Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 10th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Karan and Preeta get in an argument over Shaurya

Kundali Bhagya 10th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shaurya furiously pulls Palki to the front saying she would be very happy today as Rajveer got it all for what he came, the entire property of the Luthra’s so he says she would be going to celebrate with him while says Rajveer is the biggest loser and he got it all due to his destiny, as coincidentally Rajveer turned out to be the son of his Dad otherwise Rajveer is good for nothing and what they say that Bhagwan gives those who work hard a lot, Shaurya replies that this is what he meant that her loser boy got it all, Palki says that it is her mistake for thinking she would be able to talk some sense into him, Palki angrily goes into the Luthra Mansion when Shaurya asks why did she run away when she could not give the answer, Shaurya tries to show resentment but hits his toe when he leaves in

the car with Sunny. Nidhi thinks that Shaurya did not even listen to her so what if he does something wrong, Daljeet says even she felt worried about Shaurya as he is very furious, Bi jee says that the children donot listen to anything now, Shanaya thinks she had to follow Shaurya as he might do something wrong, Nidhi thinks that everything has been ruined as Karan turned all the tables.

Karina asks what happened to Karan as she knows Shaurya is stubborn and angry but he is the child of this house and loves them all a lot, she asks why did Mahesh bhai support Karan but Mahesh replies he just put forward the way Karan thinks of the world but today he made the wrong decision, Bani Dadi explains even Karan does not think when he is furious, Karina explains both karan and Shaurya are the same when it comes to taking foolish decision in anger, Rakhi says then this could not go on like this, Kavya suggests to Rakhi mom that she must talk to Preeta ma who would be able to convince Shaurya as they all know that only a mother can talk some sense into her children as she has every right to either talk politely or even punish, scold them, Kavya says Preeta maa understands life very well and she would be able to care for Shaurya. Karina says that Kavya would not talk to Preeta as she herself has lost her memory so what would she be able to teach Shaurya, Kavya replies that relations are built by heart but Karina replies that Shaurya thinks from his mind, Kavya says even then they need love, Rakhi agrees with Kavya that Shaurya needs love and so explains that whenever Shaurya and Preeta come face to face then she has a very strange feeling even when Preeta does not remember this relation right now, but when the relations are true then they tend to give in while both Preeta and Shaurya have the relation of mother and son.

Preeta tells Karan he should have given some more time to Shaurya and test him further, Karan says that they test those whom they think have the ability to change but Shaurya has not such capability, Preeta asks if karan would teach Shaurya such values by sending him out of the house and says they just need love to change Shaurya, so if he wants to fix Shaurya then must also change himself explaining karan should love Shaurya like a father, Karan replies he has done it all while Shaurya would now mend his ways with what has been decided, Preeta says Kara keeps making mistakes which is wrong for Shaurya. Karan says that Shaurya is not a child but a grown up person and knows the results of his actions so this is the only way to teach him how to behave in the life, Karan says that what they were not able to teach him would be taught him by life, Preeta asks if karan is going to leave it all on the society and he does not have any obligation when Karan replies if Shaurya was a child then he would have done everything but Shaurya has made a lot of mistakes, as he ruined the houses of those people while even the child of that women was in jail. Karan says that Shaurya would learn in the language that he understands as he is the father and Karan promises to teach Shaurya that too in is own way, he asks preeta to see before walking away while Preeta is worried.

Shaurya is driving the car when Sunny says that Shaurya should stay at his house but then asks f Shaurya is listening to him as he should come to his house, Shaurya replies he wants alcohol and they would do that slows down the mind and Sunny asks what is it, Shaurya replies they would do the drugs today when Sunny asks if he has lost the mind, Shaurya replies someone has died in him today and he wants to stay away from his crazy family while forget every relation that he has while he just needs drugs, Sunny asks Shaurya to calm down.

Karan is working when preeta comes to him and he asks what happened, she replies she is still worried about one thing but he does not listen, Karan replies he cannot understand it, preeta says Karan should do it all for himself and his son, karan says he is not doing anything wrong but doing it all for his son when Preeta requests him to listen and think about it. Karan replies he does not want to talk about the companies that he gave to Rajveer or Shaurya, while says that she should have been glad that Rajveer got the profitable companies. Preeta ask then why did Karan not agree to their original plan, Karan says that Shaurya would have turned those companies into loss making. Preeta replies that she knows Shaurya is not able to sty with the family and spend time, he is not able to do a lot of things that Rajveer does, she asks if this is the comparison Karan is doing between Shaurya and Rajveer. Karan tries to assure he is not comparing anyone but Preeta replies it is the case otherwise Karan would have give Shaurya a purpose in his life by giving the profitable companies, Karan says Shaurya does not have any purpose and just knows how to party with the friends and enjoy himself preeta says this is why he gave Rajveer all the things, she asks how Karan would be able to oust Shaurya from his life and instead gave it all to Rajveer, Karan says that Rajveer is also his son but then mentions meant like his son. Preeta replies Shaurya has the right over his business and property so what about Rajveer, karan says even Rajveer is his son and has the same blood, he explains he said it because this is what Preeta wanted to hear and requests he does not want about this topic anymore because he is tired, Preeta says she wants him to give the companies he gave to Rajveer back to Shaurya and he has to do it, Karan asks Preeta what is the way she is talking as he feels it is Shaurya, Preeta replies she is also like his mother and wants to correct the wrongs that have happened with him, karan sits on the bed saying he is not able to understand anything. Preeta says she feels Karan has a lot of attitude as Shaurya did what he desired, Karan says he did not do anything, preeta mentions Shaurya apologized to the people and even her when truth is that she had beaten him a lot and he should not have apologized.

Preeta asks if karan is going to take the life of the child, karan replies that Shaurya did not have any shame when he was apologizing and he was doing it as if he was doing a favor on them, Karan says it does not happen like this. Preeta asks Karan to listen to her as the boy who always remains in his attitude came down to apologize to them all, Karan says he has realized Preeta is feeling guilty and she wants to correct it, he says that she now desires everything in the life of Shaurya should be the best while he assures she has not done anything wrong and herself says they must make the person realize their mistake, Preeta must not feel the guilt, Preeta asks then why is Karan punishing him when had he not apologized nor suffered but she cannot accept it now, Preeta says it is the mother inside her speaking, she says Karan should also ask the father in him to do good for Shaurya. Karan says if he changes his decision today then Shaurya would never change but remain the same, and the teaching that he, preeta and the family members are not able to give would be given to him by the life which he is trying to give to Shaurya.

Preeta asks Karan why is he so stubborn but he replies that if she thinks like it then so be it, Preeta replies for the first time she is feeling as if she does not karan, he replies she herself claimed that they both know each other from years. Preeta says then he would have understood her explanation, she wonders how can she explain he is doing wrong with Shaurya over and over again, karan replies he is doing what a father must do in this situation. Preeta asks Karan to let go of this stubborn behavior as Shaurya would just keep hating his father and every member, she asks if Karan does not see how Shaurya behaves rudely with the entire family as Karan also made Rajveer the CEO in front of Shaurya while if Karan keeps doing it then the hatred of Shaurya would become a storm that is going to ruin this house. Karan replies he has taken the right decision as Shaurya is his son and he has to teach him some lessons so would keeps taking such decisions in the future, karan says that he would not have any discussion about it in the future, Preeta furiously walks out to see Rakhi and Kavya standing there, they notice how Preeta is very emotional.

Palki furiously walks into the house and she does not even see Rajveer, he calls her when she goes to sit by thee couch next to him wen Rajveer says she was about to go home but Palki is very irritated, Rajveer asks what happened, Palki asks how can Shaurya be his brother, Rajveer replies they cannot change the fact when Palki says Shaurya is doing a lot of things. Rajveer requests her to let it be but Palki says that she cannot stay quiet if Shaurya says something to anyone else and she gets very irritated, Rajveer asks if palki does not feel she is, Palki replies he means she hates him a lot but Shaurya is not even worthy of her anger. Rajveer says she should not even see him but Palki replies she is not able to stop being irritated, Rajveer requests for him when Palki says she can do anything for him, Palki explains they both are very different even when they are brothers as Rajveer is able to calm her and she likes seeing him but is not even interested in looking at Shaurya who always causes her to be furious. Rajveer says that they are two different people, Palki replies but they are brothers from the same parents. Palki agree she would not take his name but then says she is very thirsty and so goes to pour some water for her, Rajveer advises her that if they keep thinking about the person they hate then they get angry so must not give importance to them, Palki replies Shaurya says something else in front of Rajveer while other things in front of her which would even make Rajveer furious, he says she should just talk to him, Palki asks what would she talk to him about, he replies what is in her heart and she questions what does he know is in her heart. They both start smiling while standing in front of each other.

Shaurya while sitting starts taking the name of Palki, Sunny asks what about Palki when Shaurya says that the day when his car caused the accident of the bus on which Rajveer and his aunt were coming then the three of them came into his life which ruined it all, Shaurya says that he would throw some tantrums forcing his father to accept his decisions and then says that one day he was caught by the Principal while stealing the papers, Shaurya says they were not for him but Sandy as he could have studied, Shaurya says his father scolded him a lot but he never yelled at him but even Rishab dad was present there and saved him from the scolding. Shaurya gets up saying that Palki and Rajveer turned his own father against him while even his father has started thinking Rajveer as his own son so gave him everything including the business and house, Shaurya exclaims that all those things belong to him while Rajveer got it all due to Palki so he says he hates her. Sunny asks Shaurya who does he really hate, his Dad, Rajveer or Palki when Shaurya replies he is angry with them all, Palki, his Dad and their favourite Preeta while even Rajveer, mentioning they snatched everything from him and kept on insulting him while making him feel as he capable of nothing and a loser. Shaurya starts drinking again thinking about when Palki said she feels he is just some dirt around her today, she even said he kept breaking the relations himself, then his father said that he has let him down as a son and is good for nothing, while even the aunt of Rajveer beat him a lot in front of everyone, Shaurya gets emotional.

Precap: Shanaya tells Palki to stay away from Shaurya and stop creating problems from him nor place thorns in his way. Shaurya says they all have no idea what it means to be bad while he is now going to show them, everyone is worried while Karan is furious

Update Credit to: Sona

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