Kundali Bhagya 17th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Rakhi is sitting holding the dress of Mahesh while crying, Karina entering the room questions why is she crying, she asks it should not be that Karina said a lot of bad things about Preeta which is why she is crying but should not forget that they are also her family and came into her life a long time ago, Rakhi mentions that these tears are not because of what they all said to her, she surely feels hurt when she or Preeta says something to her as she also loves them a lot but there is something else, Karina questions what happened when Rakhi informs she knows tomorrow is the birthday of Mahesh and they cannot throw a party for him but she thinks how he always used to say that he looks really handsome in black but then thought of helping him wear these clothes, Karina asks what is the worry, Rakhi informs Prithvi said they cannot go downstairs so how can she make him wear these clothes. Karina apologizes for everything that she said informing she loves her and Mahesh a lot but knows Rakhi is really innocent however is she wants Mahesh to wear these clothes then she would herself give them to Mahesh.
In the morning Preeta is on the call with Ganesh, she advises him to give the money at the mandir and also hold a pooja in the name of Mahesh, she even informs there are a lot of things in the trunk of the car so he should do it, Preeta sees Karina walking to the basement but she is really tensed and Preeta seeing that she is going to the basement thinks she is going to meet Mahesh, she then sees Mona heading downstairs with a bag and so recalls how prithvi said she must give him the same food, Preeta follows her.
Karina walking in the hall of the basement thinks how it would be better if it takes Mona a long time in the market as then she would be able to give Mahesh the clothes, she goes to the room when Mahesh immediately sits in the corner and is really scared, Karina kneeling beside him informs she brought these clothes for him since today is his birthday, everyone in the house desires to wish him but they cannot come to meet him. she starts crying and even Mahesh has tears in his eyes, she requests him to not cry. Mona walks towards the room when she picks the hunter and seeing the room is open, Mona thinks that Prithvi sir asked her to not let anyone meet Mahesh and before Mahesh would get scared seeing it but today she is going to use it on her, Mona questions Karina and starts hitting her, Karina shouts explaining that she is hurting her but Mona doesnot stop, Preeta hearing their voices rushes to the room and pushes Mona away, questioning if this is the way she is going to handle her patient, Mona replies that Preeta must not interfere in her work as she is a nurse and knows how to handle her patients, Preeta replies how dare she hit Karina since she is the elder of the house and no one can even talk to her so how is she hitting her, Mona replies Preeta can ask any question from Dr Jhariwal since he hired her because of her reputation, Karina asks Preeta to not questions Mona since they would get in trouble, Preeta replies she is not moved by her quietness and questions what is she doing, Mona mentions she is doing what is her duty, Preeta asks why should she ask the explanation from the doctor when Mona is appointed however Mona replies she can question the doctor but if she stops her from doing the duty then she would have to suggest the doctor that Mahesh Luthra should be shifted to the mental asylum.
Sameer sitting in the bed wonders what is going on with him after what happened yesterday night since he went to her house but she is neither his girlfriend nor anything else but just his friend, however even after this all he is really hurt but if she doesnot care about him then he also has no interest, karan says then this means he feels something, Karan informs that he is once again asking Sameer to go and talk with Shristhi, Sameer informs he went to her house but she along with Janki aunti hit him so much that is still hurting. Karan starts laughing explaining that both Preeta and Shristhi have ruined their lives. Karina starts yelling asking karan to come downstairs.
Karan rushes when Karina asks if she can trust anyone in this house, she asks karan why is Mahesh in the basement when karan replies that because he is not mentally fit and would be dangerous for the family when Karina asks why did Preeta go to meet him knowing if anyone is near him then Mahesh would be sent to the mental asylum, Preeta replies she went there to teach Mona how to handle her patient, Karina says that Preeta desires Mahesh go to mental asylum.
Prithvi smiles exclaiming he is glad that someone in this house recognized Preeta for the first time and he is glad it is Karina, she turning to Karan questions why is he quiet when he brought Preeta into this house, he asks why did she go to meet him knowing today is his birthday, Preeta replies she went to wish him but there saw that Mona was hitting both Karina and Mahesh papa, so how could she not respond. Karina asks what the result would be because if mona got angry and sent Mahesh to the mental asylum. Prithvi replies to this time it would be really difficult to keep Mahesh out of the mental asylum as they all know how much he had to fight in order to make sure Mahesh stays in the house but this time he would not be able to save Mahesh. Kritika asks what the problem of Preeta is because she acts as if she is really smart but doesnot know how to talk with someone when Sameer asks Kritika to calm down since Preeta is her Bhabhi, prithvi also warns Sameer to stay quiet, even Dadi scolds her.
Kritika informs that Mona is really important for her family and Mahesh, Kritika exclaims that they all are living with Preeta because she is the owner of Luthra industries when there is not a difference between Mona and Preeta, Natasha exclaims that Kritika should be polite since she is doing this because Karan allowed it however he says that she is doing it all because of herself, and if she is wrong then it is her fault, Preeta tries to ask Karan to listen however he says that she has a battle with him so why is she harming them all, Dadi says that if Mahesh is taken to the asylum then she would oust Preeta from this house, Preeta questions why are they talking like this since she is the owner of the Luthra empire, Karan mentions that he is talking on behalf of the entire Luthra family and if Mahesh is taken to the asylum then the entire Luthra family would leave, she can live in the house all alone, they all are staying because Rakhi doesnot want to leave but if Mahesh is not here then neither will the Luthra family. Rakhi explains that she is going to stand with her family as if her family doesnot want to stay in this house then neither will she, Preeta asks karan to come with her since she wants to talk with him, he however refuses but she takes him away when the entire Luthra family stands beside Rakhi when she sits down, Prithvi exclaims now Preeta will realize what has happened to her.
Update Credit to: Sona
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Preeta should have left that witch to get beaten by Mona, why did she intervene.
This is the thanks she gets for trying to help.
What does not make sense is that Karina witch herself was down there first, so why is she blaming Preeta for going to meet Mahesh when she was there herself to meet Mahesh and the rest of the brainless idiot Luthra’s all agree, they all need to go to the mental asylum instead of Mahesh.
As for that Kritika she is getting more dumber by the day, either that or she is so desperate for Prithvi, it is sad, she will never get her rights as a wife.
The evil continues to reign on this show and will never get revealed.
I dislikes this story line.. every episodes remains the same reigning by the evil people..no change all are showing dumb and numb..all Luthras are showing and acting like fools every time…the writer makes them so crazy fools every time as if not living in 21st century not allowed anyone to use brain except the witch sherlyn and bastard prithvi..I really hate this shows..
To think what the show shows is completely wrong.. Mental illness really exists and to see the writers of this show showing that a basic sane person is treated like crazy and dangerous is just immoral.. Wake up Zee. TV.? The trp is one thing but showing this kind of scenario that does not reflect reality is another.. So please do not blaspheme the profession of nurses and doctors who tolerate and show this kind of action and abuse in your show.. I know it’s fiction. But don’t forget that people all over the world are watching your series and it may harm and mislead the understanding of this disease which is wreaking havoc and causing huge problem.. So please let this poor man be found its meaning. . And stop showing all this abuse done to him and to him.. And please stop showing Privith who is the son-in-law of katrina and not of manesh.. And also that his wife rises and raises her voice in his house because we mistreat her husband.. Stopped showing that the daughter (karina) who is only the sister aunt and sister-in-law of the Luthras house manages the responsibilities
her responsibilities fall by right to the owner who is Raki the mother and wife of Manesh .. In short .. While karina Kritika and privith are not authorized to live in the Luthras mansion because they are only guests .. Moreover privith and kritika should live with privith’s parents and not with Manesh .. humble request
Prithiv karina and kritika should leave the luthra house and live with prithiv but then it look likes prithiv have no house.Why treaten and beat mahesh.Now preeta is the owner of the luthra property she have all authorities and right to do what she want.Why and how can she agree to let mahesh stay in the basement.Preeta need to get another nurse and doctor to treat mahesh and fired those that prithiv hired.Bring back mahesh on his feet and let d table turn.Let him take control back on what he earn and build .Get rid of prithiv.Show karina and kritika that sheryln is prithiv wife.Bring back rishab wit a wife.
I watched this program after over 2 years but nothing much had changed. To update myself I read a review and realize that Preeta was sent out of the house and return to take over for the goodness of the Luthra family. Mahesh been unstable is an issue because I guess he was forced into been mentally unstable. Also the doctors advice is wrong to keep a mental patient locked up in a room s as I’d beaten whic is normal life does not happen. Even in a mental asylum a patient is never treated like an animal. Agree with above comments that the Luthras are a bunch of idiots mostly Karina and her foolish daughter who blindly and most importantly Karan another brainless idiot. All the luthras should use thrr egg or brains and question the doctor as to why he trusts mahesh in that manner by beating him. This is a disgrace to the medics profession as well. Zee should not allow this type of scrip even in fiction. Cruelty to patients is not a doctor’s path.