Kumkum Bhagya 31st July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Vishaka telling that the reporter and this girl is defaming RV and everyone will think her wrong. Armaan watches the news and goes. Harman tells that Poorvi was right about this girl, and tells that she is poor girl who is doing this to get money from us. He says we will give her money. Poorvi says it is not right to give her money and says it is get against us. Harman says we have to take the risk and tells that he will give her money and then RV will be freed. Poorvi says she will come with him. Armaan comes to meet RV. RV asks if Poorvi came. Armaan says no, and tells him that he is feeling bad to see him here. RV thanks him for dropping him at home that day. Armaan says you are a family for me. He says you are a good businessman and shall concentrate on your family and character. He says when Poorvi was there, you shouldn’t have talked to that girl, you know how such girls are. He says you have won the contracts, but shall be good with family too. RV asks if he came to make fun of him. Armaan says I will help you to get out from here. RV tells that he will see about the other contracts. Armaan says he will get him out from here and goes. RV thinks he will return his favor and then will start new calculations.
Harman comes to meet Neha with Poorvi. Neha tells that she will close the window and goes. She closes the window and comes to them. Harman tells that being RV’s father, he knows that RV can’t do anything wrong. She asks if I am lying? He says I didn’t say, may be it is a misunderstanding. He says RV was drunk that time. Poorvi says RV didn’t do anything, and asks Harman why he is saying that he was drunk. She says this girl told her name as Nethra, and she was acting as rich and classy and here she is…Neha says helpless and poor. Poorvi says yes. Harman asks Poorvi to let him talk to her and asks her to be quiet. He asks Neha if she wants money. Neha says yes, that’s why I approach RV to get the job. Harman shows a briefcase of money and says it can be yours.
Soham and his mother come to Vishaka’s house. Vishaka and Divya welcome them. Vishaka asks Diya to make tea. Diya goes. Khushi asks them to sit. Soham’s mother tells that they haven’t come here to have tea or to sit. Diya comes there and asks what happened, if everything is fine. Vishaka asks if you are worried. Soham’s mother asks if we will be happy and not worried and asks if you haven’t watched TV. She says people are talking bad about RV. Vishaka says RV is like our son and tells that he is going through a difficult time. Divya thanks them for supporting them in this testing time. Soham’s mother says she had talked to Soham and they had a big argument, but now he has understood the worldly affairs. She says we came to break Soham and Diya’s alliance here. Khushi asks them to tell the reason. Divya asks what happened, if Diya or we have done something. Diya asks Soham to say what is her mistake?
A guy in prison tells RV that whoever comes here, mostly gets trapped by someone. He asks him to think who is her enemy who can do this? RV thinks of Armaan and says one of my enemy just helped me. The guy says then someone closer to your family is doing this. RV gets thinking.
Harleen scolds Vikrant when she comes to know that Harman has gone to give money to Neha. Deepika instigates her against Poorvi and says Harman is in her influence. Harleen calls Harman. Harman doesn’t pick her call. Neha asks them to leave, and says she don’t want money. Dadi tells that she is ashamed of what Harman is doing? Harleen tells that Harman will ruin the things. Vikrant asks her to trust Dad. Harleen is worried.
Precap: RV asks Khushi if she came to get happy to see him in jail, like she had put him in jail earlier. Khushi says I know Poorvi will take you out. RV says ofcourse, Poorvi is not like you, there is a big difference between poorvi and you, you are like that Neha. Khushi looks upset. Harman offers money to Neha. Neha says you want me to take back the case, but my price is not this. He asks if you want another briefcase like this. She says yes. Harman and Poorvi look at each other.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
Since Diya’s engagement is broken anyway, I hope that this will lead to some kind of shift for Rajvi))) Purvi seems to have no more reasons to stay with RV, I mean what she told herself, I hope the outcome of this track will be awareness of RV’s feelings.
A new reason Purvi could give to herself is she stay there until she exposes Neha
This precap for 3 days
coz they know if there is no attractive captions noone will watch
Until RV and khushi meets in ps they will showcase this precap
.Wow what a mentality kkb makers have 

Oh sh*t where the hell did I get stuck
.I came to watch Rajvi Content Plot and their story and not for New character storyline Even KoMo’s mom is getting more ss than Leads 
Nagpal always give more ss to extras than lead. He is a disgusting writer
Kkb 1.5
So tv aunties are loving dragging and humiliation of fl
But in the previous week kkb is in 11 position and still it is in 11 position
And still 3rd in 9pm slot
This trap is for rajvi scenes and purvi’s support to rv I think
Which trap? Who is setting trap for rajvi scenes and Purvi’s support to rv??
Wanted to write trp…trp is for rajvi scenes
So what is trp for Rajvi scenes?
Rk clone
. First while pranbir fans were there everyone bashed at you yet Without any Shame you continued your delusional.So now what.Shameless creature. Don’t know what’s your real name with Your F*uckin mentality who in the world be get with you 
It is a very good trp as trp of all rhe channels serials are not so high
Harleen is over acting. Can any third person make a decision in another couple’s life, as this Harleen is doing?Or will any wife allow a person to talk rudely to her?I don’t know what a kind of couple they are(Rajvi),Writer must think about Neha’s exposure instead of thinking of dragging the track It’s waste of watching show every time evil only wins,and Purvi gets humiliated,when Neha’s truth come out,because we know Monisha’s truth won’t come out.
Now writer is getting trp with this dragging, he will drag it more..seriously one precap for 3 days
. First while pranbir fans were there everyone bashed at you yet Without any Shame you continued your delusional.So now what.Shameless creature. Don’t know what’s your real name with Your F*uckin mentality who in the world be get with you 
August 1, 2024 at 3:25 pm
Rk clone
Why are you using abusive language? Your parents didnt teach you have to converse with people you disgaree with?
It is strange bl in 9th place in rating and kkb in.11th place how come.bl trp lower than kkb
No bl is in 14 and kkb 11… maybe you saw last week trp
Maybe with mil trying to separate her granddaughter from her mother what do you expect Nagpals writing is so putrid in every bhagya series
Bakwas hote ja raha
Also today no Khushi-RV confrontation
As now he is getting trp with this track ..that too good trp. So he will drag this track