Categories: Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya 28th June 2024 Written Episode Update: The Terrorists risk RV and Yug’s life to call Poorvi

Kumkum Bhagya 28th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Ranbir coming to the CM and asks for the update. Prachi comes there and says she needs to talk to CM. She tells him that the girl wearing bomb jacket is her daughter and asks him to say what he is doing to get them freed. CM asks her to calm down and says he understands a mother’s helplessness, they have fulfilled the terrorist’s demand and very soon terrorist will be freed from jail and everything will be fine. Inspector says your daughter is very brave, she went inside to save RV. Prachi says she loves RV and says she can anything for him.

CM apologises to her for taking the decision late, and tells that if they release the terrorist then it is wrong. He says Mr. KK brought me here illegally, but I appreciate him that he brought me here. Ranbir says just

as she said, a person can do anything with you, I love Poorvi, she is my daughter. Prachi says like his daughter. Tashu says more than a daughter. Maddy tells in the camera and everyone hears her, and tells them that when smoke was released here, two men came Yug and his friend Yogi, who is a big hacker. He says if he was on our side then it would be useful to us, but he is on your side. He says however RV and his brother Yug are caught, while Poorvi and Yogi are hiding somewhere. He says RV and Yug’s life is in Poorvi’s hands now. He says if our boss is released from jail then we will diffuse the bomb, as we only know the code. Then they show Yug standing on RV’s shoulders and rope is tied to their necks. He asks RV not to move else Yug will be hanged and he will be hanged too. He says his boss shall come here.

The terrorists talk that they will not die because of Poorvi, but will become martyr while saving their boss. They see Yogi and take him outside, but doesn’t see unconscious Poorvi. Maddy calls Poorvi and asks her to come and save RV, else RV and his brother will die. Harleen asks Khushi where is Poorvi? Deepika says she will not come, and must be hiding somewhere. Vaishali and Monisha also accuse Poorvi. Vishaka says Poorvi is not like this, that she will leave her husband to die. Diya says if she had cared for her life then wouldn’t have gone inside. Danny hits and punches RV and says if he moves then Yug will die.

Harleen tells that she will go and talk to the Police. Prachi says Poorvi is in danger, something is wrong. Ranbir says he will go, and asks Inspector to give his gun. Inspector says it is illegal. CM says you are saying this now, you didn’t say this when he brought me here. Ranbir says if you don’t want to give me gun then I will go without gun. Tashu stops him. The terrorists bring Yogi there. Maddy asks the terrorist to keep the camera down, and he kicks Yogi to make him come in his senses. Then they beat RV and calls Poorvi. Poorvi gains consciousness and gets up worrying for RV. She goes out of the room. Tashu tells Ranbir that he alone can’t go inside and fight with the terrorists and asks him not to go. Prachi says Mr. KK don’t go. Ranbir says I need to hear from you, and tells that he has the father’s emotions and will save Poorvi. CM says I agree, even my guards couldn’t stop him from bringing me here. Tashu cries and says Terrorists might get angry and shoot him.

Ranbir asks her to trust him and says he will bring both RV and Poorvi safely. He says I don’t have time and says he will go now itself. Harleen comes there and asks Prachi to call Poorvi, and asks her to go there and save RV. Ranbir comes there and asks Harleen not to blame Prachi or Poorvi and tells that he is going inside to save RV. He says you can’t say whatever happening there. Harleen says she is Poorvi’s mother and can ask Poorvi to save RV. Ranbir says Poorvi loves RV very much and says she had gone inside to save him, if she is not with him now then there must be a reason. He asks Harleen to support Prachi and stand with her, and assures her that he will not let anything happen to RV and Poorvi. Inspector asks Ranbir to wait for his team to come. Ranbir says he can’t come, and has to go, as their kids are in danger. Harleen looks at Prachi. Prachi is worried.

Precap: Diya tells everyone that Poorvi was fasting for jiju and had not drank even water. Khushi says don’t know in what kind of marriage, my sister is trapped. Monisha tells Khushi that RV is trapped, because of Poorvi and says since she came in his life, bad times started. Khushi says our bad time haven’t come to hear all this from you. Maddy and other terrorist who was freed from the jail assume Ranbir to be Policeman and shoots at him. Ranbir falls down.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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  • Wow I've been waiting for episodes like this for so long. I liked how Prachi taunted him when he claimed to be 'Purvi's father'. This guy really has no embarrassment; he seeks to impose a relationship with his ex's daughter (well it's true that he is her real father but that has no logic if he denies reality). His reaction really made me angry, and it seems Prachi felt what all of us feel about him.

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  • Today I'm not going to talk about Pranbir because for once I have nothing to reproach them for. They behaved exactly as I expected, especially Prachi.

    No, in fact, it’s the Malothra that I’m going to talk about. From what I understood today, is that they are truly shameless. Because not only have they hated Purvi for no reason since day one and already didn't care about her safety during the terrorist attack, they still had the audacity to demand that she save their darling son RV. So when it suits them Purvi is a messiah and when that does not suit them she becomes Lucifer in the feminine. No, but at some point we have to stop behaving like shameless people. When you hate someone you keep your position towards that person until the end. You don't have to demand that your enemy do you good when it suits you. And the worst part is that Purvi's mother will directly attack the Tandon family when she notices that her demands have not come to fruition, as if they are the ones who have something to do with why Purvi does not not save RV. It must be believed that among the Malothra it is hereditary their inability to really detect which enemy to attack. Here it even goes to the limits of the absurd, because they never attack their targets directly, but attack the innocent people who have the misfortune to associate with them. No, but where does this backward mentality come from?

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    • We are in the world of Nagpal very dear; everything is absurd. Otherwise I don't already see how a normal and educated woman can have a preference for one of her nieces over another because she grew up alongside her, or how a husband and wife enter into conflict in the long term to find out who is responsible for the death of their child. The worst thing is that this last case was repeated twice

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    • As I pity this girl, I finally want to talk about Purvi. Of all the FLs I've known, she's the only one who had the worst in-laws ever. And the worst part is that no matter what she does, she will never be able to gain their trust because they will use their services to their advantage and then denigrate her

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  • I have just watched the guys are such shameless fellow.kk told prachi he won't listen anybody. And will go inside and then he told tashu trust him ,he will save both rv and purvi . He ensured tashu by holding her hands. Prachi was burning in jealousy. He was consoling tashu and assuring her he will be safe

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    • No, but tell me, aren't you ashamed to say stupid things? Listen, if it's to say nonsense and distort reality, just get out. No, but would a little seriousness be too much to ask of you?

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    • When did he hold her hands and assure her ..I didn't see it ? Anyone else saw it ??

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      • Only rkk saw it 😂😂

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    • Rkkk do you come from a parallel dimension where everything you see is different from our reality? Because all your comments on episode analyzes seem straight out of an alternate reality. Tell me if you really come from a parallel world, can you tell me how you manage to interact with us? I dream of knowing what technology allows you to achieve such a feat

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  • Some said kk didn't listen to prachi and went inside but in reality prachi told him she will die if anything happens to purvi..kk was already helping purvi and then seeing prachi's state and her asking him to save purvi make him more determined. We can see in this way..also prachi told kk something is wrong ..purvi is in danger and he decided to go in

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  • Even when he was going inside he came back to confront harleen for bad mouthing prachi and purvi

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  • "
    Otherwise I don't already see how a normal and educated woman can have a preference for one of her nieces over another because she grew up alongside her

    This is very common and natural. Attachment builds as we live together and experience things together.

    I have a sister. Now if out of nowhere I find that I have brother that was separated from us years before and now coming to live with, obviously my bonding and my relationship with him won't be as deep and strong as I have with my sister, with whom I have lived for 2 decades?

    It's not like I will become Alia to that brother, but in today's date, when i have zero bonding with him, if someone asks me who is my favorite sibling then obviously i will choose my sister...I can't choose a guy who is completely stranger to me.

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    • Just because he is my sibling by blood. Same thing is with Alia. She has seen Rhea growing up in front of her, played with her, taken care of her in illness, etc

      What is Prachi to Alia? In name, in theory, she is also Abhi's sister, but what bonding has Alia with Prachi? What does she know about Prachi? Nothing.

      Yes, it's another matter that Alia didn't even have a desire to bond with Prachi, but in present time when Alia Just got to know that Prachi is also her niece, it's normal that she has zero bonding with her and naturally gravitates towards Rhea

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    • Maybe you're right on that one, but does it make sense that Alia would prefer Rhea to her own son whom she conceived with the man she always dreamed of marrying? At some point we have to stop defending such a mentality and don't tell me it's not true because she already admitted one day that she loved Rhea more than Aryan

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      • See, i guess initially Alia gave more preference to Rhea due to obvious reason: Rhea was an unfortunate girl to have lost her mother through no fault of her own, not to mention Abhi himself was too drowned in Pragya's grief to give proper attention to Rhea. Hence as happens with such kids, they get over pampered.

        As compared Aryan had normal family with both the parents, plus he got a brother like friend in Ranbir so maybe Alia didn't care about him as much as she did about Rhea.

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  • These R, RR, Rk, Rkk, Rkkk etc are trolls and Prachi/ Mugdha haters. They don't really care what is shown in episode. They just want to badmouth and insult Mugdha/ Prachi, so it's waste of time to look for logic in their comments if you don't have time to kill

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    • Why you bothering answering to their comments when you know they're delusional

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      • bother yourself

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      • 💯

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      • Exactly my point 🤦🏻‍♀️why giving them attention every day when you well know all this,ignore them it will be better but given them attention is the reason why they’re here every day

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  • Today i feel if prachi tells him purvi is his daughter and he gets the hint prachi still loves him. He will leave everything and will run to claim his family back. Today he didn't care about tashu but when harleen start badmouthing prachi purvi you can see his reaction

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  • I really fear for Prachi's maternal relationship. The way Ranbir acts possessive with Purvi may prove harmful for her. Because although he is unaware of his relationship with this girl, he behaves like a protective father. What will happen when he knows that Poorvi is his daughter? He risks once again throwing an irritating challenge to Prachi on how he will take her children away from her. Because this kind of drama is known among the ML, that is to say they are absent from the birth of their children but claiming their rights as fathers to the point of withdrawing theirs from the FL when they find their offspring

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    • Nagpal has already ruined his character by making him Tashu's husband and making him invent misunderstandings as justifications for running away from his marital home. To tell the truth, nothing he does against Prachi will surprise me now.

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  • In yesterday's episode tashu told prachi holding rk hand that if love the person ,he loves the more more than his life and she hope he also have the same love for her..but still kk doesn't know that tashu loves him a lot

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