Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 11th March 2020 Written Episode Update: Preeta locks Maira and Sherlin in the out house

Kundali Bhagya 11th March 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Preeta says that she ahs given the injection that she was directed to do and he is fine and stable but they must all leave the room as it is not right for them all to keep standing like this, Karina, Rakhi and Dadi, say that they will not leave, Risahb says that they can stay but the rest of them will leave.
Risahb and everyone are celebrating the fact that Mahesh will soon be fine and be able to talk to them, Karan and Rishab thank Preeta for making sure that Mahesh is stable, Preeta explains that she ahs just followed the directions of the doctor.
Prithvi is wondering how can Mahesh heal so quickly and he must not get fine, he is also confused as to why Preeta is helping them all even when they are not good people, she must therefor not do anything that she does not like so he must do

anything that he can to make Preeta not help them all, he thinks od a plan and then calls the waiter, he calls him and after giving him money he mixes something in the drink and then asks the waiter to serve it as she is not well and will not listen to him so he must go and serve it to her, the waiter offers the juice to everyone but Preeta refuses to take it, she only agrees when Karan insists, Shrishti asks him to bring two more glasses for herself and Kartika.
They all drink it, karan gets dizzy so takes their excuse, Rakhi comes asking Preeta if she will make tea for Dadi as she wants to drink it, Preeta immediately goes to make it and Shrishti also accompanies her, Kartika hugs Risahb who explains that he now feels that everything will be fine.
Prithvi is walking he is boasting about his intelligence saying that he has given her a drink mixed with some things that will make her not feel well, so now he has to take care of Mahesh, A waiter passes by him and he takes a glass, the waiter tries to stop him as they are the glasses mixed with bhang and so now what will he tell Sherlin, Prithvi asks him to leave after scolding him.
Preeta is making the tea, Shrishti asks why did she not say anything to Maira as it might ruin their plan, preeta explains that she did not say anything because she had to give her entire attention to Mahesh as he means the most to her, Shrishti says that they must do something and give a reply to Maria for her stupid act, Sameer comes asking what has happened, Shrishti explains that Maira had locked them both in the guest room hearing which Sameer gets really frustrated and so asks her to confront Maira as it is the right time, then they plan to lock them as they did to them both, Preeta says that they must do it now but Shrishti says that she will take care of it but she must spent some time with the Luthra family, so she goes.
Sherlin uis in her room thinking of how the planned to kill Mahesh and he recognized her s what will she do now, Maira also comes asking how much time it will take for karan to get intoxicated, Sherlin says that it will take some time, Shrishti is walking in the hall talking with Preeta saying that she will get the first aid box from the out house and give it to Rakhi which will make them really happy.
Rishab comes into Mahesh’s room asking all of them to come out as they have to let him rest as it is the best thing for him now, he makes them come with him as they must let Mahesh rest.
Sherlin and Maira go to the out house and plan to collect the box but when they reach there Shrishti is following them but she falls and gets a sprain on her ankle which stops her from walking, and so she is not able to close the door, Sherlin realizes that they have been played and they might be locked in the room, they try to run but Preeta locks them and when they insist her to open the door, Preeta mentions that she did this on purpose and this is exactly what suits them both because of how they are.
Karan is in his room and not feeling well, preeta comes to the door and is relieved to see that he is all right, when she is about to leave he calls her in the room asking her to sit with him as otherwise he might not be able to be in his senses, she asks why did he have the drink mixed with bhang as this is what ahs caused him to not feel well, they both start to blame each other about who is holding the hand which irritated Preeta to the extent that she decides to leave but he stops her, they both hold each others hands and get into a romantic state.

Update Credit to: Sona

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