Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 12th July 2023 Written Episode Update: Mahesh invites Rajveer to the function

Kundali Bhagya 12th July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kavya tells Mahesh to invite Rajveer from the office, Rakhi says she was about to say the same thing to him that he must invite Rajveer, she says she does not understand why it feels as if someone with a very good charm has come to their house, Mahesh says she is correct as he also feels the same, he leaves after seeking permission from Rakhi. Kavya hugs Rakhi who says that her Grand father is young and handsome but he left without taking his bag. Mahesh calls Garesh asking him to bring the back, Nidhi standing in the balcony thinks they are inviting Rajveer as if he is someone from their own family, she smiles thinking they will should start what is about to happen.

Palki opening the door is socked to see Shreya asking what is she doing here, Shreya asks if she cannot come when Palki replies

she can obviously come as this is also her house, Shreya mentions her mother made Rajma rice and send them for Palki as she really likes them. Shreya explains Palki has made new friends so would have forgotten her old friends, Palki asks who is she talking about, Shreya replies the handsome boy who lives in the house of her aunt, Palki acts as if she does not know anything, Shreya mentions they both get lost staring each other in the eyes whenever they meet, Palki replies she has said there is nothing of the sort but Shreya mentions Palki is not accepting anything, she explains she has to go to her hospital but Palki mentions she will make tea for her, Shreya replies she will come back and find the truth about her constantly staring Rajveer. Palki thinks about Rajveer, she wonders why does she think so much about Rajveer, as she is not that much important for him.

Rajveer enters his cabin wondering what is happening to him, he thinks the people why is he not able to express his hatred towards the people whom he hates so much.

Palki is in the kitchen when she gets a call from Rajveer, she answering it says she was just thinking about him, he asks what was she thinking, Palki asks if he remembers her friend Shreya, who was asking how is Rajveer. Palki asks why is he so tensed, he replies that it is just the burden of work. Palki scolds him saying she knows when he is troubled, but must rest assured as nothing wrong happens with the good people. Rajveer ends the call mentioning he will call her back as he is busy, Palki wonders why did he call when he had to cut the call, Rajveer replies he felt good after talking to Palki. He once again gets a call from Palki who asks what has happened with him and why did he call her, but he replies it was nothing important.

Nidhi is selecting the dresses for her, Arohi comes to her room when Nidhi asks how is she looking, Arohi replies Nidhi is looking happy and so asks what has she done to cause it, Nidhi replies Arohi has become smart, she mentions that she has made sure Preeta leaves before coming to this house. Nidhi explains Preeta came to this house because of Rajveer, Nidhi explains she even saw them both in the office, and Rajveer said that Preeta was his caterer, Arohi asks if she is sure Preeta can do something like this, Nidhi informs Preeta can do anything without even moving a finger. Nidhi exclaims that Preeta wants to enter this house with the help of Rajveer but she is going to use him to make sue Preeta stays away from here., Nidhi informs that Rajveer will get arrested in today’s function. Arohi asks if she will spoil the function of Kavya, Nidhi replies as if she actually cares for Kavya as Kavya really loves her mother so must pay the price for it. Nidhi is eagerly waiting for the drama that will happen tonight as the entire family will be shocked and the entire story is going to change, the son of this house will help her in the plan.

Shaurya enters the office, he sees Rajveer walking so starts smiling recalling when Nidhi mentioned she has a plan with which Rajveer would go in the jail for at least an entire year, Rajveer as the reason he is smiling since they both are present here, Shaurya says Rajveer is a very weird person as he has a problem when he is polite and even harsh. Mahesh is glad to see Rajveer here so explains he has a very important to tell him, Rajveer asks the reason, Mahesh replies he wanted to invite him to the function as the entire family desires it. Rajveer replies he was not going to refuse and had already agreed, he explains he got a call from Kavya. Mahesh says Kavya is a very clever person as she herself called Rajveer and even asked him. Mahesh mentions they both would go together, Rajveer replies what about his clothes when Mahesh mentions they will send a driver. Shaurya explains Rajveer has proven himself to be capable of doing the work of a waiter and knows that there are a lot of people in their functions, Rajveer replies he will do anything for Kavya since she has mentioned he is just like her brother.

In the night Preeta is eagerly waiting for Rajveer but he has not come back till now, she calls him asking where is he at the moment when he replies he is still working. Preeta instructs him to video call her, she says he could have at least informed her even if he got late, Rajveer apologizes but Preeta mentions that he knows this is not their city and she gets tensed. Preeta says she does not want to talk with him, he starts smiling and she asks the reason when he says she is really cute and is still talking with him even when she said she does not want to, Preeta keeps scolding him but then asks if he ate his lunch. Rajveer immediately ends the call after seeing karan entering the cabin. Preeta once again calls him when Karan also asks Rajveer to answer his call, Rajveer replies he was talking about something private, Karan says then he will wait outside the cabin.

Shaurya is sitting in his cabin, Sandy comes to the office when Shaurya asks how did he like the cabin, Sandy takes out the bottle of alcohol seeing which Shaurya gets excited, Sandy asks if Shaurya has actually become a business man when Shaurya replies he is doing what he likes best. Shaurya gets a call from Nidhi who asks him why has he not come back till now, Shaurya replies he will come back after a while but Nidhi says she cannot handle everything by herself. Shaurya asks Sandy to come to his house as today is the function of KD, Shaurya gets excited.

Arohi is very tensed and she asks Nidhi why is Preeta not revealing herself and did not even meet her own son Shaurya. Nidhi replies it is good for her but Arohi is sure that today Preeta will come to this house since it is the function of Kavya. Nidhi gets tensed.

Kavya is smiling seeing Rakhi and she asks the reason, kavya replies because Rakhi seems very cute. Rakhi replies she is feeling very love for her, Rakhi says she does not know who has made the ritual that the daughters leave the house of her parents and establish their own worlds. Rakhi explains it can also happen that they live right in front of the Luthra Mansion, as they will even get their privacy and she would be able to meet them any time. Kavya asks Rakhi whose qualities does she have in her, Rakhi says she talks just like her father Karan but behaves like her mother, Rakhi leaves explaining she has to take out the saree for Bani Dadi. Kavya starts smiling thinking about what Rakhi mom said.

Preeta is heating the food when Rajveer calls her, she asks why did he cut her call when Rajveer replies there is a network problem when Preeta replies she saw he ended the call, she asks when will he come back, Rajveer replies he is going to the house of the Luthra’s since today is the function of the elder sister of Shaurya and he was asked to help out. Preeta says why would she scold him for such a good thing, she insists that she feels that he should have a sister who will talk with her. Rajveer says that brothers are very stubborn and do not care about anyone, Preeta replies he is talking as if he has a brother, Rajveer says he is a single child but his friends have siblings so he knows everything about their relation. Rajveer ends the call after seeing Mahesh standing behind him, he gets really worried.

Palki is working in the kitchen constantly thinking about Rajveer and how always saved her, she after a while wonders why does she always think about him and not interested in any sort of work, Palki thinks she must not think about him as he only considers her as a true friend and he is also jus a true friend for her. Palki puts the dish on the table, she thinks she does not even know a lot of things about him but he has his own personal life, she thinks that the quarrel between Rajveer and Shaurya is not just about an accident but something else, she feels that something very bad has happened to Rajveer. Palki prays that all the desires of Rajveer should be fulfilled.

Update Credit to: Sona

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