Categories: Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya 2nd October 2023 Written Episode Update: Mehika plans to kill Prachi

Kumkum Bhagya 2nd October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mehika wakes up in the middle of the night exclaiming she cannot lose Ranbir as he is her life, she has loved him more then herself so cannot lose him, she thinks that Prachi would have to go away, she vows to go and tell Prachi to leave her Ranbir right now.

Akshay is sitting on the bed when her brother asks him to stay here but Akshay says he has to go and warn Prachi to not fall in the trap of Ranbir once again, Abhay says that he is a nice person so any girl would fall in love with him, Akshay hugs Abhay saying he cannot lose Prachi but his brother asks him to try and sleep, Akshay is a bit distressed so lies down but asks his brother to stay with him.

Mehika is standing outside the room while Prachi is sleeping while sitting beside Ranbir, netra tries to wake her up but the nurse

requests her to not disturb the patient as he needs to rest, Mehika leaves but is furious , she just waits outside the room thinking she cannot let her love go away from her once more and be alone that too because of someone else, Netra vows to remove Prachi from between her and Ranbir, she thinks this can only happen by one way which is to kill Prachi, she vows to kill her tonight.

Mehika is walking when she sees that Khushi is sleeping in her room, Mehika gets furious thinking how she saw Prachi taking care of Ranbir and also sleeping by his side, Mehika looks around and then walks into the room of Khushi, she sits by her side on the bed saying Khushi is the reason because of which both Prachi and Ranbir are close, she exclaims now Khushi will be the reason that they both get separated and Prachi dies, Mehika thinks of a way then sees the knife placed on the shelf, she goes to pick it up exclaiming this is what is called destiny, mentioning Prachi would die with the same knife with which she tried to kill her Ranbir, netra thinks she has to call Prachi here for it work and so thinks of a plan, Mehika goes to Khushi mentioning she will help her and call Prachi here, Netra takes out her phone and after closing the light turns on her phone, she slowly creeps up to Khushi who is sleeping, Mehika in a weird voice starts calling her name so Khushi starts screaming calling her mother, Prachi suddenly wakes up realizing that Khushi is calling her so gets worried, Mehika keeps scaring Khushi who calls her mother for help, Prachi quickly runs towards the room of Khushi, Mehika comes of hiding from under the stairs and follows Prachi into the hall while she is trying to open the door of Khushi room, Prachi slowly starts walking behind Prachi, she tries to stab her but Prachi manages to protect herself, Prachi is running while Netra is following her with the knife in her hands, Prachi calls Ranbir for help while still running for her life, she stops at the pillar o take some breath as she is not able to run properly, Mehika comes in front of her while still wearing a mask, Prachi calls Ranbir once again who sits up in his bed, he fees his injury but tries to get up from his bed, he slowly reaches the window trying to see what is going on outside. Ranbir then walks out of his room.

Ranbir manages to stop Netra just as she is about to stab Prachi, he pulls her out of the hall. Prachi calls asking who is there but is not able to find anyone, she turns on the lights before going to push the door of the room open.

Mehika asks Akshay to leave her, he pulls his hand and gets hit with the knife, Netra asks what is he doing when he questions what is she trying to do, Netra explains Prachi is trying to take her life from him, Akshay warns Mehika to stay away from hs Prachi and blames that Ranbir is the one trying to steal his Prachi, he says that if Ranbir comes in between then he will kill him right now, Akshay tries to leave when Mehika also warns that she will not let anyone hurt Ranbir even if it is him, Akshay questions why does Mehika think that he is losing Prachi as it is not the case because he loves her a lot, Mehika asks Akshay to not do this since Prachi is still in love with Ranbir, Akshay is about to slap Mehika but Prachi stops him questioning why does he behave like this and raise his hand on anyone, Akshay says she does not know what Mehika was doing, but Prachi says he must apologize so Akshay apologizes to her however she asks him to apologize to Mehika, Ranbir comes asking Prachi is she is fine, he sees the blood in the arm of Akshay and asks how did he get injured, Prachi tells Ranbir to go and rest, he asks if anything has happened to her but she says he always comes to protect her, Ranbir says he will get hurt after seeing her cry, Prachi asks him to come as she knows the medicine that he must have, Ranbir gets hurt when Prachi helps him out of the room. Akshay and Mehika both get furious seeing them leave.

Prachi helps Ranbir into his room when Khushi comes to sit on his bed, Ranbir asks what happened to his little partner, Khushi asks Prachi why did she leave her once again after coming into the room, Khushi explains that Prachi was with her father all this time, Prachi says that it is not the case as she was in the kitchen, Ranbir says that he will sleep while hugging Khushi but she stops him saying it is all happening because of him that her mother has stopped loving her, Ranbir explains he has to tell her a secret and for that she must come sit on his lap, he says that Khushi is the strongest amongst them all so he tells Khushi that he gets scared sleeping alone in the room, Khushi explains that he fought with the criminals when Ranbir replies but he is scared, Khushi finally agrees to sleep with him tonight, she helps Ranbir lie down on the bed and even asks him to place his head on her hand, Ranbir says he has a request that she should hold his hand tightly as then he will not get scared, Khushi assures she is by his side but he must close his eyes and sleep, Khushi also starts yawning, while massaging the face of Ranbir she slowly falls asleep, Ranbir opens his eyes and turning to Prachi notices how she is emotional, Khushi hugs Ranbir even more tightly.

Akshay is walking when his brother comes asking where did he go and wat happened to his hand, Akshay replies he feels like he is getting trapped in a swamp and not able to do anything, his brother asks him to relax but Akshay says he does not know what is happening with him, and tells that Mehika has gotten completely mental informing that the truth of Mehika would come in front of Ranbir very soon because he escaped from jail and even brought back Khushi to their house. Akshay is worried saying that Mehika would do everything, Akshay;s brother suggests that they should send Mehika to the foreign place, Akshay informs that Mehika was about to kill Prachi, the brother panics questioning why did Akshay not tell anyone in the family regarding the truth because if Mehika gets these attacks then she can do anything. Akshay stops Abhay pushing him against the bed, Akshay explains there is still one percent chance that Ranbir and Mehika can get married but it will end if Abhay tells anyone the truth, he forces Abhay to leave the room. Akshay gets a call from the criminal who demands that Akshay should help him get free but Akshay warns him to not dare threaten him, the criminal threatens to tell Ranbir and Prachi the truth, Akshay after ending the call he will see what happens in their life in the future.

Prachi asks Ranbir how did he get to know how to handle the children so well, Ranbir says that children are not so difficult and they just have to be a bit more careful, Ranbir asks Prachi to pay a bit more attention to Khushi, she says she pays attention to her but Ranbir replies she is lying as she has her complete attention on him, Ranbir explains that he came to the room because he saw a dream that Prachi was being attacked with a knife, Prachi asks if he saw a dream or the truth, Prachi reveals the moment when she heard the cry of Khushi so went to her room but it was locked from the outside and she felt as if someone tried to hit her with a knife but when she turned on the lights there was no one there, Ranbir decides to go out and check it but Prachi asks him to stay here and rest, he is shocked to find out when Khushi is hugging him, Prachi says she will take Khushi away but he must rest, he asks Prachi to take care of herself and Khushi.

Ranbir sitting in the room wonders who would try to harm Prachi and get benefit from it, he realizes the blood he saw in the hand of Akshay, however refutes the thought thinking that Akshay can kill anyone for Prachi, he then wonders if it is Mehika, he thinks he has to find out who is trying to harm Prachi.

Mehika while panicking enters the room of her bua and she even lies down on her blood, Bua wakes u asking Mehika what has happened, she explains that she needs to get Ranbir but this cannot happen because of her brother Akshay, Bua does not understand it when Mehika explains that Akshay is not letting Prachi leave and if she stays here then would be in front of Ranbir who will remember whatever happened between them in the past so would not be able to move on in his life, Mehika restlessly rests her head on the lap of her Bua who promises to do whatever she can to get her married to Ranbir, she is really worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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