Kumkum Bhagya 9th December 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The episode starts with Abhi frightening Suresh by telling if he does not agree to marry Pragya, Pragya’s MMS will be leaked and people will insult her. He says even his reputation will be ruined as he is a teacher and his students will bully him that he is a cheater and not teacher. Suresh reminisces Bulbul telling that he is the reason for Pragya’s troubles and says Abhi that he is ready to marry Pragya. He says respects Pragya and cannot see her insults, says he was unfit for Pragya and it is good he divorced her, even he is unfit for her, but will marry her to save her from people’s insult. Abhi says he did not listen to his lecture and asks him to get ready for the marriage video.
Tanu thanks Pragya for lending her way to marry Abhi. Pragya says if Abhi will know her cruel side, he will hate her. She says he will not believe it and drops Abhi watch on floor while playing with it. Pragya holds it and says when she cannot take care of his things, how will she take care of his house. Tanu says she will take care of his heart and house will be taken care by servants. She asks if she is in love with Abhi and says it does not matter to her now as she is marrying with him anyways. She asks Pragya what gift she needs in her marriage. Pragya says she can bring red rose bouquet and its thorns will remind her how she feels when she sees her with her husband. Tanu gets irked hearing that.
Abhi comes to Sarla’s house. Sarla asks where is her daughter. Daadi says she ruined her daughter’s life and wants her daughter back now. Abhi says he did not came to listen their taunts and has come to invite for a marriage at his house. They are surprised and Sarla asks whose marriage. He says Pragya’s. Sarla asks with whom. He says with Suresh. She slaps him and asks who is he to take this decision when she is still alive and says if her daadi was awake, she would have felt ashamed of him. She says Pragya will not agree for it anyways. He says she has agreed. She is shocked to hear that.
Abhi says even after being so good to them and thinking good of their daughter, they are blaming him and says whatever they think, he will get Pragya married and fulfill his responsibility towards her.
Mitali goes to jail and says Raj that she will get him out soon. He says he does not want to come out and for whom he should come. She says she and his kids care about him a lot and wants him back. He says whole world is full of lies and without proof, she cannot get him out, he is waiting for court’s order and once it comes, he will be in jail forever, so she should stop thinking of bailing him out and should not come back there again. She says she will do something.
Abhi comes home whistling happily. Aaliya asks what is the reason. He says he is waiting for Pragya and Suresh’s marriage and once it happens, he will be free. Tanu says they can marry after that. He sees Pragya carrying water and asks Aaliya why did she allow would be bride to work. Pragya asks her to stop joking and let her go. He takes tray from her and gives it to servant. He says his puppets Tau and Aaliya that they should get Pragya’s mehandi and makeup done. Aaliya says they can get her manicure also. Tanu asks what about the black mark of infidelity on her forehead. Aaliya says that will fade away as she is marry Suresh. Pragya asks them to stop their taunts. Abhi says she should be happy now that Suresh has agreed to marry her. She is shocked to hear that.
Abhi says Pragya that Suresh got happy hearing about marriage proposal and is eager to marry her, he may bring baarat today itself and must be busy selecting matching specs frames with his sherwani. She says it cannot happen. He says this has happened and he has even invited her family, he will book their honeymoon package also.
Precap: Sarla asks Bulbul if she wants Pragya and Suresh’s marriage to happen. Bulbul says she just wants to know what is going in Pragya’s mind.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
Not just waste !! its a crap !!! This serial has crossed all the limits of stupidity !!!
going of morality to prison and recap show short signals of reveal of truth
What’s wrong with abhi? Why is he pushing pragya to get married to suresh instead of finding out the truth…its so ridiculous and it’s getting boring day by day..
Me 2 same yar…its waste of watchng dz shw
Already stopped watching the show reading only the updates
me too ???????????????
plz stop it now…..it is getting too lengthy….
Why cant they fasten it !!
going of mitali to jail give short signal of reveal of trúth
Will the story writer read this forum by any chance… Or it’s waste of time again to share our opinion. .? Pragya as sensible woman should be handling this efficiently. Why don’t she bring Mitali kids to open up on tuition plan or check on cctv camera details again? Only Aaliyah can take video? Pragya has mobile too why didn’t she use it while Mitali meets the contractor….????!!!
Al ready pragya s helpless… nw the director ll make her even more helpless..so tat bulbul ll decide to marry suresh as she knew pragya loves abhi… tis oly ll happen… After tat oly pragya’s MMS truth ll be revealed
I just hope bulbul won’t take that ugly step as it doesn’t makes any sense.it wwon’t clear any misunderstandining .also true lovers like rabul will get seperated…
What a waste serial it has become.. dont feel like watching it anymore.. i just read updates.. thanks to H Hasan
f**k ! f**k !! f**k !!! This serial is a crap !!!!! Waste of time also to read the review !!!!!! How can EK let Evil win ???, Damn !!!!??? Writer Director and Producer of this show all have gone nuts !!!!
Bandh karo iss serial ko
same crap
It is good that suresh en praya will marry he eil care for her respect her aby would never do that
Exactly as pragya deserves someone more better and logical than that stupid abhi .also Suresh is big threat to true lovers like purab and bulbul.
Stupidity to the maximum
I really dnt knw watz d writter z thinkin..nd .nw itz gettin to ma nerves …bewakuff!!
I hate this show.
yesterday someone commented that this serial is very much popular as there are many people like us hate it.
so for that commentator’s kind information, we r not giving importance to serial but try to send our massage to makers of d serial to show some genuin story and if they can’t plz stop the drama so some other fresh serial can come in its place.
How’ll they stop this yaar coz this serial is one with the highest trp rating for zee tv
Dis serial is stupidity’s personification…
Its filled with crap, crap n nly crap….
If bulbul will marry suresh I wont read updates also
juz like I stopped reading abt jodha when horrible ruks gave opium to salim n brainwashed him
Exactly…if they will ruin rabul then….I will also stop reading these updates also….pls cvs don’t ruin our rabul
Xyz wht u said is right that’s why Iam also doing the same when the mms had seen by abhi……..,same thought nice to see this type of comments
Is this indirectly a repeat of the serial punah vivah?? Looks that way to me……
i am really hating this show now. it is dragging on for far too long now.when will pragya get justice its about time change comes to this show or else the writers and producers will be forced to end this series just like ek mutthi asmaan.
D’s serial .. I just hate it.. I feel like stop watching D’s serial.. One thing bulbul can do. She can tell abhi DAT sure sh loves her. Then pragya will get Justice. And plzz I request to stop D’s divorce story
I agree with u
I think Pragya deserves somebody other than an egotistic rock star who’s carrying on with someone else, listens to his evil twised sister, and is afraid of, not respectful to daddi
Really man I just can’t understand why everyone wants abhigya reunin at the cost of rabul???????? Rather purab and bulbul desedeserves each other than abhi and pragya.I know it hurts abhigya s fans …but then they should also understand the feelings of rabul lovers…..I just hope ekta and her cvs bring some nice plot with not so much crying and misunderstandinings ….both the couples get married,enjoy a bit and then she can’ again start with her plotting and all with the help of aliya,tanu or even Suresh in life of both the couples
Moving stry fast will get things in right track…nd putting sme elements out of d box… Will add intrsts of people…
Letss see … O.o
Yaa really dat divorce thing z really .. Ykkkkk… Plz stop it..
The makers of this show has turned Abhi into a total blonde dumbo (I know stereotype but so true)…he is Aliya and Tanu monkey with a banana dangling in front of him to entertain them., what idiots!!!
Horrible script
Frens…watch soni tv itna karona mujhe pyar., soni tv hamsafars, colors udan. Star pus ek hasina thi..good stories and fast going…kkb is the worst .
No mother will leave her daughter in that same place alone after signing the divorce documents. Pragya apna saaman lanekeliye jub upar jayegi…….un ka maa aur bulbul unko chod kar upna ghar me rehthe..to welcome her…public ko ………….samajhthe shayadh..
I divorce this kkb forever…
Crazy day by day