Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 13th July 2021 Written Episode Update: Mahira is forced to leave the Luthra Mansion

Kundali Bhagya 13th July 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Prithvi asks why are they all quiet, if they do not want to know why Mahira tried to take the life of the daughter in law of the Luthra house, Sarla asks why would Mahira do anything like this, they all know she is a real close friend of Sherlin so why would she try to harm Sherlin, Prithvi reveals that she is just a deceiver and has ruined the life of Sherlin.

Rishab asks what is she saying, he warns Prithvi that if it turns out to be a lie, he would not spare her, Mahira turns to Rishab asking him to just listen to her because she has a lot of secretes to reveal, she exclaims that the biggest secret is his closeness with Shelrin, Prithvi replies she can tell the truth, she desires to say that he has an affair with Sherlin, Prithvi mentions she is just trying to spice the situation, he mentions

he would prove she is the one who tried to kill Sherlin, Prithvi replies they all know he saved Sherlin a few days ago when she was having breathing problems but now she has become his friend, Prithvi warns that she would lose if she tries to expose him, he exclaims he has the proof and it is the CCTV footage of the area where they can see her pushing Shelrin and also the truck is present their, he asks Ganesh to bring the laptop and then exclaims he will show the video which proves Mahira is the real culprit.

Prithvi shows that Mahira pushed Sherlin, Rishab asks what is the meaning of this as it can be clearly seen that she pushed Sherlin, Mahesh also questions why did she ruin the house which provided her with roof where she can live in, Mahira exclaims that she is not at fault, it is all the plan of Prithvi because he knows she is aware of his plan so is trying to throw her out of the house because she knows the truth about him, Rakhi slaps Mahira before she can say anything else. warning that she must not try to justify herself, Sherlin exclaims she has killed her child, Rishab helps her come to them all then exclaims that Mahira started hating the family when Karan got married to Preeta, she told her a lot of times that she would take revenge from them all, but she did not think that Mahira would kill her child because they all started loving the child and were waiting for his birth but she ruined the dreams of everyone and has destroyed her life, she sits down crying, Rishab without listening to any explanation asks her to leave the house, he even orders Ganesh to bring her bags, Mahira turning to Karan asks if he also doesnot trust her even when she is his childhood friend, Karan replies he doesnot believe anything that Sherlin and Prithvi say but what about the video which he saw with his own eyes, Sarla asks him to not believe her because Mahira said that she loves Karan and when she met her at the mall, Mahira exclaimed she would do anything to get Karan. She feels that it is time for Mahira to leave.

Sanjana also says they must throw Mahira out of the house, she is a killer who has taken the life of her Grandchild, Mahira must leave the house otherwise if she stays then Shelrin would not live with them, Dadi asks why is she trying to take Sherlin with them when she is their daughter in law, the only person to leave would be Mahira, they have realized her truth so she must not stay anymore, Sarla exclaims she came to the house as a guest and they are only suitable to live if they stay for a small time, when the stay is prolonged it tends to cause problem she must therefore leave now, Mahira shouts at her asking why does she have to talk in her matters, Karan exclaims she is his mother so has every right, he asks her to leave the house with her self esteem otherwise the family would call the police, Mahira turns, Prithvi also signals her to leave the house.

Kritika standing appreciates Prithvi for revealing the true face of Mahira, Prithvi replies what is she thanking him when he considers them to be his own family and would do anything to safeguard their interests, Mahira was creating problems in the house, she would ruin the house, he will not let anyone harm the family, Kritika hugs him saying that he is a really nice person.
Rishab also sits in front of Rakhi who is crying, Sherlin exclaims she knows they all are really tensed about what has happened and knows they might not be happy but there is a way, they should get Prithvi and Kritika married as it is the only way, Dadi also agrees with Sherlin, she referring to Sanjana and Sarla mentions that Rakhi wanted to personally come and give them the cards but was not able to, she asks Preeta to bring the cards from the room, she will also see it and give them both the cards.

Preeta is walking in the hall, Mahira comes saying she would be really happy to see Mahira is leaving, Preeta replies that she doesnot have any time to fight with her so Preeta mentions she doesnot know what is the reason Prithvi and Sherlin went against her but if she has actually killed the unborn child of Sherlin, she should be glad they are just throwing her out of the house because had it been any other family she would be in jail, Mahira vows to come back and take revenge from each and every one, Preeta questions why is she still talking of taking the revenge when she would not be allowed to come back to the house, Mahira vows to destroy the lives of Shelrin and Prithvi after which she would target Preeta, Shristhi coming asks why is she threatening her and should do what she feels, Mahira turns to leave, Shristhi makes her fall, she then helps Mahira stand exclaiming that she would come back.

Mahira reaches the balcony and is looking while crying, Prithvi coming from behind says that he warned he would ruin her dreams after what she has done to Sherlin, Mahira exclaims it is not the end and she will come back to ruin their lives, Prithvi asks if she still doesnot understand that they are destruction in themselves she cannot do anything wrong with them, Mahira replies that nothing has changed as she is still associated with them, she will ruin their lives, Prithvi advises her to take her bag and go downstairs as he ahs called an auto for her, Mahira turns to leave thinking her story is not finished, she will return to destroy the lives of Prithvi and Sherlin.

No Precap.

Update Credit to: Sona

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