kumkum bhagya : happy love (Episode 5)

Thanks for ur support frnds… ..

The epi start with abhi falls down and cry.
Flashback shown: (actually dadi and pragya said abhi to go and take rest cn be in hospital) so abhi came out from hospital go to car then only he relize his phone is missed. Suddenly he come again to hospital purab seen that and ask Wat? Abhi said I miss my phone. So purab gave his phone to abhi for call abhi’s phone and find but abhi’s phone is in swith off .

On other side a nurse find abhi’s phone and she ask everyone to this phone is ur’s. Pragya see that phone and find out it is abhi’s phone and she gets that phone from nurse.

Abhi go to reception and ask if any of them see my phone I missed that. And a nurse came there and tell I already give that phone to a girl. Abhi ask who is that girl ( pragya cross that way) so that girl show pragya abhi turn back (but pragya crossed away and tanu crosses) abhi see tanu and call her but she didn’t heared his voice. Abhi thinks Wat happen to her.

In a room tanu and a doctor(nikil) talk to each other. Actually nikil said tanu y u complicated ur life. I think kill Sarala is deficulty. Tanu thinks herself y nikil tell like this if nikil not kill Sarala then abhi know every truth and my life become strange. She tell nikil so u didn’t kill Sarala k I will arrange another person and i want to know one thing if u really love me. Nikil said yes I love u Dr. Tanu said Oh then y u step back . Nikil said oh tanu y u cheating abhi and his family only for his money and fame na. I will earn money and become a big producer soon. Tanu gets angry and tell y u could not understand ya I agree I cheat abhi and I know very well this child is not abhi’s child and ur child. And she tells I do this only for my child. I know very well u earn money but in between of time who will give nice life to my baby. If I marry abhi then my baby also live nice life and I get divorce from abhi with huge amount of money. And then we both live happily with our child.(Tanu manipulate nikil by her loving words in her mind she thinks another idea that is if nikil kill Sarala on that time she record that be in her mobile and give that be in police then nikil get arrest and then she live happily).
Nikil understand her love so he tells ok I will kill Sarala only for u. Tanu said thanks. Nikil hug tanu. Tanu breaks that and said k I will leave now.

They both went outside they show abhi be that room back of a curtain. Abhi gets tears on his eyes and again & again thinks Tanu words . And he move to reception and sit a chair and cry ( an another fb shown actually abhi call tanu didn’t heared his voice so abhi follow her wrongly he went a room but that is very dark so abhi sacred that time a cat cross abhi with touch of abhi’s feet so he gets sacred and hide back of a curtain then only tanu and a doctor ( nikil ) came there and talk. ) fb ends

In mm ..
Abhi feels so much of tanu cheat and cries thing of Wat pragya do for his life before the makeover. (Sad abhigya bgm play).

In hospital pragya thing tanu with a doctor and that car number. Suddenly police came there and ask about Sarala health and they want to investigate about this case. So police ask pragya when it will happen ? And some other question pragya answered. Lastly they ask u have doubt on anyone pragya thinks Tanu video but she said no. Suddenly police ask could u notice that car number pragya get confuses and tell now iam not well u can come 2mmrrow and continue ur investigation. Police leaves. Pragya continuously thinks about that car number and she thinks I seen that number more times. So she think tanu bf is so close to my family.

In car purab again & again see the doctor dress help of mirror and thinks y nikil have doctor dress and he thinks nikil and tanu’s some moments but he not belive that and change his mind suddenly. In a place purab said to nikil stop the car my place came. He get down from car a auto cross and spoil purab shirt with duty waters.
Purab said oh my shirt !!! Nikil see that and ask purab to come with me my home there only we reach 5 mins . U can change ur dress. And also he said u have an meeting so plz come (actually purab have a meeting in his office so only leave the hospital and in car they purab said about his meeting to nikil) purab also said ok.

Precap : pragya and hugs each other . On other side purab seen Tanu photo in nikil room.

Frnds actually I have my Xmas and side by side regular classes. So my next update will take more time. Sry for that. If I have time I will update soon.. Thank you for ur love.


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