Categories: Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya 28th June 2024 Written Episode Update: The Terrorists risk RV and Yug’s life to call Poorvi

Kumkum Bhagya 28th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Ranbir coming to the CM and asks for the update. Prachi comes there and says she needs to talk to CM. She tells him that the girl wearing bomb jacket is her daughter and asks him to say what he is doing to get them freed. CM asks her to calm down and says he understands a mother’s helplessness, they have fulfilled the terrorist’s demand and very soon terrorist will be freed from jail and everything will be fine. Inspector says your daughter is very brave, she went inside to save RV. Prachi says she loves RV and says she can anything for him.

CM apologises to her for taking the decision late, and tells that if they release the terrorist then it is wrong. He says Mr. KK brought me here illegally, but I appreciate him that he brought me here. Ranbir says just

as she said, a person can do anything with you, I love Poorvi, she is my daughter. Prachi says like his daughter. Tashu says more than a daughter. Maddy tells in the camera and everyone hears her, and tells them that when smoke was released here, two men came Yug and his friend Yogi, who is a big hacker. He says if he was on our side then it would be useful to us, but he is on your side. He says however RV and his brother Yug are caught, while Poorvi and Yogi are hiding somewhere. He says RV and Yug’s life is in Poorvi’s hands now. He says if our boss is released from jail then we will diffuse the bomb, as we only know the code. Then they show Yug standing on RV’s shoulders and rope is tied to their necks. He asks RV not to move else Yug will be hanged and he will be hanged too. He says his boss shall come here.

The terrorists talk that they will not die because of Poorvi, but will become martyr while saving their boss. They see Yogi and take him outside, but doesn’t see unconscious Poorvi. Maddy calls Poorvi and asks her to come and save RV, else RV and his brother will die. Harleen asks Khushi where is Poorvi? Deepika says she will not come, and must be hiding somewhere. Vaishali and Monisha also accuse Poorvi. Vishaka says Poorvi is not like this, that she will leave her husband to die. Diya says if she had cared for her life then wouldn’t have gone inside. Danny hits and punches RV and says if he moves then Yug will die.

Harleen tells that she will go and talk to the Police. Prachi says Poorvi is in danger, something is wrong. Ranbir says he will go, and asks Inspector to give his gun. Inspector says it is illegal. CM says you are saying this now, you didn’t say this when he brought me here. Ranbir says if you don’t want to give me gun then I will go without gun. Tashu stops him. The terrorists bring Yogi there. Maddy asks the terrorist to keep the camera down, and he kicks Yogi to make him come in his senses. Then they beat RV and calls Poorvi. Poorvi gains consciousness and gets up worrying for RV. She goes out of the room. Tashu tells Ranbir that he alone can’t go inside and fight with the terrorists and asks him not to go. Prachi says Mr. KK don’t go. Ranbir says I need to hear from you, and tells that he has the father’s emotions and will save Poorvi. CM says I agree, even my guards couldn’t stop him from bringing me here. Tashu cries and says Terrorists might get angry and shoot him.

Ranbir asks her to trust him and says he will bring both RV and Poorvi safely. He says I don’t have time and says he will go now itself. Harleen comes there and asks Prachi to call Poorvi, and asks her to go there and save RV. Ranbir comes there and asks Harleen not to blame Prachi or Poorvi and tells that he is going inside to save RV. He says you can’t say whatever happening there. Harleen says she is Poorvi’s mother and can ask Poorvi to save RV. Ranbir says Poorvi loves RV very much and says she had gone inside to save him, if she is not with him now then there must be a reason. He asks Harleen to support Prachi and stand with her, and assures her that he will not let anything happen to RV and Poorvi. Inspector asks Ranbir to wait for his team to come. Ranbir says he can’t come, and has to go, as their kids are in danger. Harleen looks at Prachi. Prachi is worried.

Precap: Diya tells everyone that Poorvi was fasting for jiju and had not drank even water. Khushi says don’t know in what kind of marriage, my sister is trapped. Monisha tells Khushi that RV is trapped, because of Poorvi and says since she came in his life, bad times started. Khushi says our bad time haven’t come to hear all this from you. Maddy and other terrorist who was freed from the jail assume Ranbir to be Policeman and shoots at him. Ranbir falls down.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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  • Pink dot

    if Ranbir had not met prachi accidentally he would never care to know about Prachi.

    Fully agree. He was moved on from prachi( not by heart ) but he was happy with his new life

    All his actions of sensing prachi near and looking for her doesn't make any sense when we get to know that prachi's number is the same. I yhink if he had known that prachi is behind the door ,he would have opened the door and but would have hid himself.

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    • No I didn't think that way. Even if he would be knowing prachi is behind the door he would have opened it. He was feeling prachi during marriage and everytime he used to run behind that imagination because his heart always want to see her.
      My point is as he was under the impression, that prachi now doesn't love him and must be settled in her life, so he didn't make any conscious efforts to see her, but once if he knows that prachi is surely surround him, he will definitely try to see her.

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      • So for ranbir..out of sight ,out of mind

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        • No for Ranbir prachi was never out of sight, out of mind. If it would be out of sight, out of mind then he would not be remembering her even in small things like having tea.

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          • Got your point

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    • And I don't agree that he has moved on from prachi and was happy with his new life. I believe everyone need some purpose in a life to live and he found his life purpose in business and became rich businessman.
      Dream of his life was to get married to prachi, and have children, but due to his misunderstanding he lost both, so how can he be happy in his new life.
      I have not seen him enjoying his life with Jaiswals.

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      • Agree with you. He lived with jaiswal for 20 years . They can Share the moments but he is alone emotionally. He doesn't share anything with tashu and jaiswal. He still believes prachi has moved on with another man and purvi is the symbol of prachi's betrayal but look what is doing .meri beti meri betide.. when ever there is prachi tashu ,he just look at prachi. When he will gets to know about his blunder, he will be broken

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  • Kk"And for your kind information his character is not degraded more i accept its irritating for Rajvi fans but that doesn't mean his character is degraded.Rajvi fans not liking his character I can't do anything but where they degraded his character"
    The makers thought if they show Ranbir scenes with Rajvi,we Rajvi fans will accept him as he disliked him earlier because of his marriage and i guess they succeeded in that half way😂 unfortunately it only irritated rajvi fans more 😂

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    • who will like if he continuously blabbers my daughter 😂.I agree to the reason why you people got irritated.More like he will get happy that he has another beautiful lovely daughter purvi 😍.Since it's one of his goal

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  • Ranbir never wanted to see prachi or meet prachi . It was an accident. He was happily his life with tashu. His enthusiasm to marry tashu, his bond with tashu, his care for prachi , him saying tashu is top priority, him ensuring to give her wife rights, their towel scene, him having family moments with jaiswal and we always see him happy...but then prachi come and destroy everything. But I am happy he is chosing tashu over prachi. His priority is purvi, tashu ,jaiswal..

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  • Now I am getting the point this puja upcoming like Sakshi said this Malhotra will ask to go off all black white yellow orange powers🤣

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    • I think now RV behaviour towards purvi will change after this track

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    • As they doing prayer most likely for RVs safety, will be so funny if priest sees 🦍 and points her out as danger point and bad omen in their house

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      • 😂

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      • Really I would love it then 🤣her expression will be most funny then she will bark like a dog 🤣

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    • Yet they don't know they are those super power 🙂

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  • Ferni

    His happiness during marriage and his happiness with jaiswal is irritating. Any glitch if it is not intentionally done by ranbir won't make any sense

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    • I even don't understand why people keep saying he was happily doing this marriage???
      He wanted to finish that marriage as soon as possible, because for him this marriage was just a formality to shut Amar Dayal's mouth.

      If you want to see his happiness during marriage then, it was shown when pranbir got married before leap.

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      • even don't understand why people keep saying he was happily doing this marriage???
        They are referring to his behaviour in lead up to wedding when he went to give invitations

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      • People also complained that he was happily distributing his wedding card, but as far as I remember he personally invited only purvi and that Amar Dayal. Even RV got invitation card by post only.
        He considers purvi as his daughter and as per him only purvi was from his side, even though he lived with Jayswals for 20 years, still he knows they are his fake family.

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  • RV behaviour will not change probably if Malhotras lectures something by installing all his sad past in his mind again.

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    • This is what I am not liking they really didn't understand him.He doing this revenge itself is to get peace from his past why can't they try to make those past vanish.Soemtimes I feel like Malhotras are responsible for RV being in this state.Everytime he forgetting his past when he spent time with purvi but immediately they are making him to remember all.Why can't they move on they have better status than before.They just stick to that like a gum not letting anyone to have peace

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  • Kk
    June 29, 2024 at 10:58 am
    No one asked but it's needed since for Their Separation blame should not to be given in Prachi hands.If they didn't degrade his character the blame will be on prachi so to glorify her they degraded wow 🤡

    I agreed with this point,that’s why I prefer their separation through someone misunderstanding like bua did something to separate them so in that situation ranbir character will not be this damaged,in KDB I like the 20 years separation nor Karan neither preeta has fault it’s lutra so atleast no one will hate both of them,but look how they turn ranbir character after he initiated the separation again they pair him with Another woman and did their complete marriage even abhigya didnot have this kind of worse separation 20 years leap neither preeran,abhi is not married to anyone 20 years Karan also is not married to anyone 20 years,it’s only ranbir who married to another woman and abounded both his daughters,atleast abhi and Karan have one child with them,but ranbir has no real family of him,it’s very cruel the way they made his character and the damage they did is even make audience to think all his scenes are fake and look so joke,it’s really injustice,they degraded prachi character during Prakshy marriage but what they did with ranbir is 1000times worse than how they degraded prachi,even me I didn’t like how they turn ranbir character,he’s my fav ML among all the tv shows and till now he is still my fave

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    • He is the most liked ml out of all itv but just to glorify their fl they made our Ranbir to get hatred by all😔

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      • This I agree everytime they have made Ranbir as the reason of separation, and because of this all the unfair things prachi does before separation got wiped off.

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        • True only in case of 6 year and 20 year leaps, nobody remembers Prachis behaviour in lead up to the seperation

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      • Don’t worry,they will degrade prachi next to white washed ranbir,this is the how nag turn pranbir story,they’re the real villains of themselves

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  • JJ
    June 29, 2024 at 11:39 am
    As they doing prayer most likely for RVs safety, will be so funny if priest sees 🦍 and points her out as danger point and bad omen in their house
    I hope this will happened 😂😂😂😂

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  • If Ranbirs misunderstanding isnt cleared yer, Purvi might be in danger more times in future and what he might start noticing is the absence of Purvis ghost father each time and that will let his light bulb go on that he is the father of Purvi.

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    • I think his mu will be cleared in hospital track or in place where purvi's paternity will be questioned by someone

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  • "Sometimes I feel like Malhotras are responsible for RV being in this state.Everytime he forgetting his past when he spent time with purvi but immediately they are making him to remember all."
    Not sometimes they are not responsible before rajvi marriage but they definitely play a role after rajvi marriage.He got the peace which he want his sukoon purvi and when he is trying to forget everything and healing they are just attacking the same wounded point.

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    • For them this marriage is a real revenge and they still on that mindset at most point is the hatred which they have for purvi just because she is khushi's sister is not allowing them to have her in that house.They are liking purvi but since she is khushi's sister the hatred going overloaded (acc to scene of dadi and harpik conversation).But the point will be as story move on purvi will try to win their hearts except dadi and yug's mom Deepika and harpik all will side with Rajvi somewhat

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      • I agree to this.Maybe this affected them and they want to ill treat purvi which I don't really find reasonable.Already Harman was being supportive when Rajvi realise their love when RV asks his father not want to hurt purvi,Harman will surely side with RV like how dadu did

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