Categories: Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya 29th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Ranbir gets stabbed while saving Prachi

Kumkum Bhagya 29th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Prachi telling Rana that he knows truth and asks him to tell the truth. Rana tries to run, but Ranbir tries to catch him. Rana tries to run and collides with the wall. Akshay says they shall take him to hospital. Ranbir says the goon must be acting to be unconscious. Akshay asks Ranbir if he is heartless, if something happens to him. Ranbir says didn’t you want to know who is the kidnapper and tells that you was crying a lot that saying your daughter is kidnapped. Akshay says you want to present me as the villain, but I am very sensitive and emotional since his childhood, and asks Prachi to say. Ranbir says you are not like this. vishaka supports Akshay and says he is sensitive since his childhood. Ranbir says I am not blaming you, and says you all shall know what he has

done and he has done a sin, which I will expose infront of everyone. He says Akshay hates me, but didn’t know that he will stoop this much low. Akshay says enough and says you hate me as I don’t need to say this. And says we shall go out and take out the aggression and says it is between us.

Prachi stops him and says the matter is not about Ranbir and you, but it is about my daughter, who is someone’s grand daughter and niece. She says until truth is revealed, nobody will go anywhere. She tells Akshay that she didn’t trust Ranbir, but she didn’t trust him (Akshay) also. She says I will see how he don’t get up and splashes water on Rana’s face. Rana gets up. Prachi asks why did you do this with my daughter, who had asked you to do this. She asks him to look at her and says if you don’t tell the truth then I will break your head. Ranbir thinks this is Prachi, my daughter’s mother. She says if you say me truth then I will ask Police to free you and there will be no punishment. She says I shall know as the matter is about my daughter.

Rana asks I will say. Akshay holds him and says you are doing deal of her emotions. He whispers in his ear, not to take his name, else he will give double money. Ranbir stops Akshay and asks what is he doing? They ask Rana to say. Rana points finger at Akshay. Ranbir says Akshay is the one. Akshay says not me, but Ranbir, he is pointing finger on Ranbir. Rana switches off the lights and tries to run. Mihika switches on the light. Prachi hits show piece on Rana’s head. Akshay holds Rana and says I will kill him. He takes knife and gives it in Rana’s hand. Rana keeps knife on Akshay’s neck. Ranbir tells Rana that he is doing wrong and says he has requested Inspector. Prachi asks Rana to tell the name and she will let him go. Rana tries to stab Prachi, but Ranbir pushes her and gets knife stabbed on his stomach. Everyone is shocked. Prachi is shocked and shouts Ranbir. She asks Ashok to call Doctor and cries. Mihika gets upset seeing Prachi worrying for Ranbir. Prachi keeps her head on Ranbir and cries. Mihika thinks I thought their love is dead, but they love each other even now. She gets up and goes from there. Prachi is crying still and says Ranbir is not opening his eyes.

Mihika goes to her room and throws the things. She says how dare Prachi to do this? She says he is my Ranbir. Divya asks her to stop her drama. Mihika says my feelings fun is made of. Rana tells that he has to tell the truth as Police is after him. Mihika throws things from the window and it falls near Rana and Akshay. Rana runs away. Akshay sees Mihika’s crazy state and says her condition is this. Mihika tells Divya that she will kill Prachi.

Prachi is sitting on the chair beside Ranbir’s bed and recalls their confrontation, Khushi’s words and how Ranbir saved her and got stabbed himself. She cries feeling bad and says Ranbir…how I….She touches his hand and finds his body hot. She tells Nurse that he is having fever. Nurse says his wound is deep and that’s why he got fever. Prachi asks her to call Doctor and says I will be back.

Abhay comes to Akshay and asks what you are thinking? Akshay says how can Ranbir be so lucky and how he can be present at the right place. He says Prachi might have thought that Ranbir loves her and got stabbed to save her. He says I am Akshay Tandon and I have to do something big. Abhay asks him to show love for Khushi, like he showed when she was kidnapped. Akshay says he just acted to love her infront of family, and doesn’t care if she live or die. Abhay asks him not to say this. Mihika asks how is Ranbir? Prachi says he is having much fever. Mihika says Prachi is saying as if he is on death bed and will not get up, he has just fever. Prachi keeps wet cloth on Ranbir’s forehead. Song plays….Nurse asks if you both got married recently. Prachi says no, few years back. Nurse says he got stabbed saving you, he loves you a lot, your Jodi shall be for forever. Mihika hears and gets angry. She tells Prachi that she will keep the wet cloth on his forehead, as he is her fiancé. Nurse is surprised and goes. Prachi tells that she will not go anywhere and will take care of him until he gets fine. She says whatever he has done, nobody can do. She says I have no problem, if you sit here. Mihika gets upset and goes. Prachi says get fine Baklu. Mihika goes to her room and is angry. She couldn’t sleep.

Akshay tells Abhay that he couldn’t sleep and couldn’t forget the visual. Abhay asks which visual. Akshay says that Ranbir saved her. He says Ranbir is winning from me, and says he is getting up and I am getting down, and Prachi has feelings for Ranbir and she will feel more for him. Abhay says this will not happen. Akshay says she will feel for Ranbir and not me. Abhay asks him to drink water. Prachi says his fever is gone. Nurse asks Prachi to sit with him and goes to keep the bowl. Prachi tells Ranbir that he has brought Khushi back, and this was enough for her. She asks why did you do this and calls him Baklu, says she was very scared. Mihika thinks of Ranbir and says he is my Jaan, I loved him more than others, I will send Prachi far from here.

Episode ends.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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