Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 19th April 2023 Written Episode Update: Shaurya tries to harm Rajveer

Kundali Bhagya 19th April 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Nidhi rushes to open the door after the doorbell rings, she is excited to see Shaurya standing in front of her who hugs him, she inquires how is she when he replies he is fine. Bani Dadi also mentions she is glad that he came back, she is holding the Thali in her hand. Karina bua also explains she was really worried for him and is glad he came back, Shaurya hugs her. Bani Dadi starts performing the Arti but Shaurya is a bit irritated by it, wondering if he did the right thing by coming back. Karan starts walking down the stairs, Shaurya thinks how Karan said that the only way he can come back is if he apologizes to that lady, Shaurya exclaims he is really tried so wants to rest, he walking past Karan exclaims he came out of jail today and the person whom he least expected to get the help from saved

him but the person he was sure would help him did not do anything, Karan replies that he would not have even thought about freeing him had it not been for Rakhi Dadi.

Shaurya exclaims that he does not know that lady and even she doensot know him but whenever he meets her there is something strange between them, he exclaims it is very ironic that he put her life in danger, but she still favored him in the court due to which he was released. Karan replies it was her good deed, but Shaurya should not expect anything from him since he knows what Shaurya did was wrong and he never supports anything wrong. Shaurya replies he does not expect anything from his father because they tend to be mad for their children, but he has made him mad. Nidhi scolds Shaurya warning this is no way to talk with his father, Karan shouts that Shaurya does not have any manners revealing they tried to make him someone else, but he turned out to be the complete opposite. Rakhi stops Karan explaining that Shaurya has just returned home, Karan leaves angrily.

Shaurya entering the room wonders if it is a family or a drama scene, he thinks he cannot live here even for another day. Nidhi coming to the room asks what is this behavior because she has advised him to talk politely with his father. Shaurya exclaims that this house is the jail when he explains they all were acting as if they really care for him and were even performing the Arti. Nidhi smiles exclaiming he is really funny, he asks what would he like to eat, Shaurya replies he has no interest in eating the food of this jail so is going to go out, Nidhi requests him to stay in the house today as everyone is waiting for him at the dinner table, Shaurya once again requests her to not force him saying he wants to go out and she can say that he has locked the door from the inside and gone to sleep while he will sneak out of the window. Nidhi agrees.

Rajveer is with Preeta who suggests they should first buy the vegetables, Rajveer replies this is why he asked her to come with him since he does not know anything about them, Preeta asks the vendor to give them one kilogram tomato, Rajveer gets a call from someone so leaves to talk with him, it is from the office and Rajveer assures he is going to join from Monday.

Shaurya while driving his jeep also turns on the same road where he sees Rajveer, Shaurya starts thinking about Rajveer warned that Shaurya should not even think about making his life a living hell, Shaurya exclaims that Rajveer vowed to ruin his life but he is going to make sure Rjaveer pays for his crime, he thinks he will see how does Rajveer run after him when he bangs him before going away. Preeta notices the jeep coming towards Rajveer who is turned against it, she a to push him away but stands in front of the jeep, Shaurya manages to put the brake however he hits his head against the steering wheel, Preeta seeing that he got injured rushes to him asking if he is fine, Rajveer thinks that Shaurya was in jail, he comes to Shaurya who says that it must have been the wish of Rajveer due to which he got injured, Rajveer replies it might not have been if he was locked up in jail. Preeta starts scolding them questioning why do they start fighting after seeing each other, she helps Shaurya step out of the car exclaiming they have to take him to their house, Shaurya insists on going to eat something but Preeta replies she is not asking but has told him, a lady hands Preeta the bag when she gets worried wondering what can they do about the car, she requests someone to help them when one of the neighbor agrees.

Sanjeev is checking the feet when Bani Dadi asks why is he so worried and she asks them all to not be worried, Sanjeev agrees that she is fine but has to be careful as only then would she be able to run with her Grandchildren, Bani Dadi replies she wishes it might be possible because Shaurya is really different and she wonders if he himself runs away, Karan assures that Bani Dadi would live to see even her Great Grandchildren but Bani Dadi says she does not want to live that long, Rakhi agrees with Bani Dadi explaining that they do not want to believe the problems of the future. Karan asks to show the doctor the way out, he hands Rakhi the medicine which she has to give Bani jee.
Bani Dadi asks Rakhi if she said something wrong but Rakhi replies she is fine as they never thought Shaurya would turn out like this, she suggests they should get him married to a nice girl hearing which Bani Dadi agrees.

Shaurya walking with Rajveer wonders why did he came to this house, Rajveer rings the door bell when Gurpreet opens it and seeing the injury asks if Rajveer once again got into a fight because he knows that Preeta will get really angry. Preeta coming informs them they got in an accident, and he is injured, Gurpreet asks him to come inside when Shaurya says he will come when she steps aside from the door, Shaurya enters the house warning Rajveer to not touch his hand as he can walk.

Gurpreet asks who is this ill mannered boy, Preeta reveals he is Shaurya so Gurpreet recalls he is the same boy who caused the accident of the bus, Preeta suggests Rajveer to take Shaurya to his room while she will bring the turmeric medicine, Shaurya says it is better if he goes to his own house but Preeta scolds him so he agrees to stay here until she applies the medicine, Shaurya and Rajveer both go to enter the room.

Mohit starts staring thinking how he felt Rajveer hates Shaurya but they both are here together; Gurpreet warns him to not stay since she can see it on his face that Rajveer hates Shaurya but Preeta has started considering him as her own son. Mohit explains now they both would get in an awkward situation since Rajveer really hates Shaurya so if they talk politely with him then it will hurt Rajveer.

Palki is getting ready when Mr Khurana asks why is she leaving so early when they both have the shift together, Palki explains she has some important work when Daljit brings the tiffin, she says that she thought Palki would come and help her since she is the elder daughter, but she always leaves for work. Mr Khurana standing up asks Palki to not be worried about what her mother says since whenever someone tells him that his daughter has become a doctor then he feels really proud. Palki explains her mother really does a lot of work but Mr Khurana informs that Palki comes back from her work to help her mother, Daljit gets furious and emotional, she starts crying sitting on the couch when Palki going to her explains she is the one who supports her whenever they face any problem and is always there to wipe off their tears, she has no idea how important she is in their life. Daljit asks Mr Khurana to see how much palki loves her when he says she herself must look at how much palki cares for her. Mr Khurana sits down to have the tea however Daljit angrily takes them away saying he himself can make them, Mr Khurana thinks he gets punished without any reason.

Rajveer helps Shaurya who questions why is he behaving like this, Rajveer replies he does not care for him so Shaurya asks then why is he behaving like his brother, Rajveer replies he is just trying to help him when Shaurya replies he does not like it, Rajveer exclaims he will leave when Shaurya sits down and must know he is only doing this because of his aunt. Shaurya asks if he is happy, Rajveer replies he can never make him happy, they both start arguing when Shaurya says he looks better when he is quiet, Rajveer leaves angrily so Shaurya wonders why does he always stare like a movie star. Shaurya is sitting when the files fall down along with the photo of Karan Luthra, however it is turned up side down. Shaurya is sitting just in front of the photo.

Update Credit to: Sona

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