Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 15th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Preeta forces Shristhi to reveal the truth

Kundali Bhagya 15th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shristhi enters the house, Preeta stops her questioning why is she running away because she said she would tell the truth after reaching the house but now she is running away, Shristhi tries to leave requesting some time for herself but Preeta refuses to allow her even a single moment, explaining she knows Shristhi has been hiding something from her for so many days but now she is not going to listen to any excuse and wants to know the truth, Shristhi says she would come back after drinking water but Preeta forces her to sit down and runs to bring a jug, Preeta says that Shristhi should tell her the reason she does not want her to go to the Luthra mansion but she is going to ask the reason, Shristhi replies there is not any reason when Preeta says that this means she has been lying to her for

so long, Preeta replies that she will herself go and find out the truth about everything in the Luthra mansion. Preeta turning back gets shocked asking how can Mr Karan Luthra be the reason for their problems since she thought that Nidhi is the one who hates her and is trying to kill her, Shristhi agrees saying that Nidhi is the reason for the problem because she is the wife of Mr Karan Luthra and she feels he has started to like her and would propose her. Gurpreet comes saying they must get ready for the JanMashtri function, both Preeta and Shristhi get stunned when Gurpreet asks the matter so Shristhi is about to reveal the truth but Preeta signals her to stop and then leaves mentioning there is nothing important to talk about, Preeta leaves when Shristhi prays that now everything is fine.

Palki is sitting in the room when Kavya and Rakhi try to open the door but are not able to open it so get worried, Palki realizing it gets up to open the door when Rakhi asks what has happened to her as she feels that Palki was crying, kavya also says this is wrong since Palki should not cry, Palki replies that she was not crying but something went in her eyes, Kavya leaves to bring something from the drawer, Rakhi tells Palki that she is the elder mother of Kavya and realizes what is in her heart, explaining she also has the same condition like Palki as she starts crying whenever she is alone, Rakhi says she is not asking the reason for which Palki is crying but is saying that Palki can always come and tell her the reason behind the tears in her eyes, kavya comes asking what happened when Rakhi refuses saying there is nothing of the sort so she leaves with kavya.

Palki goes to the kitchen, recalling how Rakhi mentioned she is not saying Rakhi should tell her the truth but must know that she is always going to be there for Palki, Rakhi notices Palki is tensed sitting in the kitchen so she enters, Palki asks if she wants anything but Rakhi makes her sit down asking how Palki must know she is also a mother and has raised a lot of children she knows what they all are feeling and desire as she knows what problems they have in the different stages of life, this is why she is also able to understand the problem of Palki, because she is their friend and keeps their secrets safe with herself due to which they are able to trust her and reveal their secrets. Rakhi asks Palki to tell her why did she have tears in her eyes, she knows it cannot be without any solid reason. Palki hesitantly explains she did not like something, Rakhi explains she said understands what is in the heart of children, and the meaning of her tears is that she is sad because of someone, Rakhi calls Rajveer to come inside, she asks him if he is a very good friend of Palki, Rajveer says there is no doubt in it and she does not have any other friend. Rakhi asks then why are their tears in such beautiful eyes and why is she crying. Rajveer is shocked asking if Palki was crying, Rakhi asks if he does not know when Bani Dadi calls her so Rakhi says she has to leave and be with Mummy je but says Rajveer should ask her. Rajveer questions Palki what was Badi mom saying and why did she have tears in her eyes. Rakhi comes back saying that Palki just told her it was relating to her heart but she did not reveal any further details, she knows that it is relates to the person whom she loves and who has caused her to suffer and she requests Palki to not be mad at her as she did not share any secret with her but her guess turned out to be true, she asks Rajveer to continue.

Rajveer hesitantly asks Palki if she likes anyone, Palki turns to look at Rajveer saying that she has remembered some work and so leaves Rajveer wonders who would Palki like that he does not know about.

Shristhi is sitting when Gurpreet come asking why did she say that they have remained safe, Shristhi replies from Preeta di informing that she did not find Preeta di anywhere even in the house of Daljeet je but she finally found her in the Luthra mansion. Shrsithi explains Preeta di feels that all these attacks were orchestrated by Nidhi, she realized that Preeta di is doing something wrong so managed to convince her to reveal the truth on the call. Shristhi informs Preeta di and karan jiju both were very close today and were even holding the hands of each other, she is glad his eyes were not open so she managed to pull her away from there. Shristhi explains the Luthra’s donot know that her sister has lost her memory and if the past secrets have been revealed then everything would be ruined, she is glad that Bhagwan jee protected them. Gurpreet asks how long would Shristhi be able to hide the truth since ever since her sister came back to this city she has started remembering her past life and even felt the pain of kavya even when she does not remember her, Gurpreet explains they cannot make her stay away from them but Shristhi mentions she would surely keep her away from those people and not let her meet them, Preeta asks from whom is she planning to keep her hidden. Shristhi says she is going to protect her from the wild dog outside, Gurpreet asks why is Shristhi lying and should tell the truth to her, Gurpreet explains she had brought a dress for Preeta je which she desired that Preeta ji should wear on JanMashtri but Shristhi je is insisting that she will wear it so decided to keep it a secret from her. Preeta taking the dress says she is the one who will wear it and leaves in excitement.

Shristhi praises Gurpreet ji since she managed to save them both while hiding the truth from Preeta di, Gurpreet asks what lie did Shristhi tell her, Shristhi hesitantly says she told Preeta di that Karan Luthra is crazy for her and acting like Majnu, she even said he might propose her. Gurpreet asks what did she say wrong since he always runs after her and she feels he only thinks about Preeta ji.

Karan is constantly walking in his room, Rishab after a while questions how long will he walk like this since they have a meeting, Karan says he is not going for the meeting hearing which Rishab is shocked saying karan himself asked him to arrange the meeting, Karan says he has to find Preeta because she was in this house but ran away, Rishab asks what is the way he is talking, karan asks what should he do since she came to this house and even helped him from falling but he has to find her, Rishab asks how can Karan be sure when he did not see her, he requests Karan to hold this plan and first complete the meeting. Karan asks if Rishab is not bothered since he said such a big thing that Preeta came to this house and wants to ask her why is she not living with him when she is in the same city, Rishab asks karan to first have some water, Rishab says if he would say anything then Karan would be mad, he explains he knows Preeta je and she would be feeling that he has married Nidhi. Karan gets stunned questioning why did Rishab not say it to him before, he calls Nilesh asking him to arrange a meeting with Preeta, Nilesh says he is not in Mumbai but would surely find her after coming back when karan asks him to let go of this case as he will hire Nilesh if there is anything.

Karan asks Rishab to come for the meeting, he explains tonight he will go with Rajveer to his house and meet each and every member of his family and is sure he would surely find Preeta there, Karan gets excited when Rishab asks why is he thanking him as they would get late for the meeting.

Nidhi wonders why is the detective calling her, she asks the reason when he explains that Karan Luthra said that he is going to find Preeta very soon, Nidhi asks what did he do for him, Nilesh replies he lied to karan saying he is not in Mumbai but is sure that karan would be able to meet Preeta very soon, and this will happen in the near future causing tremendous problems in her life, nidhi warns Nilesh to not give her any lecture saying he should only inform karan how he has searched a lot for Preeta but not able to find her, Nidhi gets worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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