Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 14th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Nidhi agrees to take the help of Anshuman Panday and Varun

Kundali Bhagya 14th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shanaya warns Palki to not spread so much hatred against Shaurya , palki says then she should also stop meeting him but Shanaya asks if Palki is mad when Shaurya is her fiance, Palki suggests Shanaya should cancel it before she gets in trouble, Shanaya replies Palki should not make it her problem but Palki replies it is her problem when Shanaya is her sister but Shanaya says Palki is behaving like an enemy and instigating her against Shaurya. Palki tries to convince Shanaya but she angrily warns Palki to stay away mentioning if she says anything against Rajveer then Palki would not like it at all, Palki asks if Shanaya is going to fight with her for that Shaurya as they are sisters, Shanaya says that Palki thinks good of her then should tell Rajveer to go and ask karan sir to give the three profitable

companies to Shaurya when Shanaya says that this would make Shaurya even more rich which is best for them both, Palki says that Shanaya knows Shaurya would not be able to do anything and turn those profitable companies to loss making entities, Shanaya warns Palki to cut the crap saying if she says anything against Shaurya then it would ruin their relation forever, Shanaya goes to sit on the bed when Palki asks what is she saying, Shanaya demands Palki must go and demand Rajveer to follow her suggestion after which she should come and inform her. Palki asks Sshanaya to see why does Karan sir kisten to Rajveer beecuase he is nice and honest with the work, unlike Shaurya who is not attentive. Shanaya turns off the lights to go and sleep.

In the morning Karina is stunned thinking all that has happened, Bani Dadi replies she was in deep sleep and explains Shaurya was drunk a lot last night so got in an argument with Karan. Karina says she does not blame Shaurya as everyone has their way of dealing with stress and Shaurya drank, Karina says she feels bad as no one stands with Shaurya when Bani Dadi replies they all love him a lot but Karina says they all kept quiet when Karan was making this decision, she blames Preeta for being the reason that these problems started when Bani Dadi asks if Karina started again, Karina says that she knows Karan and Shaurya had problems in the past but now Karan cannot even see the tears in thee eyes of Shaurya but just cries to impress Preeta as he has given all the profitable companies to Rajveer. Karina is scared that if Karan does not give importance to the family then it might ruin everything when Karina says they have to convince Karan to also think of the family. Bani Dadi asks Karina why does she always say such things about Preeta when karan knows how to make decisions. Karan then walks down asking Bani Dadi and Karina Bua to come and have breakfast when they all are sitting at the table Bani Dadi asks Garesh why did he not bring the tortilla when Garesh says Preeta mam said she would herself make them and then Rakhi gets excited saying it would be very good that they will have the food Preeta makes. Karan notices Mahesh, Kavya and Karina staring at him so asks what happened when Mahesh replies what happened yesterday night was wrong. Karan replies it is nothing to be worried about as he will handle everything, he asks where are Rajveer and Shaurya but then Nidhi comes saying Shaurya is sleeping as he is not well, karan starts smiling saying it is bound to happen if he drinks so much and the condition he is in today is known as a hangover, and such extensive drinking would always make them ill, while he says that all the things are different which Nidhi just mentioned. Bani Dadi asks Karan to calm down, he replies he was just explaining his point of view, Karina suggests they should even care for the point of view of their children, she says the difference he has in his behavior with Rajveer and Shaurya is not nice. Preeta comes with the paratha but notices everyone is quiet so asks what has happened. Mahesh says it is nothing of the sort, Karin then says there is nothing to talk about so Nidhi also furiously walks back upstairs after staring at Preeta.Kavya wonders how can she tell Preeta maa about what happened today, Mahesh sees Rajveer so welcomes him and karan also asks him to sit by his side, Rajveer after getting comfortable tells karan he has mailed some files regarding the three companies and feels there is a lot of potential in them for further profits, he even feels they can increase the worth even more. Karan is glad saying this is what he expected from his son, Rajveer turns to Preeta who says she wants to tell him to not think wrong of Shaurya and should wait to see how he even turns the loss making companies into profit making ones while she is sure Shaurya would fulfill his expectations. Karan replies he would e very happy if this happens but now he was just talking of Rajveer as there is a lot of difference between them, Rajveer has studied the three companies and thought about the future prospects and ideas to think of the future which is what a true businessman means, while Shaurya was just drinking and he does not have any enthusiasm in him, Preeta asks why is karan so harsh towards Shaurya, Karan says he wants to Shaurya become like Rajveer when Preeta says she is going to do it and Karan would one day see the second Rajveer in Shaurya who is going to take the business to new heights karan replies he would be the happiest person but for now Preeta must sit and have breakfast. Preeta replies she is not interested, Karan says she even has to take the medicine so should have the breakfast, Karina turns to Bani Dadi while Rakhi also asks Preeta to sit with them. Karina tells her mom this is whats he meant that karan has let down Shaurya even today while preeta is talking as if that she will change the fate of him, Karina says that Nidhi said Shaurya is not well so karan should have taken the medicine for him but Karan is just worried for Preeta and she wonders for how long would it go on in the future, Bani Dadi asks Karina to have the breakfast.

Nidhi tells Arohi she does not know what is going on when Shaurya does not like preeta and Rajveer but they have started living in this house, Arohi asks Nidhi to calm down as she has always suffered in that house and when has Karan ever supported her but he just cares for Preeta all the time and is her lover, Arohi says it was known that if Nidhi wants her place then she needs to get rid of Preeta. Nidhi replies she has been sidelined as everyone just keeps talking about Preeta even at the important functions and she has become invisible, Arohi says Nidhi has not taken strong actions which is why preeta entire the house. Nidhi replies she thought she would take the support of Shaurya and send Preeta out of the house but Shaurya has turned out to be a loser and is always drunk so what can she do alone, Arohi replies she has a plan and Nidhi might not like it but she suggests the enemy can kill the enemy and who hates Preeta the most in this world so they are Anshuman and Varun because due to preeta Varun was not able to get married to Kavya, in order to take revenge for his mother Sherlin while Anshuman lost the entire business of Luthra because of Preeta, so they both are in the present condition because of Preeta. Arohi suggests Nidhi can take their help and make them her friends, Nidhi asks how as they both have been sent to jail.

Anshuman and Varun are sitting together in the jail cell when they try to scratch due to the mosquito bites, they are furious.

Nidhi enters the room of Shaurya saying he is surely sleeping because of a hangover and she wonders how can she talk to him so walks back out but then Shaurya calls her asking why is she so furious, she asks what does he desire when Shaurya says that she must tell him. Nidhi says that Shaurya was very drunk and does he even remember what he said under the influence when Shaurya says they both usually get in a fight and Nidhi mom must calm down, Nidhi replies that first it was just him and his father but now there is a third person Rajveer in their life. Shaurya replies that he has been witnessing it for a very long time. Nidhi says even Preeta is making sure everyone gets the breakfast like she is the daughter in law, Shaurya replies she should just consider Preeta as a worker when Nidhi replies who is she to say anything about when Karan can just make the decisions. Shaurya asks why is his mom thinking like this and he just needs some peace to live in while not being worried Nidhi asks why can she not be worried when if they live like this then Shaurya would not be able to get anything. Shaurya replies he is not able to handle it and will surely take the four who have ruined him, namely Palki, Rajveer, preeta and his so called Dad but he would do it when the time is right and not at the present moment, then Shaurya says he will take the revenge but wants some peace so walks to the bathroom when Nidhi wonders what is she doing talking to Shaurya, he does not have any interest.

Kritika standing at the main door greets the Luthra family who all get very excited seeing her, kritika informs that her exhibition went very well and there was so many big businessmen present who very left awed. They all clap for her when she comes to hug her mother explaining she missed her a lot, Kritika then hugs Rakhi who says she is very glad that the exhibition went well, Kritika seeing Rajveer goes to him saying she heard he has been given three big companies to handle, Rajveer agrees when Kritika hugs him saying she agrees with the decision of Karan as Rajveer is surely going to make them reach new heights, Kritika replies she is sure Rajveer would be able to do it and he replies he needs her blessings a lot, Mahesh says they all have given their blessings to him as he can do a lot to make the company grow. Preeta says they all trust Rajveer a lot and have given him a very big responsibility so she prays to Mata Rani that Rajveer does something big for the company and not break their trust. Kritika goes to kavya saying she missed her a lot and saw the reels of aunt and niece. Kavya says Kritika bua should look at her all she desires then Bani Dadi also calls her when Kritika asks if karan wants an invitation to her her, he says that he thought she should meet everyone first. Kritika relies that the exhibition was the best one she had till now, she was very eager to give them the news. Bani Dadi says she is very proud of the daughters when they succeed so Kritika says that they get this opportunity when the family supports them just like Preeta who says she gets the hope from them all. Kritika goes to hug Preeta saying she heard Preeta would take the responsibility of Shaurya and she is sure Preeta would make him realize the true meaning of life. Preeta says she would try her best as Shaurya just lost the way and Kritika praises Preeta saying she is very glad as preeta is always around the family and takes care of them a lot, Shaurya says she is sure Preeta would be able to make him nice and if the miracle happens then she would be the mom, kritika explains she meant Preeta has just become his mom so she is glad. Mahesh says he would give the credit to Rakhi jee who made the initiative and he is sure Preeta would fulfill the responsibility while return the Shaurya who got lost somewhere. Karina says they should see the dreams which can be fulfilled and what does everyone think that Preeta will teach Shaurya. Bani Dadi says it will happens as they are mother and son while he would surely understand one day. Karan wishes Preeta should have never left their house as then Shaurya would have been like Rajveer.

Karan asks Rajveer to come as they might get late otherwise, Rajveer replies Shaurya has not come but Karan says he has a rule that he never waits for anyone and especially the one who does not give importance to the business. Kritika greets Karan who walks away with Rajveer. Nidhi standing at the balcony thinks they have turned Shaurya into an enemy so she cannot see it happen and needs to do something.

Arohi asks Nidhi what has happened when she just called her here, Nidhi replies she feels suffocated living in the Luthra Mansion as Preeta has become the daughter in law. Arohi says it is all her insecurity, Nidhi replies she is stating what she is suffering and asks if Arohi knows that Rakhi maa gave Preeta the right of a mother of Shaurya and she even hit Shaurya with a scale but no one said anything. Arohi is stunned asking if Nidhi is serious, she replies Preeta has even become the mother of Shaurya and getting all the rights. Nidhi says they all would come to her for advice but now she has lost everything. Arohi says Preeta can never take her place and explains that she still has the same value, Nidhi replies she has suffered even something bigger explaining that she raised the children of Karan but she is being blamed for not raising Shaurya properly, Arohi says it is unfair and she will suggest the same thing to join hands with the enemy of her enemy Nidhi starts thinking about, Arohi asks Nidhi to make Anshuman and Varun her friends while always work with them against Preeta. Nidhi agrees saying they both are in jail, Arohi says she should attain a bail when Nidhi also knows that Anshuman and Varun hate Preeta after which they both will handle her. Nidhi replies if anyone finds out about it in the Luthra house then she would be thrown out, Arohi says that she will get the bail for them after which no one will find out and if Varun even reveals the truth then she will have the signature after which no one will find out, Nidhi agrees so Arohi says she knows a very good lawyer who can get it done, Arohi calls the lawyer instructing him.

Anshuman asks if she is serious, Nidhi replies she is indeed very serious when Varun says he did not understand anything so can she be clear, Anshuman says he is shocked, Nidhi asks why is he shocked and she knows everyone loves their freedom so she will grant their freedom but in return also needs a favor, Anshuman says he understood that Nidhi would want something from them, Varun asks what does Nidhi want from them both, Nidhi says she is clear of it, the lawyer would get the bail for them meaning they will be free, while she wants them both to oust Preeta from her life and Luthra house, Anshuman and Varun both start thinking of the proposal while Nidhi is smiling.

Precap: Preeta asks if Shaurya is hungry then should eat it, Shaurya replies he does not want to eat anything from the house and they should not make it. Anshuman says they would take preeta out of that house that she would not even understand what has happened to her, Nidhi and Arohi are smiling.

Update Credit to: Sona

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  • Can this woman get her damned memory back already!!!! Will she get it when she becomes a granny? Why does Shaurya have to be another Rajveer? Shaurya should figure out who he is on his own without Nidhi’s interference. I’d rather see a track with Preeta and Shaurya lost somewhere and bonding and him figuring out who he wants to be in life than Shaurya stealing his brother’s fiancé. Rajveer’s track is done he’s reunited with the Luthra’s now it’s time for Shaurya to heal with his bio mom

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  • Karan going to very harsh way shaurya at least he should be talk calmly then DD do that it's very ridiculous. And also campaigning with rajveer i am not against rajveer he is cute and sweet but it is not right to karan he knows shaurya very well then why is so rude. And this track reminds me naira there also naira compare with gayu. Shaurya ka character day by day more powerful and growth yeh sab shayad story change hui hai aur ab aisa lagta hai lead shaurya hai means almost 2 year competing and there is no chance what is happening palveer lead hai but aaj tab kuch khaas something new dekhna ko nahi mila aur wohi shalki jo ditto preeran ke jaise hai cute si nok jhok aur something interesting, lead male mein hamesha koi naa koi aata hai aur couple separate bhi karta Hai but yahan aisa kuch bhi nahi hai jiske waise unka love aur strong ho i swear palveer become like arranged marriage couple so boring. Shaurya ke saath such bahut galat ho raha hai but no anyone can see agar shaurya lead ml nahi hai toh woh safar kyun kare rajveer ko karna chahiye tha lekin aisa nahi hai, Actually dekha jaaye toh yeh tab se ho raha hai jab karan CEO announce karne wala tha wohi se shuru hua hai yeh sab because preeta chaheti thi ki shaurya CEO bane taki karan and shaurya ke beech mein jo different hai woh dur ho jaaye lekin aisa nahi hua because of that b*t*h nidhi she spoiled everything agar woh preeta ka ghar nahi jalaati toh aisa kuch nahi hota lekin kehte naa jiske kismat jo hota woh use mila hai karan ko jab sab kuch patah chala toh usne sahi kiya rajveer ko CEO banake because i also want ki rajveer hi bane but uske bad rajveer ko locker ka chabi dena three profitable company dena it is all good no this is not good jabse karan ko patah chala rajveer hi rudhra hai ek bar bhi shaurya ko baatana jaroori nahi samjha iski feelings Ki kabhi kadar hi nahi ki no i am not defending shaurya but at least ek bar sab kuch batana chahiye tha naa. Jab shaurya ne nidhi ke manipulate karne se us rajveer ko behind the bar kiya tha tab karan ko sab kuch patah chala preeta baataya and karan ne shaurya ko expose kiya puri family ke samne usi din preeta dant kar shaurya ko apne haath se khana khilaya tab nidhi ne acting ki khana khilane ki tab sabke samne shaurya ne nidhi se such kaha ki kab nidhi use khana khilaya tab karan rude ho kar use chup karwa raha tha are usne such toh kahan tha par koi aisa nahi hai shaurya ko samajh ne wala only including preeta she has soft conner for him otherwise no anyone understands shaurya. Rajveer ko jo chahiye woh use mil gaya hai ab it's time to Shaurya ab use sab kuch milna chahiye it's high time, aur isliye yeh track bhi aaya hai

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