Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 18th February 2022 Written Episode Update: Karan argues with Preeta

Kundali Bhagya 18th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Preeta is pulling Karan to the side when he pulls away in anger, Preeta mentions he is her husband and even if she doesnot have very high expectations from him but she expects that he sometimes support her when he knows that she is right, Karan questions if she thinks of him as a husband as she doesnot even know how much he has done for her, he does a lot then Karan informs that today is the birthday of Mahesh so they all desired that he remain happy but because of her actions everyone in his family is crying, karan says she should not say this family is also her because he knows what she wants to do with them, Preeta replies she has explanation to each and every blame when karan refuses to even accept it saying she just cares for one thing and that is money because of which she came to the house,

he did not accept it when she said it before but today has believed that she only cares for money, Kritika requests Karan to come as Mami jee might be fainting.

Karan rushes asking what is going on when Dadi informs she might be suffering from low blood pressure, Preeta sits down mentioning she is really suffering so ask Sameer to bring water with salt, Natasha questions why is Preeta so worried since Rakhi is in this condition because of her, Preeta replies this is not the right time for it because she is seeing that Natasha delivers a one liner and then leaves, Sameer brings the glass when Karina asks him to hand the glass, Natasha mentions she doesnot deliver a one liner, Preeta questions her to stop talking since the habit of her to instigate fire might one day be her own undoing, Karan stops her informing they both are arguing while his mother is ill, Prithvi mentions their thought process is never same but he now agrees with Karan, Sherlin mention the entire Luthra family thinks karan is right. Natasha replies why is Preeta like this even when Rakhi really likes her and used to talk with her but she was glad when Preeta came to this house and announced that she is the owner of this business empire, but after what she has done today, it has ruined everything since she knew the matters which have been going on with Mahesh uncle and what reaction would her action cause, she after knowing everything did the unthinkable which she doesnot understand, Kritika questions what is new in this since Preeta knows everything but does what she desires.
Preeta questions if they can stop it since Rakhi is ill and she can check her to suggest the medicine, Preeta insists on checking, karan says why she is doing it when Rakhi is ill, there is no need to act, Preeta questions what does he mean. Dadi also says that karan is right since there is no need for Preeta to act, Karina suggests that they should leave this house and even take Mahesh with them, Preeta thinks matters have taken a turn for worse but if they all leave then she would not be able to do what she desires, she will not be able to find out how much wrongs has Prithvi done with the Luthra business empire, and where is Rishab jee.

Preeta threatens they can all leave this house if they desire but Karan accepts it, Preeta informs they cannot take Mahesh since it is said in the clause that she is the caretaker of Mahesh so he will stay with her, Preeta thinks she is sorry for talking this way so goes upstairs.

Natasha asks karan what is his love since she has done something really wrong, she claims that Mahesh is her father but with the way she was saying it felt as if she might keep him as a prisoner, Natasha keeps on saying that karan should think of teaching Preeta a lesson so she doesnot do anything like this ever again, Karina asks Natasha to stop since he has already said a lot to Preeta when Natasha replies that she feels Karan should keep his wife in check since she is his wife, he should be angry with her for his family. Natasha smiles thinking that she will make sure karan leaves Preeta coming to her with her smart mind.

Preeta is standing when karan comes questioning what does she think of herself as she used to say Mahesh is her father and she does everything for him and his family, she has slapped his entire family, Preeta questions what is his problem as she has informed him that she has a right over the entire house, if she smiles with them then they take her lightly, but she will not let him do what he desires, karan informs he doesnot believes he loves her when she says it is his problem, he replies he is going to end it today when she says he should do it sooner since she will not leave the path which she is walking and will surely bring Mahesh papa out of the basement, karan replies he doesnot need anyone’s help when karan says it is enough as she talks a lot, but he did not come to listen to her, she said that love is his problem but now he would do what he desires however she instead of feeling guilty is exactly the opposite when Preeta mentions that she wants to make sure Mahesh papa comes out of the basement since she wants to thank him because he named all the property to her so she can thank him properly, karan thinks she should have said that she wants him to come out because she loves him however she said that she wants to thank him so made a mistake hurting the heart which loves her so much, Preeta thinks she cannot reveal the truth otherwise if the entire mission which she came for in the house would fail.

Bi jee is massaging the head of Shristhi when she questions why did bi jee go to meet the relatives when she says that they need to go and meet their relatives since they were invited, Bi jee says Shristhi is her own and so everyone loves her a lot, Shristhi explains that she is one in tens of million. Janki comes giving her the tea when she says that Shristhi feels that she is the reason for giving headache to everyone else, Bi jee explains that she used to laugh a lot at the jokes of Shristhi but doesnot laugh anymore, Shristhi mentions she is not that boring and can make anyone laugh, the mobile rings when Janki exclaims that the bell rings when it is the truth, Shristhi explains that it is Preeta di, Shristhi informs that she has a surprise as Bi jee came back when Preeta greets her and even asks about Sarla maa since she would have come back but then Bi je explains that she left Sarla in the village so Preeta gets tensed thinking that she really needs the help of Shristhi, she asks Bi jee why do thye not come when Shristhi assures she is going to bring her, Bi jee questions Shristhi if Preeta is fine but Shrishti assures that nothing is wrong however Bi jee explains she has a lot of experience when Shristhi informs that Mahesh uncle is no well so this is the reason that Preeta is tensed.

Preeta sitting on the bed wonders what can she do, she thinks of using the technique which has been used a lot times so will use a way which is not that straight path to make some people in this house mend their ways.

Update Credit to: Sona

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