Kumkum Bhagya 26th February 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with RV thinking that the family is strange, one sister left him on the mandap and the other one is sitting for the alliance on her pagphera day. He thinks he shall not think all this, it is good that everything ended. He recalls Dadi’s words seeing his call on his mobile. He goes to the office. Later he scolds the employee, just then he gets a call from Khushi. He picks the call. Khushi asks where is he? RV says if you have right to ask about me and says he is RV. She says you can’t be Rajvansh as he was different and can’t be like RV. RV tells her that he has changed and doesn’t care for anyone’s feelings now. He asks her to keep her sister at home all life and says he doesn’t really care. Khushi says your face and blood were dried, when the groom’s family had come. RV asks her not to tell nonsense. She says she wants to meet him for the important work. She thinks she will reach him whereever he is. She says once guests leave, I will come to meet you.
The groom’s mother says the relation was destined to happen with this house, but the girl is Diya instead of Poorvi. Prachi says RV is good. Manpreet says her destiny had RV in her life. Soham’s father tells that Soham works with both RV and Armaan. Soham’s mother tells that they attended Poorvi’s marriage and liked Diya there, and sees same value in her also. Poorvi sees Diya and Soham exchanging messages. Diya drops her phone. Poorvi picks the phone and reads their message. Diya says he told me I love you first and then I told him. Soham’s father tells that they were skeptical if Soham will like Diya or not, but last night we read their message surprisingly. Vishaka and others tease her. Diya says it was love at first sight. Soham’s mother says we would have wait till Poorvi’s pagphera rasam happens, but has to go.
RV thinks of Poorvi in his office. Monisha comes there and hugs him. She says she got his thoughts and thought if he went to Poorvi. He asks why? Monisha says your Dada and Dadi like her a lot and had told Deepika, who told her. She gets her friend’s call and talks to her. She tells RV that now she can go for shopping, as he is here and it is her love’s victory, and says I hope your love is truthful like my love. Khushi comes there and tells the receptionist that she wants to meet RV. Receptionist tells that RV is busy in personal meeting. Khushi says even she came for personal meeting and says you don’t know who I am. She goes and collides with Monisha. Monisha and Khushi cross the path, but don’t see each other. Poorvi teases Diya for her love at first sight. Diya asks her not to tease her. Prachi comes there. Poorvi complains to Prachi about Diya. Prachi hugs her.
Khushi comes to RV and tells that he didn’t dare to come inside seeing Soham and his parents. He says even he saw her looking at him. Khushi tells that she was tortured thinking he got her kidnapped and her family was tortured. He says it is good. She tells that he didn’t care to come inside, and she felt good. She warns him and tells that she will ruin him this time.
Precap: RV tells Khushi that he would have come to her house. Khushi gives him divorce papers and asks him to sign and send it home. He tears it and says you will repent much.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
Nothing good in todays SBB,SBS segment only Purvi return To Rv’s House ,and Harleen’s shock this week is gonna be more irritate us.Harleen is the type of mother in law which is discussing Allah does not give a mother in law like her
They should kill off prachi and ranbir as their story has no scope and they deserve an ending, whether its good or bad is upto the makers.
Enough of dragging , Now it seems really impossible even to follow on written updates If we have to wait 1 year for a interesting twist then I think we can leave this show and come back just to watch Monisha and Deepika(RV’s family )are planning against Purvi ?
i completely agree with you.This is MADNESS!
I feel bad for poorvi I wish best luck for her
what is the point of hiding the truth from purvi even now? The best sister Khushi
During these days and in upcoming days, we will cry with rajvi so much ,waste of watching they will drag again,It’s time to take a break
New precap
Society people warn Tondons that if RV doesn’t come by 4 to take Purvi, they will have to ask for forgiveness by falling in their feet and also leave the society.
Everyone is sitting tensed. Khushi says she doesn’t think he will come. Just then RV calls out to Khushi that is she talking about him. Everyone looks at the door. RV is standing at the door
There is a chance RV is behind those ladies behaviour in precap.
I feel it’s not bhagya which brought together rajvi pair, it’s society forcefully made pair.
meaning less storyline.
Pair should have a natural bonding not like forced one
Ekta. learn to be creative. Your IQ seems to be very low, Well said Kt these shows
suppose to be entertaining and not irritating. When would the people of India rise from this lowly way of life. Looking at this show does not show any lessons to be learnt in a positive way and also in this case evil triumph over good. DISGUSTING
Ekta.you are degrading the Indian people of your country. Stop living in the past you are doing alot of crap now. Get real. When you write a story line it must
look real not something stupid . Sorry to say but the Indians here are far more billiant and intelligent.
I don’t understand why they give so much importance to society people in shows. Who are they to throw purvi and her family out of the colony? What do they have to do with purvi
? In reality neighbors don’t interfere so much in other’s life and don’t behave like this especially in cities. I mean even if rv has left purvi why do her family need to apologize to the neighbors. They are not God
. In reality nobody can throw someone out of their own house. ITV shows makers really need to raise their standards. No wonder why people make memes out of ITV serials.
Disgusting precap,What else to expect other than another dragging episode
Bhagya shows have became a piece of crap. There is no proper story line and filler episodes. I don’t understand why they are introducing a third wheel in Pranbir’ s life when they have grown old and are parents of 2 married daughters. There are not 2 but 3 women in Rv’s life
. In KDB, nidhi is still after karan who has gone undergone plastic surgery twice and has never even looked at her in 20 years
. In BL, after leap they have introduced 2 people who want to marry lakshmi and 1 person falls in love with her after talking with her for just 2 minutes and decides to marry her. Holy shit

When Gurpreet comes please don’t attack or be mean to her. Don’t be that fandom that will hate on every girl that comes in for Ranbir/Krishna. Aafreen even got some hate too but look how nice she is. She used to give content of Pranbir and never promoted with him unlike Ms Philip. And Gurpreet is also married
And I hope she’s here for a short time because I want Pranbir to die and edit this damn show.
If she will post with krishna than this fandom will bash her

Day by day the story becoming unbearable.I used to love rajvi but now feeling disappointed I am watching for them but , They don’t exist.?I had zero expectations for
Kk is kissing appy

stop giving wrong information
Tell to your appy to stop posting stories from krishna id she wants to become good in front of pranbir fans so she is not posting from her id but posting from kk id
but everyone knows who uses
this emoji kk never uses this emoji he use that hug wala emoji which he has use in birthday wish for sriti or sometimes didnt use appy in her every story use
this one and now kk story also appy favourite emoji
Yes you are right why doesn’t this fandom ignore her she is not that much important she post from other phones what she thinks fans will not know who is posting she wants fans to hate kk that’s why posting from his account nevermind everyone knows who is posting those stories by using
this emoji

kk will never understand that she wants his fans to hate him that’s why doing all this things
I can tolerate the dragging if Writer can at least improve on Rv intelligence just a little and show logic and sensibility to the flow of the storyline. Its so hard to digest when the dragging becomes so unrealistic and the flow of story loses its direction. Jus so sad as KKB really has alot of potential ,especially with the cast they have.
Nothing in this episode,what the hell is happening.Today also dragging
I’m waiting for RV to finally pick up Purvi, but he still won’t get to her

But I’m sorry that RV will again act as a savior… I hope that for Purvi to return with him it will be a purely necessary measure, and not so that she will melt in front of him again…
Rv keh do ke poorvi se pyar hai
Jaldi se poorvi rv ko ek kro Super jodi rv poorvi

Because of appy everyone started bashing krishna in his comment section his fault why he has given his mobile to appy she is not posting from her id want to become good in front of fans

again started tagging his family members immature fans what is the fault of his family

cant bash him from her own id want to become good in front of kk
Kaulmelove is kk fan but bashing kk from some other id
Fans should stay from his personal life basically. If something hurts them they should unfollow him rather than giving gyaan.
Yes and they should taggimg his family members
*Stop tagging
Was watching kmtm and the Arjit and Sriti kill those scenes storyline is good as well compared to kkb gen 3 there is no comparison Nagpal is writing is getting terrible. All the older actors are doing so well .that is why I want Mugdha and Krishna to leave and get other projects they are wasted in kkb. As for Krishna and Appy seems as if they are promoting the resort and restaurants kkb needs to go offair .even kd is dragging the same storyline for months now .at least bl is okay now but for how long Nagpal will destroy that storyline to .look at kmtm has romance a bit of comedy and good storyline
I hope they leave soon. Knowing muggs unfollowed zee tv. I think they leave
She unfollow zee tv only because of zra I don’t think she has any problem from show storyline
even sriti didn’t follow zee still she is working in zee tv show
Earlier I thought maybe it’s fake news but it’s confirmed now
There is not any need ofvillian in pranbir story you can show there story without any villian also in a show half of the characters is villian
why to add one more villian in a show
At least it’s openly a negative character
In starting it’s positive
I don’t remember character name when pragya came back as business woman after 2 years leap. Just same like man was trying to get some property from pragya and locked both abhi and pragya in cold storage I guess this girl story can also be same related to business.
If makers shows love angle to ranbir/pranbir story then rajvi pair won’t be in limelight. I don’t think so character who plays RV will be satisfied with storyline when they are not in limelight.
In yesterday segment character purvi IV said she is wishing for strong role in further tracks. What’s on your opinion? Do really she gets strong role? I don’t think she will get strong enough of role already khushi, monisha are more strong and drama creators. Purvi can be only for sympathies character.
When is the shooting for Pranbir starting Krishna still in holiday and new girl not shooting yet.i cannot wait because I know they will end pranbir soon.i cannot understand if they are leaving why a new antagonist. Both girls are married so what story are they gonna give them.Unless Prachi goes back to work because Diya is also getting married. What a mixed up storyline. You know the odd times I watch only when Prachis scenes and RV and is family I can never connect with them so many of them I do not even know who is who in that family . So many actors and no hype with them .Even rajvi all there scenes are bland . I cannot beleive thar Abrar was so charismatic in yhc it just boggles the mind
Can you shut up instead of behaving like Anna who each time provoke a war with 2nd gen you eachtime provoke a war with the 3rd gen fans and start crying when they say something in return.
Why you everytime say against rajvi than there fans will start fight

I also don’t like rajvi that doesn’t mean I will say here against them there fans will feel bad
Rajvi family so boring to me don’t know pallavi carried her role well noone matches with her basically. Pallavi rk combination mother son duo made us feel emotions
Kushi and rajvi scenes are bearable kushi is like Prachi when she came back after 1 month and when she saw Ranbir marry Rhea. I want that Prachi back before she leaves
We seen bold prachi. Now it’s time for prachi make ranbir believe in love at last phase.
Pat pillay. With all my love for Sriti, now KKB is much better and more interesting than where she is filming. So, apart from Sriti, there is nothing to look at at all, but KKB has more good actors, excellent chemistry and an interesting plot.
Pat pillay. With all my love for Sriti, now KKB is much better and more interesting than where she is filming. So, apart from Sriti, there is nothing to look at at all, but KKB has more good actors, excellent chemistry and an interesting plot.
? A lot of people are criticizing the current storyline of kkb which is justified because the show has become unbearable to watch. The current plot is so complicated and annoying at the same time. Rajvi don’t have spark or charm that abhigya and pranbir had. As far as KTMMG is concerned, it is far better than KKB and people are loving Amvira pair. I thought you love abhigya but no you just love rajvi and generation 3
Excellent chemistry and interesting plot. Are you kidding
JY. “In yesterday segment character purvi IV said she is wishing for strong role in further tracks. What’s on your opinion? Do she really gets strong role? I don’t think she will get strong enough of role already khushi, monisha are more strong and drama creators. Purvi can be only for character sympathies.”
I already feel that Purvi has a strong inner core, and later she will show herself in a stronger way. And right now I expect from her that knowing part of the truth, she will return to RV’s house, but will no longer allow everyone to mock her.
makers shows love angle to ranbir/pranbir story then rajvi pair won’t be in limelight.
J.Y but now the new entry is a parallel lead and she’ll start of positive. Then as the story progresses she’ll start changing. So she’ll have more scenes with ranbir with her obsession getting stronger . So I think they will show a love angle they’ll be catch and falls, or maybe ranbir becomes her savior somehow
Instead of searching for khushi, ranbir becomes saviour for other girl
. Here prachi taking up all the responsibility of their daughters 
I’m saying so as ranbir became mihika saviour out of the blue so its possible something similar happens here
lol even this article person knows ranbir would fall in love with this new girl and prachi would cry her eyeballs out.

This show is stretching beyond viewer’ s patience.It is really ridiculous,This show is full of crap ,too much negativity.
From today I am going to stop read updates also. Got some hope after Rajvi’s marriage,The truth about Rv and Khushi will get exposed next year. What else can expect from Ekta?great writer
February 27, 2024 at 2:03 pm
but KKB has more good actors
3 of the actors in currently in Sritis show play was a important part of kkb 1st gen.
So you saying currently kkb has 4 actors in 3rd gen that were better what kkb had in 1st gen??
lol even this article person knows ranbir would fall in love with this new girl and prachi would cry her eyeballs out.

The new girl would be ranbir true love and prachi would become his second option and that he choses once he’s romanced the new girl enough he’ll run back to her so the writers can kill them together.

They are many people who watch this show only for Rajvi and I am one of them
The story is supposed to be about them, but the writer is interested in something else and does not show their scenes(rajvi)Stupid writer.
Both mother and daughter would cry on each others lap about their husband having a second woman

Manisha will cry after some days

Oh I can’t wait to see ranbir new love story with his new girl
expect the unexpected in kkb as now we are going to see ranbir true love story and him running after the new girl being smitten by her whilst prachi cries on the floor and looks at ranbir memories.

You watch 3rd generation story why you talking about pranbir you should focus on Manisha who wil cry when rv will start loving purvi

Y you always like third angle in g3 and g2. It seems you love only Ema
In your wildest dreams