Categories: Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya 28th June 2024 Written Episode Update: The Terrorists risk RV and Yug’s life to call Poorvi

Kumkum Bhagya 28th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Ranbir coming to the CM and asks for the update. Prachi comes there and says she needs to talk to CM. She tells him that the girl wearing bomb jacket is her daughter and asks him to say what he is doing to get them freed. CM asks her to calm down and says he understands a mother’s helplessness, they have fulfilled the terrorist’s demand and very soon terrorist will be freed from jail and everything will be fine. Inspector says your daughter is very brave, she went inside to save RV. Prachi says she loves RV and says she can anything for him.

CM apologises to her for taking the decision late, and tells that if they release the terrorist then it is wrong. He says Mr. KK brought me here illegally, but I appreciate him that he brought me here. Ranbir says just

as she said, a person can do anything with you, I love Poorvi, she is my daughter. Prachi says like his daughter. Tashu says more than a daughter. Maddy tells in the camera and everyone hears her, and tells them that when smoke was released here, two men came Yug and his friend Yogi, who is a big hacker. He says if he was on our side then it would be useful to us, but he is on your side. He says however RV and his brother Yug are caught, while Poorvi and Yogi are hiding somewhere. He says RV and Yug’s life is in Poorvi’s hands now. He says if our boss is released from jail then we will diffuse the bomb, as we only know the code. Then they show Yug standing on RV’s shoulders and rope is tied to their necks. He asks RV not to move else Yug will be hanged and he will be hanged too. He says his boss shall come here.

The terrorists talk that they will not die because of Poorvi, but will become martyr while saving their boss. They see Yogi and take him outside, but doesn’t see unconscious Poorvi. Maddy calls Poorvi and asks her to come and save RV, else RV and his brother will die. Harleen asks Khushi where is Poorvi? Deepika says she will not come, and must be hiding somewhere. Vaishali and Monisha also accuse Poorvi. Vishaka says Poorvi is not like this, that she will leave her husband to die. Diya says if she had cared for her life then wouldn’t have gone inside. Danny hits and punches RV and says if he moves then Yug will die.

Harleen tells that she will go and talk to the Police. Prachi says Poorvi is in danger, something is wrong. Ranbir says he will go, and asks Inspector to give his gun. Inspector says it is illegal. CM says you are saying this now, you didn’t say this when he brought me here. Ranbir says if you don’t want to give me gun then I will go without gun. Tashu stops him. The terrorists bring Yogi there. Maddy asks the terrorist to keep the camera down, and he kicks Yogi to make him come in his senses. Then they beat RV and calls Poorvi. Poorvi gains consciousness and gets up worrying for RV. She goes out of the room. Tashu tells Ranbir that he alone can’t go inside and fight with the terrorists and asks him not to go. Prachi says Mr. KK don’t go. Ranbir says I need to hear from you, and tells that he has the father’s emotions and will save Poorvi. CM says I agree, even my guards couldn’t stop him from bringing me here. Tashu cries and says Terrorists might get angry and shoot him.

Ranbir asks her to trust him and says he will bring both RV and Poorvi safely. He says I don’t have time and says he will go now itself. Harleen comes there and asks Prachi to call Poorvi, and asks her to go there and save RV. Ranbir comes there and asks Harleen not to blame Prachi or Poorvi and tells that he is going inside to save RV. He says you can’t say whatever happening there. Harleen says she is Poorvi’s mother and can ask Poorvi to save RV. Ranbir says Poorvi loves RV very much and says she had gone inside to save him, if she is not with him now then there must be a reason. He asks Harleen to support Prachi and stand with her, and assures her that he will not let anything happen to RV and Poorvi. Inspector asks Ranbir to wait for his team to come. Ranbir says he can’t come, and has to go, as their kids are in danger. Harleen looks at Prachi. Prachi is worried.

Precap: Diya tells everyone that Poorvi was fasting for jiju and had not drank even water. Khushi says don’t know in what kind of marriage, my sister is trapped. Monisha tells Khushi that RV is trapped, because of Poorvi and says since she came in his life, bad times started. Khushi says our bad time haven’t come to hear all this from you. Maddy and other terrorist who was freed from the jail assume Ranbir to be Policeman and shoots at him. Ranbir falls down.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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  • Krishna fan can easily hack another krishna fan id now 😂

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    • It's because our email id would be something related to our fav.Same way it happened before.

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  • Kk you are krishna solo fan come and join in our Rashu club 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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    • Fool 🤣Not all Krishna fans want Ranbir to be with tashu to be frank we are never going to......For your kind information Ranbir will never be with tashu

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      • Ranbir is with tashu for 20 years and will be with her till his death . Legally and ritually her husband

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        • Rkk idiot mental person even karan live with nidhi for 20 years still he love only preeta 😂😂say something new

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  • Ranbir+Tashu - Rashu 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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  • Kk fans too toxic. We are pranbir fans not solo

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    • Exactly we like Pranbir

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    • Rashu 🥰.Put your pranbir in your home vessel and save it drink it whatever.

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    • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Dont lie, Pranbir fans are Prachi fans. Thats why they make excuses for everything she does. She is never wrong. Everything is Ranbirs fault

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    • Is there any pranbir fans 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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      • Then you really need a big lens 😏

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        • Even you need a big lens to see the truth which is infront of you all

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  • Noone there is no pranbir fans apart from one or two.They make pranbir edits they post pranbir scenes but they will put all blames on Ranbir for everything just to showcase prachi is a great survivors 🤡. Already everyone broke into Prachi solo and Ranbir solo 🤣.

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    • And whose fan are you?? Ranbir fan or rajvi fans or abhigya fan??or tashu fan

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      • 🤦‍♀️do you know how you protray yourself when you comment like this 🤡🤡.

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        • Are you talking about yourself??big clown can't even accept whose fan are you 🙄

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    • Agree 👍

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  • "
    I dont know what he will do this time and to be frank, both have levied accusations against eachother thats to severe to be forgiven. But Prachis accusations are more damaging

    So how many people remembered afterwards that Ranbir Kohli was charged with molestation of a girl or kidnapping of his daughter? What damage did they do it to beyond the range of actual running of those cases?

    Ranbir's accusation of infidelity, on the other hand is going to haunt Prachi for long time, if not lifetime, because this not a thing that will 'just get over'

    When it was proven that Payal put fake molestation on Ranbir, the issue got over with everyone accepting that Ranbir was always innocent, but if people learn that Ranbir left Prachi by doubting that she loved another man, will that matter get over? People will whisper behind her back. Call her characterless woman. Since Prachi was alone all 20 years and Ranbir left by believing that she loves Akshay, people will even whisper whether Purvi is a product of Prachi's affair with Akshay.

    Ranbir's infidelity accusation has long running consequences, so how is it less damaging than what Prachi believed about him, when the life of those consequences was very small??

    Not to mention, one solid way of putting lock to people's whispers, by publicly clasping Prachi's hand and proclaiming trust in her has been closed by marriage with Trishna.

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    • The damage would be even recoverable if Ranbir at least believed Purvi to be his own daughter, but his belief that Purvi is daughter of completely random man has actually made the matter worse, tarnishing Prachi's character even more

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    • Its not about what other people think. Its how Pranbir view eachother.
      Committing infidelity means the offender doesnt love you anymore. But the accuser can still love the offender. Cause the offender has many other characteristics that the accuser will love the offender for still.
      But if you accuse someone of rape or kidnapping, that person becomes a monster in your opinion. Then what about that person do you then still love.
      I dont see how you can make accussations like Prachi did and still claim to love Ranbir at the same time. Ranbirs accusation on other hand doesnt make his love for Prachi look fake, but rather that he believes his love to be 1 sided.
      Thats why Prachis accusations are more damaging to their relationship

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  • We dint ship rachi with akshay but doing for kkb with vamp

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  • Kk doesn't seem ranbir fan since one person commented leftover material to pranbir and this idiot is laughing as if like in pranbir... ranbir isn't included 🙄🙄

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    • Kindly read my comment properly 🤦‍♀️.Don't spread negative about me coz a fool like you who can't see the truth just creating drama

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    • But pranbir it talks about couple right 🤔not Ranbir character and this kk is Ranbir fan.Even Rk rkkk are badmouthing Pranbir yet they are Ranbir solo fans.

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      • Rk, rkkk are actually appy fan seema

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        • Even i know there are many kk fans who hate pranbir and badmouth about them just they don't like them shipping thats it.

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    • So now I understand since Ranbir word was included in Pranbir 😂.There are many kk fans who are hating Pranbir doesn't mean they are hating Ranbir right.

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      • You actually got the point 💯.I just feel these Rajvi fans comments sometimes when they express their anger they are doing it in a funny way their comments are sometimes its funny and interesting to read how they talking about nag and their vamp in a fun.But some like Hv are even getting offended by that

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  • In terms of life of consequences of accusations and number of people that got affected due to accusations, Ranbir's accusations against Prachi have been proven orders of magnitude more severe than Prachi's accusations against him

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  • Ofcourse their is a pranbir fans,it’s just the matter of situation which make everyone to think they’re solo,for example I like prachi character morethan ranbir I really hate his character currently,but when ever they reunite or some small scene of pranbir my hatred vanished and I really hate seeing ranbir with another woman or prachi with another man,whenever they show small scenes of pranbir I enjoy it

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    • Look at difference between Rajvi fans and Pranbir fans.
      Yes RV is doing dates and all that with Monisha complete injustice to Purvi, yet Rajvi fans dont spend the entire day badmouthing RV like Pranbir fans do with Ranbir.
      You have known trolls on this site, and the stupidity of so called Pranbir fans to react that in the end they call their ml all sort of names, but still want to ship him with the fl. Its stupidity and in essence exposes Pranbir fans now as solo fans.

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      • I already told there is no true pranbir fans now apart from one or two in insta or twitter 😴.We already split into solo fans

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      • Like a troll will make a comment on Prachis current ppverty status and so call Pranbir fans will start countering why Ranbir is so mediocre according to them, and yet claim to love both equally.

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        • Prachi Akshay track everyone bash prachi when anyone do wrong pranbir fans bash them now Ranbir has done wrong so now bashing him

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