Fan Fiction

kumkum bhagya (a love story of the romantic couples) episode 19

guys thank for all of ur comments and tisha congrats for ur 70th episode really nice yaar….. u rock and nowadays many r writing tamil love story ff too so nice…… keep going evryone r really supporting keep supporting and keep commenting guys because more abhigya and ishveer scenes r waiting ……

The episode starts with Pragya struggling to breathe and Abhi doesn’t know wat to do ??…… he says Pragya pls open ur eyes for me …….. meri liye sirf ek baar … then i will make evrythng solved he cries …… suddenly an idea gets to his mind….

a fb shows
Abhi comes out from a cafe after drinking coffee ….. A lady got accident while struggling to breathe because she has wheezing problm …. a doc while crossing the road swa that and says pls let her to breathe …… the lady suddenly faints ….. evrybdy panics ……. doc suddenly gives mouth to mouth respiration to her …. the lady suddenly she starts to breathe ……. and evrybdy appreciates the doc ….. Abhi thinks thank god!!!…..
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Abhi says fuggi don’t take me bad for you only i am doing this only for you …. he pumps her heart but no use ……. he nicely breathed in and gives mouth to mouth respiration to Pragya ……..but no reaction….. Abhi cries hard and says fuggi i love u so much pls open ur eyes ……pls don’t leave me alone …… he again gives mouth to mouth respiration to Pragya ……. suddenly Pragya starts to breathe ….. but she didn’t open her eyes she is still in unconscious stage ……. Abhi calms down and makes Pragya to sleep …..

Ishani wakes up and comes to see Pragya ….. but she can’t find Pragya there ….. she panics …….Rv also can’t find Abhi ……. Ishani and RV dashes their head ……. Ishani again trying to dash his head but RV stops and says no not needed if horns grows also it’s ok ……. Ishani says no problm already u r looking like an animal only …. Rv smirks …. Ishani
says u r also looking like a junglee billy (jungle cat) …… Ishani says see sir i have no time to fight with you ….. where is Pragya ?? Rv says where is Abhi ???…… Rv says this means yesterday itself they didn’t return to room ….Ishveer blinks and says then where r they ?? RV says arreyy!!!! they stuck in that room itself oh no!!!!!they went …..

Pragya wakes up …… and asks Abhi sir when we r going to go out ?…….. Abhi says arreyy now also network is dead yaar……..

(note:Pragya doesn’t know anythng abt yesterday’s night she was as usual now)

Pragya asks who inverted this mobile network ??…. Abhi says your grandpa !!!… Pragya gets irked…… Rv breaks the door and enters ……Abhigya sees his action and gets shocked …….. RV says sorry yaar …. the door gets locked ….. Ishani says we thought yesterday u both returned to room before us …… Pragya says the door gets locked and sir tries to call Rv says but the network is dead …. and i am still feeling sleepy……. Ishani says come with me and take a little rest they both went ……. Ishani orders a coffee for Pragya …… Pragya asks where that 3 madams went to clge ….. Ishani says haan they went …….

Rv asks yesterday night wat happened ?? Abhi narrates the whole incident ….. The coffee boy came and hear when Abhi saying about mouth to mouth respiration matter he didn’t hear fully and mistakes that and went…..

the coffee boy came and Pragya receives the coffee….. he says madam u r so romantic Abhi sir kissed u i too free only !!!….** Pragya gets teary eyes she slaps him …..Ishani comes there …. and says get out of here …… otherwise i will take u from the job ……..he says sorry madam …… and went …… Pragya goes to Abhi’s cabin and holds Abhi’s collar and says how dare u will kiss me ?? i am feeling ashamed ….. pls pls pls don’t again get back into my life …… and she leaves …. Abhi gets teary eyes and he sits down in his chair …. (rang the noor tha jab kareeb tu tha yeh jannat sa tha yeh jahaan ….. wakt ki reth pe kuch mere naam saa likh ke chod gaya tu kahaan …..)plays……

Ishani comes to Rv and says y Abhi did this u know wat and y ur again getting back in our life just move on pls ….. Rv gets angry and says do u know wat happened that night Pragya got wheezing problm and she was struggling to breathe and the doctors wat suggest is mouth to mouth respiration .. and narrates the whole incident ……. Rv says sorry sir …..Rv again holds her and says i will not move on i need u ishani ….. Ishani gets shocked ….. Rv says u didn’t know the truth abt Meetu and he narrates the whole truth …… Ishani says sorry Ranveer i am so sorry ….. they hugs each other (tum hi ho plays) …….. Rv says we came here to realize the truth to both of you ……and now Ishani Pragya only doesn’t know the truth Abhi is thinking to bring her back with his love …. u only pls say that wat is behind that respiration ….. Ishani says ok !!!!

Pragya was in the room thinking about that incident …… Ishani enters and sees Pragya ……. Ishani asks Pragya kya hua ?? Pragya asks that Abhi he kissed me …… Ishani says no he not ……. Pragya asks wat u r saying ?? Ishani narrates the respiration incident …… Ishani says you have to ask sorry to him Pragya ……. he tried only to save u ?? but the wrong is on our side …. Pragya says ya u r ryt i am going to his room to ask sorry ……. she leaves …. Ishani says Pragya i definitely get u united with ur love with Abhi …..

Bulbul Suhani and Disha r thinking wat plan they have to do …. Ishani hears it …… they 3 gets shocked ….Disha says di u….. we r just discussing sumthng ….. Ishani says can i also join ur discussion madams ??……. Bulbul Suhani and Disha blinks Ishani laughs in her mind …… Disha says some foolish reasons …… Ishani blurt out with laughter …… Disha says di wat happened ??? any screw loosed in ur brain ….. Ishani says hey i know the truth yaar …… Bulbul says kya?? Suhani says really …… Ishani says haan Rv can’t control his feelings and said the truth …. now can i join ur discussion?? ….. Suhani says of course di ….. now we 5 r going to get Abhi and Pragya reunited …… Suhani says we 4 only there na ?? who is that 5th person …. Ishani says Ranveer ….and blushes …… Bulbul says arreyy!! Ishani di is blushing ….. Disha asks arreyy di kya baath hai?? Ishani says kuch nahi ?? and smiles ….

Pragya presses the calling bell ….. Rv opens the door ……. Pragya asks where is Abhi sir ??…. Rv asks he is in the balcony …… why?? Pragya says no i want to ask sorry to him …… Rv nods and leaves ……. Pragya sees Abhi standing alone in the balcony Pragya comes and says Sir ….. Sir Sir ….. Abhi didn’t respond ….. she says Suniye …. suddenly Abhi turns back he sees Pragya …tears rolled down from Abhi’s eyes ……Pragya says i am so sorry sir (sanam re plays)…… Abhi looks on Pragya ….. Pragya emotionally hugs Abhi and says so sorry sir and thank u for saving my life ….. she came back to her senses ….. Pragya says i will do watever u ask ??….. Abhi says really …… pls forgive me ….. and i want to tell u the truth …… Pragya says sorry sir i am leaving …….. she leaves………. Abhi says u r mine only fuggi today is the last day for our seperation …….. i will definitely realize my love to u !!!!!………


Precap:in the Raghav’s client party ….. Raghav and Kalpana dances on the song zehnaseeb …… and Ishveer dances on the song tum hi ho and Abhigya dances on the song sanam re …… Pragya drinks the wine bottle thinking that as juice and did some childish actions ….. abhi tries to control her ……


Guys as ur wish i have posted the next part ……. but it will take time to publish and let’s see how Abhi is going make Pragya realize and let’s see wat masti Pragya is going to do after she got drunked for all this masti and suspenses u have to wait and keep commenting and keep supporting till then stay tuned !!!!!!!…….



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