Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 15th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Rajveer and Shaurya start fighting

Kundali Bhagya 15th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Nidhi and her friend are following the fire fighter who starts looking at the house, and turning back explains that they said there was a fire in this house but he cannot see anything, Nidhi makes an excuse saying that there was indeed a fire here but someone might have ended it, so he can leave as there is no need for him, the contract killer sneaks up to the fire fighter from behind and hits him from behind, he is however shocked to see that Palki is coming with Bani Dadi.

Nidhi and her friend are shocked so explain it is nothing as they feel, she however turning back see that no one is there so asks bani Dadi what is she doing with this girl, Bani Dadi reveals she was not feeling well due to the smoke so Palki was taking her to the room, the contract killer comes disguised as a fire fighter

and asks if he can leave since there is no fire here. Nidhi sends him away so Palki also leaves with Bani Dadi, Nidhi points to the corner of the pillar where the fire fighter is unconscious.

The firefighters are distinguishing the fire, they past by Karan but then one of them sees Preeta so they start distinguishing the smoke around the room in order to save Preeta, the leader comes to them asking if everything is clear, he is informed that a lady is trapped here so he rushes to help her, the leader asks his associates to bring a stretcher while he will call the doctor.

Karan slowly wakes up in the kitchen, he sees that Preeta is leaning against the pillar and is still unconscious, karan turns towards Preeta trying his best to reach her however does not have the strength so falls down once again. Karan starts breathing heavily.

The firefighters rush out asking for a stretcher when the entire family asks what has happened, he informs he has found a lady inside and so has asked for the doctor to come. Nidhi angrily thinks that this lady would be Preeta, Rakhi also demands the name of the lady but the leader informs he does not know anything about her, Rakhi insists on going inside when he asks them all to stay back as it is not safe, Rishab mentions the fire fighters cannot stop them from entering as this is their house so they want to see who is the lady, the fire fighters say that they are also doing it for their safety. Nidhi thinks if they all see Preeta then it would ruin everything for her, she thinks that the criminal hired by Rao would need some time to end the life of Preeta, Nidhi thinks that she can cause a fight between Rajveer and Shaurya as then her plan would be fulfilled, she goes to Shaurya explaining how they both should enter since the police Inspector is not doing anything. Rajveer thinks he has to do something so after thinking for a while, he manages to run away so the entire Luthra family follows them seeing which Nidhi and her friend are relieved.

The leader of the fire fighters enters praising them for doing everything so well as the fire is in control, the hired gun seeing the opportunity rushes to check if it is the same girl and thinking how Nidhi advised him to make it seem as if it was an accident. The leader comes questioning what is he doing, but then one of them comes from behind informing that there is also a person unconscious in the kitchen, the leader notices something is wrong so goes back demanding an id card, hearing this the person runs away so the fire fighters also start following him.

Rajveer is running when Shaurya while following him is about to ht him with a vase, Rishab manages to stop Shaurya, he manages to catch Rajveer who pushes Shaurya, Nidhi questions how did Rajveer dare push her son, she instructs the police inspector to hold him properly. Shaurya tries to fight with Rajveer, Rishab is trying his best to separate them but not able to do anything, Mahesh angrily pushes them away, Rajveer explains that Mahesh is the Grand father of this house so if he said that they must stop then nothing should happen, Mahesh agrees with Rajveer, but says they both seem to not care of anything, asking if it is right to fight like animals. Mahesh mentions normally when children fight then the elders should not interfere, however if things get way out of hand then they have to stop them. Mahesh asks what has happened that resulted in their fight to reach such an extreme level, Mahesh asks Rajveer what is the reason for which he came to their house as he does not seem like a waiter, Mahesh explains there is certainly something which Rajveer is hiding from them all, Mahesh says they all want to know the reason because of which both Rajveer and Shaurya have become enemies, Mahesh demands the truth, as today they are going to end this quarrel, Rajveer agrees to tell everything assuring it would be the truth, including whatever happened till now. Shaurya says that Rajveer should not lie here, Rajveer replies he does not lie like him, Rishab stops Shaurya mentioning that Dad has interfered so would manage to sort everything. Mahesh angrily turning to Rajveer demands that he should speak the truth.

Palki helps Bani Dadi into the room requesting her to sit down, she pours a glass of water for Bani Dadi assuring she will feel nice, Palki asks where is the kitchen, Bani Dadi says if Palki would also bring food for her, Palki replies that bani Dadi would feel nice after drinking some warm water. Palki explains she will cover her with the blanket, as she has come from such a hot place and then might get ill. Bani Dadi starts thinking about Preeta, thinking Palki is just like Preeta and has the same manners. Palki asks Dadi why is she so tensed, bani Dadi replies she remembered someone however is not able to tell Palki anything, she leaves to go to the kitchen.

Preeta tries to get up however she falls on the floor once again, Karan is also lying in the kitchen and they both are not moving at all.

The fire fighters are following the contract killer but one of them falls, seeing the opportunity the person manages to hide in the van parked outside the Luthra mansion however the leader of the fire fighters instruct his men to search for him.

Rajveer mentions that they all want to get him arrested but are not seeing that Shaurya is perfectly fine and was even beating him, Shaurya explains that Rajveer is complaining about him, Rajveer angrily replies that he would beat Shaurya after which Mahesh will feel bad, Mahesh says then Rajveer should act like an elder brother and forget whatever Shaurya has done to him. Rishab requests Mahesh to not stress as they both will surely sort out their matter. Shaurya says that they all find some way to humiliate him.

Update Credit to: Sona

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