Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 14th February 2023 Written Episode Update: Arjun manages to stop the marriage

Kundali Bhagya 14th February 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Priyanka questions what he is thinking about and must leave quickly, Arjun leaves apologizing that he did not know this was the room of the wedding, Priyanka is glad that Preeta is still unconscious and she prays that Arjun should get married to Anjali quickly after which everything would be sorted.

Prithvi is fulfilling the rituals of the marriage, he staring at the girl beside him prays that the wedding should be completed with all the rituals and he just wants to marry Preeta je. Pandit jee instructs the groom to not be so eager since it will still take time for the rituals, Anjali also prays that Bhagwan should forgive her for such actions as only he knows how much she loves Arjun and cannot live without him, Prithvi also looking at the girl really praises Bhagwan for supporting him

as this is what he desired.
A Sikh man enters through the door, dancing his heart out, Mahesh goes to him informing the wedding has already started so he should leave, Arjun in the disguise mentions he has come to stop it, Prithvi hearing this yells at the Sikh man, who explains that the wedding would be completed with him, Prithvi thinks he should wait for a little while as the wedding is about to be completed. Sherlin also enters asking if there is some truth which the person is scared for, explaining they are the performers and have also come here to celebrate, she whispers to Arjun requesting him to call the drum beaters. They all start dancing when Anjali wonders from where they have come since the last bit of rituals were left and who does celebrate in the middle of the rituals, the drum beaters even force Prithvi to stand even when he tries to insist, they force both Anjali and Prithvi to come and dance meanwhile the entire Luthra family is rejoicing.

Prithvi is really frustrated as he is pulled in the middle of the crowd but then Arjun walks to him threatening that he should not do anything otherwise everyone would find out he is not Arjun but Prithvi so he must go inside, Rakhi wonders where did Arjun go hearing which Arjun himself informs he has went inside to the bathroom so she should dance with him.

Prithvi is forced into the room, Sherlin closes the door instructing the men to leave him, Prithvi after regaining his breath questions what all this is and why is he doing it all, he tries to get close with her but the men stop Prithvi, he yells at them to let go of him. Prithvi walking to Sherlin questions what problem does she have with him marrying Preeta and should let it happen, Sherlin in frustration slaps Prithvi, he is about to slap her but steps explaining he can slap her a lot harder but stopped only because he loves her a lot, he tries to make her understand that he is really tensed and cannot explain the reason he is marrying Preeta, Prithvi pushes her back tries to run away but Sherlin hits him in the head with a case, he after staring at the blood in his hands tries to rush over to her but the men stop him however Prithvi manages to over power them both, he holding Sherlin by the neck asks why is she not understanding he is forced to marry Preeta, she replies she really loved him but he deceived her, Prithvi opens the door to walk away but Arjun hits him forcing Prithvi into the room, Arjun exclaims he calls himself a man even after raising his hand on a women. Prithvi is shocked seeing Arjun take off the fake beard which shocks Prithvi.

Shamu comes with his two men at the front gate of the Luthra mansion when they wonder how would they enter the house with the guards even when they recognize them, Shamu sees the band walking out so comes up with a plan with which they all change their clothes, the guard stops them when Shamu explains they have been called back to perform and if they get late then the guards would also lose their jobs.
Prithvi angrily says Sherlin has sided with his enemy, but this would mean she has also become his enemy, Arjun angrily exclaims that Prithvi should talk with him when Prithvi taunts Arjun, he pulls Prithvi’s hand but he once again tries to run away after hitting Arjun, he calls Prithvi a rat but Prithvi replies that he is a tiger and would surely marry Preeta, Arjun manages to once again pull him into the room exclaiming he was about to get married with Preeta because of her mother but he was never the right choice for her due to which he got married to Preeta, Prithvi gets shocked mentioning this means he is Karan, Arjun replies he is indeed Karan because he would have said the same thing if he was here. Prithvi says he loves Preeta, and she also loves him, he pushes Arjun who falls after hitting his head against the table, Prithvi manages to pick a knife threatening them all to stay in the room when he leaves after closing the door threatening they all can come after the wedding ends.

Anjali is sitting with Prithvi in the Mandap, she is really glad that everything is going according to her desires and she will surely get married to the person whom she loves, Rakhi wonders when would the Chunri come as they have gotten really late.

Shristhi and Sameer are waiting for the key maker to make the key, she asks him to hurry up when he explains it will be opened in just a moment as the key has been prepared, the key maker opens the trunk and is shocked asking what is this inside, Shristhi explains they should leave after taking the Chunri, Sameer and Shristhi are shocked to see Kritika unconscious in the room, Shristhi asks what is she doing in the trunk and who put her there, Kritika explains Prithvi is here and he placed her in the trunk.

Kritika runs to the Mandap explaining they must stop the wedding, she even requests Bhabhi to not go ahead with the wedding, Mahesh asks what is going on when Kritika reveals that Prithvi is the one sitting at the Mandap, the entire family is shocked and Rakhi asks how is this possible, Priyanka advises Kritika to not interfere in this wedding and anyone who wants to get married should be allowed, Shristhi stops Priyanka explaining Kritika should be allowed to say what she feels, Dadi also comes asking how is it possible and blames her for just making stories. Shristhi once again stops everyone saying that Kritika should be allowed to reveal what she knows, Kritika requests them to ask the groom to lift the veil. Dadi asks how is it possible when there is a certain time during which both the bride and groom are forced to cover themselves, Kritika asks the Pandit who mentions there is no such time when Kritika insists that the groom should lift the veil and he does not agree, Kritika herself lifts it but is shocked after seeing Arjun sitting there, he asks what has happened with her and even Kritika explains she knew Prithvi was the one sitting as the groom. Karina comes requesting Kritika to stop since she is just becoming hyper, Kritika tries to explain her point, but Karina mentions she might be mistaken, Sameer asks it is true she might be wrong but what was she doing locked in the trunk.

Karina explains the criminals would have locked her in the trunk, Karina takes Kritika to the room when Arjun also leaves, Anjali wonders what is going on in this house as first the drum beaters came and then Kritika has created the scene, she is really tensed and prays that Arjun should return to the Mandap quickly so that her plan is successful.

Precap: Shamu is glad to see the amount when Anjali explains they have to do some work for her which is to kidnap Preeta from the Luthra Mansion, Rakhi is shocked after finding that Preeta is unconscious in the room, Priyanka sees Rakhi. Prithvi after hugging Sherlin asks where is Arjun Soorvyanshi.

Update Credit to: Sona

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