Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 13th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Shaurya asks Preeta to talk to his father

Kundali Bhagya 13th December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mahesh asks Bani Dadi to take care of himself as what would he do without her, he says she can do anything after he dies when Bani Dadi asks why does he talk like this when she is fine. Karan sits with them explaining Dad is right as they all really need her while a mother in law is the only one who can scold her daughter in law, he says even Dad needs someone to scold their father as who else can say anything to her besides her, Karan asks Mahesh if he is saying the truth, Bani Dadi agrees that a daughter in law needs a mother in law as love is the reason which causes the house to be formed and not always scolding them as she believes in love, she asks if Karan remember that she used to consider Preeta as a daughter. Mahesh says that Bani Dadi is lying when she did not like her at first and used

to scold Preeta a lot, Karan wonders why is he feeling that preeta is around here, he suddenly leaves when Bani Dadi asks what happened but Mahesh is also confused.

Palki walking is thinking about how Shanaya said she is finally getting married to the person she leaves and even Daljeet threatened to look at her after the Roka ends. Rajveer stops Palki asking what happened when she replies she is fine, he asks where has she hidden it when palki is not able to understand it and asks how will she find out what she is hiding if he does not say anything, Rajveer says he is talking of her smile, she replies since when has he started talking like this as he was not like this before, Rajveer replies he has never talked with anyone like this before, Palki questions if he did not have any girlfriend before, Rajveer questions if she does not feel it is a bit late because their Roka has happened. Palki replies she did not ask him before thinking what would happen if he actually had a girlfriend, because she feels he really likes her when Rajveer replies that he did not ask anyone because he had never met anyone like her. Palki gets tensed when he asks what happened, she says why is Shaurya not like him when Rajveer praises because what would happen if Palki liked Shaurya instead of him, Palki says she only feels that Shanaya also deserves someone who is caring for her, Rajveer asks her to not be worried as there is still a lot of time they have to make Shanaya realize that Shaurya is not the right choice for him, he asks her to always keep smiling.

Sandy is shocked asking what does Shaurya desire as he would look very weird clicking the pictures of Palki, Shaurya replies that he only wants her solo photos and not with anyone when they see him but Shauyra replies that he should hide and do whatever he must to get the photos for him. Shaurya warns Sandy to not be like his family and get him what he desires, Sandy leaves when Shaurya thinks that no one is taking him seriously so he would do what they desire but also what he wants for himself which is to marry Palki. Shaurya is amazed to see Preeta standing outside his room, she slowly walks inside when he kneels to take her blessing and she also is very joyed seeing Shaurya, he replies he thought she would not come when she says that she had to come. Shaurya explains that he feels very special when she is around him and he never felt like this before, preeta replies she also feels nice when he is around her just like her own son, this is why she was not able to stop herself and came to bless him. Shaurya replies that she is just the one person who stood by his side the last time and he feels she will also stand with him. Preeta asks then what is the problem when Shaurya asks her to sit down and promise that she will support him.

Mr Khurana goes to the Pandit jee asking what si the suspicious time for the Roka, he says it will come very soon when he turns to leave but is shocked to see that Daljeet is furious, she comes to Mr Khurana explaining that he was not able to be a good husband neither a good father, she warns him to stop his daughter that she should not be so over smart and stop trying to break this relation. Daljeet sees Shanaya so asks what happened when Shanaya replies that everything is fine however Daljeet says that palki came to her suggesting that they should end this relationship hearing which Shanaya asks if she has lost her mind. Daljeet warns Shanaya to not tell Palki anything in the future as she is not worthy to be called her sister, hearing this Palki gets tensed listening to their conversation.

Preeta asks Shaurya what is the reason for his tension, he thinks about how his father warned him to not do anything of the sort again and get married to Shanaya. Shaurya asks Preeta if she will talk to his father so Preeta asks about what should she talk to his father, Shaurya asks why is she so nice because she always listens to him whenever he has a problem and this makes him feel very special, Nidhi is shocked seeing Preeta with Shaurya, when Preeta says that Shaurya is indeed very special even he might not know the relation that exists between them both, Nidhi gets worried thinking Preeta is going to tell Shaurya the truth. Shaurya replies he feels sometimes it is good to not find out about a relation as it would cause a lot of expectation and if it is not fulfilled then it will only cause pain. Preeta replies she does not know why he is hesitant to have to any expectation from a relation but now she is by his side and would always support him. Preeta says she had always prepared a Thal for him for his Roka but she has decided to give Shanaya her bangles as a gift and everyone would get jealous thinking that she loves Shaurya so much that she gifted her bangles. Preeta wonders what if Rjaveer gets furious however exclaims it is nothing to be worried about.

Nidhi is walking when Arohi comes asking why did she call her after texting, Nidhi explains that preeta came here after which Arohi gets shocked, Nidhi replies she thought that Preeta would not come here but she is present in the Roka function, Arohi suggests that Nidhi has to decide if she has to be scared of her when Nidhi says that she knows a lot about her. Arohi explains this means that Nidhi has decided to be scared, Nidhi says everyone would find out the truth that she is the mother of Shaurya. Nidhi informs she is pretending to be the mother of Rjaveer but if she comes in front of anyone then it would cause a lot of problem, Arohi wonders what should they do so suggests what if they trap Preeta in the room just like the last time as she is sure it would even work this time.

Karan is walking in front of the main door, Rishab goes to karan asking who is he waiting for her but Karan says that it is nothing however Rishab does not believe him asking if he is hiding, Karan says he thought of telling Rishab but it is a small thing, Rishab says this is the problem with Karan since his childhood as he had to force him but Karan says that they are the hosts but he is standing here so asks Rishab to come inside however Rishab questions what happened when karan hugs him then Rishab again asks so Karan says that preeta did not come till now, Rishab assures that she would come when karan says that he and Dad said that she would find out from her feeling about her sons Roka, he is also wearing the cloths which are of her favorite color. Rishab requests him to have some patience as he loves her a lot but Karan says that she would have come by now when Rishab turns to leave however Karan stops him asking how long, Rishab replies very soon, they both hug each other.

Shaurya says that Rajveer is very lucky to have someone like her, preeta replies she is the one who is lucky to have a son like Rajveer who is so nice and honest, Shaurya gets a bit tensed when Preeta says he wanted to talk about something important, he replies he will tell her very soon when she agrees however says she is glad he is getting married to Shanaya as she is a very nice girl who is very well read and spoken along with being very traditional as she would be able to do anything. Shaurya talks of Palki when Preeta says she is very glad as they both found very good life partners, Sandy is shocked seeing Preeta with Shaurya who asks Sandy what happened, Sandy tells Shaurya that everyone is calling him down stairs so preeta agrees when he says that her Kajal has been smothered around her eyes, she agrees to correct it when Shaurya leaves with Sandy.

Nidhi is with Arohi asking her to bring preeta to her room by an excuse, Arohi enters the room asking Preeta if she would help her bring some things down that are needed for the Roka, Preeta immediate agrees asking what relation does she have with Shaurya.

Rajveer while walking sees Palki is tensed so he holds her hand asking what happened, she questions what was all this as someone might see them. Rajveer says she is wondering what would these people think if they see him holding her hand, Rajveer walks close to palki and holding her head he kisses her on the forehead, she is not even able to move and just keeps looking at Rajveer.

Precap: Preeta is looking for shagun thaal. Nidhi drops her purse inside washroom. Arohi says to Preeta, Shanaya must be inside, I’ll go and check. Nidhi is walking out. She sees Preeta standing outside.

Update Credit to: Sona

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