Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 11th February 2022 Written Episode Update: Karan defends Preeta infront of the entire family

Kundali Bhagya 11th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Karan asks if anything happened but no one responds, Prithvi coming says there is nothing to be worried about since the doctor has given Mahesh uncle the injections so he is going to feel better, but he is with them so nothing is going to happen to Mahesh uncle, this is his promise, Prithvi asks Dadi that when the last time Mahesh got the attack, he was threatened to be sent to the mental asylum but he was the one who fought with the doctor so that Mahesh is allowed to stay in this house, Preeta questions what has gotten into him, since he is the reason because of which Mahesh is suffering but he is questioning about the relations, she questions what motive does he have now when Prithvi asks what proof does she have that he ahs done anything wrong, she is always blaming him for being wrong when

he has always thought about the better for this family, he asks what problem does she have with him, Karan says he should lower his voice since Preeta is the owner of this house and also his wife so she must be respected, Prithvi along with everyone else is shocked, Prithvi says he doesnot respect the designation or relations but people, and they all know that she has taken everything by force from his father and they all know that she has just come here for the sake of money, karan exclaims even then he must talk politely, Kritika exclaims if this is the case then Prithvi is also the son in law, Karan asks what is she saying when Preeta stops them all mentioning she doesnot need anything from them.

The doctor comes asking what have they done since it is not right, he is advising them to make sure that Mahesh is kept in the basement, Preeta questions what is he saying since if Mahesh is not brought to the family then how will he get back to life, the doctor says this is the problem since Mahesh has gotten really dangerous and is attacking Mona, he might have even killed the nurse but if they do not take it seriously, he would be forced to send him to the mental asylum, Prithvi assures that he is present so will make sure that Mahesh doesnot harm anyone or is brought out from the basement, Preeta seeing them all, exclaims that such drama always happens in this house but she cannot bear it and needs to rest, Karina exclaims how can she talk like this with them when she was just a middle class nurse, how dare she is talking like this with them.

Natasha in her room is really frustrated wondering how is she still living with these people since this is a mad house, she however calms herself down thinking that she cannot let anyone know the real purpose as Sherlin thinks she has come pretending to be her sister and Karan thinks he is using her to make Preeta feel jealous but no one knows her real purpose, the Luthra’s would have met a lot of people like Prithvi but not seen anyone like her.

Preeta entering her room gets really worried wondering why the doctor said that Mahesh is ill since he is healthy and even enjoyed the lorhi function, but she doesnot know what happened with him that he caused suffered such an attack, she doesnot know what is going on, Janki mentions she herself saw the condition of Mahesh and he is not fine, Karan walks into the room, Preeta questions if he is sure about the doctor who is taking care of Mahesh, Karan replies he knows what she is saying but he can never take any risk with the health of his father so himself appointed the doctor, Shristhi mentions they should leave now, Karan offers to drop them but she assures she can go by herself, he mentions he was just talking about being responsible but cannot let them go alone, he calls Sameer to come as Shristhi is right so Sameer would drop them but Shristhi refuses to go with him however Janki insists on going with only Sameer. They leave but then even karan walks out which worries Preeta about what might have happened to him.

Sameer also sits in the car then Shrishti also sits with Janki in the back seat, Janki asks her to go and sit with him on the front seat as Sameer is not a driver but a friend however Shrishti doesnot want to believe anything but insists on sitting at the back seat, however when they insist Shristhi starts walking by herself, Janki stopping her questions what is she doing since it is not nice to go like this when Sameer is waiting to drop them off, Shrishti says she doesnot need his help as he is not that cool, Karna also comes asking what is the problem, when Shristhi says that Janki aunti si forcing her to sit in the front seat but she doesnot want to sit however they are not understanding, Sameer says that he has not said anything when Karan also asks Janki to not interfere, he pulling Sameer with him advises him to not talk so rudely with her since he needs to start his relation with her once again for which he would have to be polite, he asks them to go since he has informed Sameer.

Sameer stops the car when Shrishti leaves without even letting him reply, he gets tensed when Janki mentions she knows he is a really nice person and even Shrishti is a good hearted girl, this time things have not taken a turn for the worse but gotten ruined, he would have to take some more time to get back with Shristhi, she advises him to work it slowly and not rush it, Sameer agrees with her so then turns to get back in the car, Shrishti looking at him from the window says her Goodbye.

Preeta is combing her hair, she recalls when Mahesh blessed her and thinks how can it happen that he gets angry so easily which she doesnot know, she wonders how can he attack someone all of a sudden since these people tend to claim he is a mental person so should be away from the family, he is locked in the basement, she gets suspicious thinking something happens with Mahesh that causes him to react in such a manner, she sitting on the bed, exclaims she needs to think what needs to be done.

Update Credit to: Sona

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