thanks guys for huge support…I don’t wanna drag and ha In this episode abhi will meet pragya…suspense is broked ….and new ff. .P S I LOVE YOU….A NEW LOVE STORY …by aditi is so good…
the episode begins with abhi practising a song….he thinks about pragya and he gets a call from purab ….purab says hey bro…are you ready ….tmrw we gonna meet the designer…abhi says tmrw I will come don’t worry….
pragya gets a call from rashi..rashi asked how are you…and how Is my princess.…bulbul. .purab…pragya says all are fyn…you…rashi says till tday I will not be ok…but sure tmrw will be fyn..pragya asked what..rashi says arey baba …tmrw I am cmg to India…pragya says arey…super…if aaradhya heard she will not sleep tday…rashi says let it be suprise. ..pragya says okay…rashi says tmrw we gonna meet abhi…pragya says sorry what name you told…rashi says abhishek mehra..arey …rockstar…pragya asked but why…rashi says arey why are you kidding…pragya…for him and his concert only you gonna design ….pragya says what ..but I can’t do…I am coming back ..rashi says you can’t bcoz you have signed…pragya says but..rashi arey what problem you have …pragya says fyn .. .I will come…rashi cuts the call..
pragya thinks how I am gonna meet him if aaradhya comes to know about him…
next morning…
pragya wakes up and gets ready In blue jeans and pink top…aaradhya says ma..ur looking good…pragya says thanks and says you should not disturb nani ..or bulbul…I know my princess is cool but…aaradhya says ok ma and hugs her…
pragya comes to studio…rashi too comes…pragya was hesitated but thinks however she want to meet him…so she goes in…
purab too comes there…but he doesn’t know it’s pragya…he knows only rashi….pragya says to rashi that she will come and goes to washroom…in meantime…purab see rashi …they both hugs…rashi asked how are you…purab says come..rashi says but my frnd…I mean ur designer. .purab says the nearby bodygauard to take the designer to spot once she comes and they leaves…
pragya comes out and searches for rashi…she calls her….rashi says the direction…
abhi meantime speaks with rashi and purab….rashi sees pragya and shouts pragya here…purab and abhi turns to see…pragya sees rashi who is forward to abhi and purab* ( abhi ,purab is standing behind rashi. .they could see pragya but not pragya could see them)
when she comes near she introduces pragya…purab says di…you are…pragya looks at abhi…abhi and pragya have eyelock… pragya says here I am a designer that’s it and looks at abhi…abhi sees her and thinks oh…my God…my pragya is back…pragya says let’s go…
abhi thinks to tease her…
pragya shows him a suit but abhi says it doesn’t suits him…abhi says he is a rockstar and wearing such dresses.pragya gets irked …and almost he rejected 20 suits…pragya was at top of anger….pragya complains to rashi….as rashi is big fan of abhi…she didnt bother…pragya gets a call…abhi sees her..pragya takes the call….and says arey..what my baby…is doing…acha…really …I too miss you badly…no…I am not free….ok….give phone to bulbul….and says ha bulbul…give lunch at right time…ok and cuts the call…abhi becomes jealous …he thinks who may be…it….baby. .missing….and thinks to ask about it to rashi. ..
aaradhya ask Sarla abt her father…pragya says ur fatherdoesn’t wanna us…abhi comes there…
hope you all lyk it…comment
naveena diii stry vryyyyy nice awsome
no words to say nxt episode plssss update fast …really want to now the reason 4r abhigya’s separation …i was a silent reader these many days but now really di ur awesome
your story line is too good.
i love kkb. but nowadays it is dragging.
but i love ur ff.
today only i read all the updates.
so keep going.
all the best…
Naveena u r amazing yaar I loved today’s episode and precap seems to be interesting waiting for next episode update it soon dr
plz reveal d reason 4 their seperation….
awesome very nice episode precap is interestning waiting fr ur next episode naveena
OMG abhi’s tantrums haha awesome naveena loved it eagerly waiting for ur next episode …
Superb yar… please update long episode it’s not short but we expected more… please update your next episode today itself I can’t wait
superb Navena
Naveena superb yaar… Bt I’m just waiting for tomorrow episode with much excitement n also lotttttt of questions in my mind tat y abhi n pragya gets seperated n whether abhi knows abt her daughter loads of questions plzzzzzzzzzzz reveal the suspense as soon as possible yaar…
Haa but don’t give small flashback please I want their first meeting to pragya went for US…
Really really superbbbbb…..awesome yaar……
Veryyy niceeee
Awesome naveena i love it keep going
Naveena superb yaar….
Plz update the next episode fast….
eagerly waiting to read more….
superb yaar….pls continue…