Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 19th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Nidhi tries to commit suicide

Kundali Bhagya 19th March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Nidhi is walking thinking that the Preeta which had caused her to be mad is the same person who saved her from dying, she however says she does not want this life even if it is the best gift, Rakhi sees Nidhi so asks what has happened to her and is she fine,Nidhi hugs Rakhi while crying, she also embraces Nidhi and then once again says that she loves her a lot and so would not let anything happen to her, Rakhi assures that no one can take her place in this house until she is alive, Nidhi hugs Rakhi again thinking about what Karan said that Preeta cannot leave this house, Nidhi wonders if she could realize the love of Rakhi before because she is loving her just like a mother, however she realized it very late when she is about to leave this world however Rakhi is very nice, when Nidhi requests Rakhi

to forgive her for hurting her as she knows it, Rakhi tries to assure that Nidhi never did anything wrong but Rakhi does not believe it and says that Nidhi has never hurt her, Nidhi leaves saying she is getting late and so runs away, Rakhi gets worried so she leaves.

Nidhi is walking when Shaurya stops her asking where is she going, she says he is the best thing that happened to her, Shaurya asks her to calm down questioning what has happened, Nidhi replies that she loved him a lot and wherever she is present then would always love him because he is the one who has loved her unconditionally, Shaurya asks Nidhi to tell him why is she crying, she leaves without telling him anything. Nidhi locks the door of her room while crying.

Preeta in the room remembers how she stopped Nidhi while she was about to light the match stick, Preeta wonders if Nidhi was doing it purposefully and thinks how can anyone not understand it, preeta thinks she has to follow her so while running into the house is calling Nidhi.

Nidhi opens her wardrobe to take out a be sheet, the box falls from it which Nidhi picks to reveal a black tie from it, she holds it in her hand thinking she gifted Karan the tie with his suit, he asked what is the need for it when he suddenly got the call from Mr Mehta so left after handing her the box, Nidhi thought about giving him the tie tomorrow, she hugs it while crying, Nidhi exclaims she did not get karan but she can get death from his tie, Nidhi after looking at the ceiling fan thinks she could not live with karan but can die with him, she starts looking around the room and sees the bench placed in the corner, Nidhi goes to bring it under the fan, Preeta runs to knock on the door, she asks Nidhi to open the door when Nidhi asks her to leave her alone, preeta refuse to go demanding she should open the door, Nidhi warns Preeta to mind her own business when preeta says Nidhi is trying to do the same thing however asks her to open the door, Nidhi says the one who should care is not bothered then she should stop acting, preeta refuses to leave until Nidhi opens the door but then Nidhi starts standing on the stool, without giving any importance to Preeta who requests Nidhi to give an answer to her questions, Preeta gets worried when Nidhi does not answer her, Preeta thinks she should call everyone, preeta asks Karan, Rakhi and Bani Dadi so she asks if everything is fine, Preeta informs that Nidhi has locked herself in the room, Bani Dadi replies she might be changing her dress however Preeta explains it is not the case, Rakhi asks what is Nidhi doing, preeta sys she feels Nidhi is trying to commit suicide because she tried to do it in the kitchen however she was able to reach on time but before she could do anything then Nidhi locked herself in the room. Karan comes asking Preeta what has happened, Preeta informs Nidhi is trying to commit suicide so Karan remembers when Nidhi threatened him to commit suicide, Shaurya reaches the room and asks his mom to open the door but she asks him to leave, he requests her to just open the door. Nidhi says he should remember that his mother loves him a lot but should forgive him, Shaurya refuses to forgive him as he knows what she is trying to do, Nidhi explains she loves him but requests for his forgiveness, Shaurya tries to open the door, Karina also comes requesting Nidhi to open the door along with Rakhi and Bani Dadi but Nidhi keeps preparing the knot, Preeta asks Nidhi how can she not see that everyone care a lot for her, Preeta explains there is nothing bigger then life and she can sort the problems with her family but should open the door.

Palki is walking into her house when she picks up the phone to call Preeta, but then Preeta ens the call so Palki thinks she should answer the call as they need her, Karan also comes asking Nihi to open the door, Palki keeps trying to call Preeta je but she does not answer so palki then texts Preeta to answer the call as she needs to talk of Rajveer because he is not well. Preeta is worried, Ndihi says that she loves Karan, Preeta decides to go outside and call Palki whom she asks about Rajveer, Palki explains that Rajveer does not seem fine and he is not even talking to her so she thinks about informing her about it all, Preeta appreciates Palki then tries to call Rajveer, she wonders why is he not answering her call, Preeta leaves.

Rakhi asks Nidhi to open the door but when she does not respond then Shaurya breaks the glass of the door, they all are shocked seeing Nidhi about to hang herself, and they all demand that she should stop doing it, Shaurya trying to open the lock but then Karina informs Nidhi kicked the stool so yells at Shaurya while Nidhi is hanging, they manage to open the door however the breaths of Nidhi stop, Shaurya can pull her down and Shaurya after checking informs her pulse is fainting, Karan decides to call the doctor but Rakhi asks him to take Nidhi to the hospital, Shaurya leaves after picking her up.

Rajveer answers the call from his mother who asks what has happened but he says he is fine, Preeta replies she knows he is not fine but should tell the reason, Rajveer refuses saying he is fine but Preeta asks him to not lie as Palki has told her the entire truth and she knows he is feeling lonely so should tell her what has happened, Rajveer asks if Palki called her when pretty replies she has asked him a lot of questions but he did not answer, Rajveer says he was a bit stressed due to the office work and he does not understand why Palki called her, Preeta tells Rajveer she is coming back home tomorrow morning, Rajveer thanks her for saying he will wait for her as this house does not seem fine without her and wants her to return not because he is lonely and not able to do it, Preeta agrees to ask him to sleep saying she will call him later. Rajveer gets worried thinking if Palki calls her then he will be furious.

Preeta turns back to see Karan coming with Shaurya and so she runs to the car, preeta sits with Karan in the front seat while Shaurya sits in the back, they all leave.

Palki walks to the knocking at the door, she is shocked to see Rajveer who asks what did she do, she asks what has she done when Rajveer warns Palki to stay away from his matters, she asks what are they when he says she should not be so innocent, Rajveer asks why did she call maa telling her to come back saying he is not well, Palki warns Rajveer to not yell.

Shaurya is sitting with Mom assuring them nothing would happen to her, karan asks Shaurya to not be worried when preeta explains she cannot understand what has caused her to take such a drastic step, she is worried while sitting with karan in the front seat, Shaurya is trying his best to wake Nidhi, the loader is coming on the road being pushed by an old man, Karan applies the break but is not able to stop at time, causing the old man to fall after which they all get worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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