harleen what she was talking to her. Harleen says she was scolding her. Vaishali says they are curse for us.

Senior Police officer calls Inspector and asks him to arrest KK for kidnapping CM. Inspector says what did he do? Ranbir brings CM there with terrorist. The constables aim gun at the terrorist. Inspector says nobody will do anything. CM says they have kidnapped me. Inspector says if we kill terrorist here, then they will kill the hostages there. He takes Ranbir to side and tells that he got orders of his arrest, but he will not arrest him now, but have to arrest him once the matter settles. Ranbir thanks him. CM tells Inspector that he is doing wrong with him. Inspector says he is doing what he shall do, he is saving the people who are suffering. He says you came very late, and should have come long back. Tashu comes there and asks Ranbir, why did he do this, his career, name etc will be ruined. Ranbir tells that once Poorvi is saved, he will issue his statement that whatever he did was his decision solely. She says Poorvi is his daughter and he will do anything to save her. The terrorist Maddy connects with the people standing out and tells that he will show the real terror to them, and shows the bomb timer to make them panic and horrified. He says if his boss is not freed and brought there, then he will blast Poorvi.

Ranbir asks CM to talk to Maddy and says my daughter will be killed. RV tells that Poorvi didn’t have water since morning and asks them to give water. Khushi says he is doing show off. Ranbir, Tashu, RV’s family and others listen. Maddy threatens to kill RV before the big blast. CM talks to Maddy. Maddy says CM Saheb, if you wouldn’t have run from here, then this wouldn’t have happened. CM asks him to leave Poorvi and diffuse the bomb. Ranbir tells Maddy that he is sending water and asks him to give water to Poorvi. Khushi says atleast someone cares for Poorvi. Diya says he is KK. Maddy says he is not his Servant and will not listen just because he brought CM. Maddy asks them to see what happens now. Just then the smoke bomb is released there, must be my Yug. Yug calls RV and says he has come with his supersmart friend to save him. RV holds Poorvi’s hand and runs, the terrorists and people are couldn’t see due to the smoke.

Prachi worries for Poorvi and Diya, and says they are not picking the call. Divya says everything will be fine, and asks her to check the phone. Once she switches on the phone, she gets news notification, and gets shocked.

Precap: RV, Poorvi, Yug and his friend are in the room. Poorvi asks if she can trust him. RV says yes. Yug’s friend tells that they need the remote. RV says he will presses the button and presses it.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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  • No but Prachi, you really disappoint me. For now you are still the FL of this show and you are the last to know about this great drama. The writers want to make you so useless that it seems to work well. I don't know why but I didn't even seem touched by your concern when you heard the news. When I think that even Tashu was one step ahead of you. By the time you get to the hotel, it will all be over eventually

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    • Her phone not working earlier that's why she don't know about terrorist attack

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    • I can often stay an entire weeks without watching the news on my television ; just open apps like Netflix ; Zee..... So basically if there is something going on I may catch it up rather on Social media than on YV

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  • This show has given the term “creative liberty” a whole new definition…it’s THAT embarrassing and cringe. And a joke!!! 🤣🤣🤣


    Any Tom Dick and Harry like KK, Yug, his friend, and those useless agents can enter the hotel through the back door BUT none of the hostages can leave secretly? LMFAOOOO. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


    It’s SO obvious they’re dragging the track just for the sake of it. There’s no head nor tail to this. Next up - hangman. 😂

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    • Next up - hangman. 😂

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  • Didi do you watch the episodes or do you just ramble like the rest of the trolls tell me.
    It’s like you think whatever you say it’s true and whenever someone tries to correct you ,you don’t listen.
    and form conclusions without understanding the scenes or dialogue and even characters

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  • Namrata
    June 24, 2024 at 9:43 am
    Only 3rd generation shooting
    No prachi no kk
    June 25, 2024 at 9:17 am
    Kk prachi trishna CM has 2 scene in the tent harleen is also there
    Prachi trishna bua divya diya and rv family has 3 scene out side of the hotel
    June 25, 2024 at 7:32 pm
    Pranbir fans why are you supporting for flopvi🤣.It's truth that they don't have any fans.One people or two people is not called as fans 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


    At first she was showing a shooting schedule, now she's attacking Rajvi
    You Namrata always come from different ids every day by attacking Rajvi unnecessarily,It's that brainless Namrata who spoils the site why are you triggering Rajvi fans.I've never seen a more unintelligent person than her. She forgot change ID

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    • Watch this icon carefully.
      Yes I am a pranbir fan.
      But i cant say anything about rajvi

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      • Barking dog🤣🤣🤣Jealousy at its highest level. Rajvi Heroes of the Show.

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        • Nonsense fans and their nonsense talk😂😂😂

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          • Rajvi in the montage and the truth won't be changed by your barking.🤡🤡Except for crying on the site, what else can you do 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

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          • Jealous souls crying in a corner. keep burning 😂😂😂

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    • That's why pranbir fans can't except rajvi because at first i can't say anything about your rajvi

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  • Imagine a scenario
    When Prachi is scolding CM, he gets irritated and instinctively calls her Chikchiki and Ranbir hears it...what will he think?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Might be he will get jealous. Or might be he will think that CM and Prachi are having affair and that's why she is scolding him with such authority and he called her so informally. 🤣🤣

    Who knows, Ranbir might think that CM is the man Prachi moved on with years ago; Purvi's real father

    Imagine if cm calls prachi kk's wife in front of tashu. Because kk kidnapped him foe his daughter and prachi scolding him for her daughter😉

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    • The first part is Colin's message

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  • Wow today episode the love and trust between kk and tashu their eye lock kk wiping tashu tears
    and hugging her and holding her tightly 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
    Kk loves Tashu so much

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    • Which lens you use and watch the episode 🤮🤮when did kk hug her... shameless appy fan always spreading nonsense

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    • New rkk come now 😴😴😴how many rkkkk will come in this site 🤔🤔

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  • Namrata just because you share the schedule they're targeting you...they did with everyone first piya, green dot, Vedika, Dante and now you.. kindly just ignore them

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    • So this is your second id,Namrata You have many ids 😂😂😂

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  • Namrata
    June 25, 2024 at 10:33 pm
    That's why pranbir fans can't except rajvi because at first i can't say anything about your rajvi
    They are a bunch of hypocrites that speak about everyone and when their own favourites weakness are mentioned they mention revenge plot. Its a easy excuse when everyone in the world except bats has already seen the story is no longer about revenge. Its about a confused man and desperate wife.

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  • "
    June 25, 2024 at 10:50 pm
    New rkk come now 😴😴😴how many rkkkk will come in this site 🤔🤔

    These Rkks are like vamps for Ranbir. They just keep coming one after another

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  • I saw the episode you didn’t see it or what
    Ranbir and Tashu love moment
    Ranbir loves Tashu too much
    He won’t let anything happen to her

    You didn’t see how he was caring for Tashu

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    • Looks like you watch different kkb that telecast on different planet.

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