Fan Fiction

kumkum bhagya and matsh – SOULMATES FOREVER 3

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Pragya was bewildered by abhi’s choice of books.
Pragya : (thinking) Disgusting his book reflect his Casanova attitude. R
Abhi : What happened ? Don’t say that you didn’t ever heard the name. I know you read it (winks) . OMG Christian Grey ( he screeches in a fake high pitched voice)
Pragya: (fuming) No!! I am not that type of girl. Abhi started to pace towards her. She glanced around. Dammit, why she was alone every time he came near her? This was not the first time but she always felt a very strange connection.
Pragya : Stay away… i….i will hurt you (she points her pen towards him)
Abhi : (smiles at her childish threat) You can’t, cause you are not that type of girl. He then snatches her pen and comes closer to her face. Pragya tries hard not to look at him but she could easily feel his breath.
Abhi : If you don’t mind will you give me the cap ? it’s my pen that your taking along.
Pragya: What?? (relived and then quickly gives the cap)
Abhi : what?? (smirks) You were thinking about something else??
PRAGYA : No!! He then turns around and leaves . Abhi just loved the reactions on her face when he irritated her.

At mehra ‘s msnsion
As soon as abhi and ranveer entered the living room Bingo came rushing towards them. He was an abandoned dog whom aarti rescued a while ago. But now he was everyone’s favorite.
Aarti and dadi were sitting on sofa and were separating invitations.
Arti: Guess what!!? We are having a party tomorrow!
Abhi: But why?? Your birthday is still two weeks away.
Arti: No not for that. We are throwing a welcome party to get familiar with everyone here. Samar have gone to distribute invites to all.
Ranveer: But why?? Don’t expect us to stay here for years.
Aarti : I don’t . I know you and abhi will soon be of to US but can’t we make friends. I just love this place and people. They all are full of life. But both Ranveer and Abhi couldn’t help but disagree due to two particular girls.
Aarti: We are inviting almost everyone.I think most of your classmates will be present. (smiles naughtily) even the girls. Abhi and Ranveer didn’t even paused to listen and quickly went to their room.
Dadi : I know what you are thinking Aarti. Maybe you can find two perfect girls today. Aarti smiles but suddenly hears abhi shout . “DI!!!”Oh god!! She forgot to get his room’s door fixed. How could she forget? His room’s main door was not working properly and got locked automatically .
Aarti : (shouts) Sorry abhi!!! I will get it fixed after party. I have lot todo till then.
At pragya’s home
When pragya and ishani reached home yash was just leaving.  He instantly recognised them as arora’s daughter.
Yash : Hello ladies.
Pragya and ishani: hello.
Yash : Before you ask . Let me introduce myself . I am yash kapoor. We recently shifted to mehra’s mansion. And you ?
Ishani : I am ishani and she is pragya.
Yash : Nice to meet you two. You must be knowing Ranveer and Abhi.ishani and pragya went pale on hearing their names.
Yash : I guess everything’s alright but i am there brother in law. And you two are invited to party tomorrow.
Pragya: But we…
Yash: (cutting them off) No excuses pragya. You are coming and it’s final. Don’t know why but i feel aarti will be  delighted to meet you two. So will you? Pragya and ishani nod in acceptance.
Yash: Bye then . See you tomorrow.
Next day almost everyone was talking about the party. Abhi and Ranveer were absent and most of the girls were busy contemplating on what to wear.
At the party
The party was very grand. Mehra’s were filthy rich but also rich at heart. Aarti and yash were busy greeting guests. But Abhi and Ranveer were still upstairs in there respective rooms. Soon ishani and pragya arrived with their parents. They both were looking simple yet elegant. Aarti greeted them. She instantly liked them. Pragya was surprised. She couldn’t figure how a person like abhi could have such a wonderful sister. Then both of them quietly went to sit at an empty table.
Ishani: Aarti ji is so good na.
Pragya : Ya and even her husband.
Ishani: They make such a cute couple. I think ranveer is not their real brother.
Pragya : Why??
Ishani : Because there is no way a girl sweet like her could share genes with a pig like him. Anyways i am thirsty . Should i bring something foryou?
Ishani then went to get soft drink for both of them. Unknown to both of them somebody was constantly staring them. It was none other than the tanu and Tia. They both were fuming over the fact that ishani and pragya were also invited. Tanu called a waiter and bribed him to spill drink on pragya’s dress. She wanted to embarrass her in front of everyone. She decided to handle ishani

next.ishani was going towards the counter when she heard someone calling her name. She quickly turnedback and bumped into someone rather tall. She lost balance but was caught by him.ranveer stared blindly at her. She was looking breath takingly beautiful. She was different from other flashy girls who were wearing minimum clothing.ishani felt her heart pounding badly. Don’t know why but she was unable to look at anything other than his eyes. Soon ranveer broke the eyelock. As directed the waiter came and spilled drink on pragya’s dress.
Waiter: Sorry ma’am
Pragya : My dress!!
Waiter : Sorry. I lost my balance.
Pragya: It’s ok. Can you please tell me where the washroom is?
Waiter : Upstairs on left. Pragya quickly rushed upstairs to save herself from further embarrassment. When she reached upstairs she saw a number of similar looking doors leading to different rooms. She got confused . But one of the doors was a little open. That must be the washroom,she thought as other rooms are usually locked during parties. She went inside the room. But as soon as she went inside the door slammed back and shut automatically. She tried to open it but to no avail. She then turned back to room she was horrified to see the all messed up room. Oh my gosh!! It was surely not washroom but someone else’s bedroom. It was all messed up and the clothes were lying all over the bed. There were big posters of football legends all over the wall. The person was surely a freak as the room was full of fitness equipments.
PRAGYA was tempted to clean the room as she had a thing for clean room. But she somehow managed to curb her urge and turned back to open the door. Suddenly the reality hit her.- she was locked in someone’s room . She frantically searched for her phone but she had left it on table. She was not sure whether to cry for help or not as people might think of her to be a thief . Suddenly the washroom door creaked open and someone stepped out.

Ishani quickly regained her composure.
Ranveer : So you too are here.
Ishani : Do  you have any problem?
Ranveer : It doesn’t matter as long as di doesn’t have any problem.
Ishani : So she is really your di.
Ranveer: Excuse me??
Ishani: I mean how can an arrogant person like you have such anice sister?
Ranveer : What the… leave it . Why i am talking to you? He then left but forgot that he was going to return abhi’s phone which he had borrowed few minutes back.
Abhi stepped out his jeans but his upper body was naked as he was not wearing his shirt and towel was loosely hanging around his neck. Water was dripping from his hairs. But he too was not expecting pragya to be there in his room and that too at this time. As soon as they saw each other they both screamed. Pragya and abhi : YOU!! 
Pragya : (quickly shuts her eyes withher hand) I didn’t saw anything…i swear.

Hope you all loved.
.thanks for your support. …..


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