Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 1st June 2024 Written Episode Update: The Luthra’s prepare for the party

Kundali Bhagya 1st June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anshuman Panday turns back to look at Luthra Mansion when Sahil asks why does he seen confused, Anshuman replies he is very confused because he gave an offer to the luthra’s which they accepted without any worry and it might bring them on the road so he has a doubt that it would bring them on the road, Sahil suggests it might be that they are caring for their son Shaurya and want to free him, Anshuman replies his mind is working because if someone sees their destruction coming then might have done something but they have not objected and would surely have a plan, Sahil says that he feels they should go ahead and even invite all of the VIP of the city along with the commissioner, then Anshuman replies he feels they should not get it done so easily and use Rajveer and Shaurya, Sahil replies then he

feels they would not go ahead with the collaboration, Anshuman asks Sahil to attain the bail while if the Luthra’s try to do something then they would get it canceled.

Shanaya comes to wish Dadi good morning who replies this is the difference between her and Palki as she would have greeted her in the traditional way when Shanaya replies she must not compare her to Palki, Dadi explains that she knows it because Palki does the work in the house but Shanaya keeps running from it, Shanaya says Dadi has shown a lot of difference between them, Dadi agrees with Shanaya explaining their mother has a lot of qualities and both of her daughters got some of them, Dadi says she feels Palki is the daughter of Preeta and she is just like her, Shanaya explains that Dadi should not say it in front of their mother who would get furious, Dadi asks where is Palki when Shanaya informs she has gone to perform the pooja on behalf of the entire family, Dadi asks if Shaurya has returned when Shanaya replies that he would come back today, Dadi says Shanaya must have also gone to the Mandir but Shanaya replies she has never gone to the Mandir but prayed for Shaurya with her heart, explaining Palki is the one who always goes to the Mandir to pray for everyone while the people in the neighborhood say that the house where she goes as a daughter in law would be very fortunate this is why she has went to pray in the Mandir.

Palki is standing performing the pooja in the front when Preeta and Rakhi also enter the Mandir so Preeta asks if Rakhi can see Palki, Pandit jee hands Palki the thali while the children ask her for the Parshad so she goes to give them, Preeta and Rakhi see her handing the Parshad and Preeta calls her from behind, Palki turns with a smile when she agrees saying she is their Palki, Rakhi mentions she is even her Palki, Rakhi says she wants to give her as good news, Palki asks if Anshuman Panday is behaving in the way that Preeta je desired, Rakhi agrees to her so Palki says she is going to go and give the Parshad and food to everyone outside, Rakhi praises the upbringing of Palki who asks if they have performed the Darshan when Rakhi and Preeta leave, Palki then goes to give the food outside the Mandir, while taking the blessings from everyone. Palki gives the three parcels to the person who thanks her but she says she has asked him to not thank her for the food, she then asks the person to distribute the food to everyone else.

Palki sees that the Palu of the lady is on fire and tries calling her but she does not listen so palki runs to her along with Preeta and Rakhi, Palki quickly removes the cloth and burns out the fire from it, she asks if the lady is fine who agrees saying Palki saved her, she then blesses her. Rakhi tells Preeta that Palki is a very nice girl with a pure heart who cares for everyone a lot, Preeta replies she loves Palki a lot who does not care while helping others, Palki comes to them when Rakhi asks if she is fine, Preeta asks Palki to show her hand who asks what would they do after seeing her hand, Preeta sees it and notices that ti got burned, Palki apologizes saying that the Palu of the lady caught fire otherwise who knows what might have happened but she is fine and just got a bit injured, Preeta is concerned however Palki leaves, Rakhi says that Palki is just like Preeta with a kind heart and she knows how to treat the children while even respect the elders, Preeta replies Palki is a lot good then her however Rakhi refuses to accept it saying she is just like her, Preeta replies Rakhi is saying as she loves her a lot, Palki brings the Parshad for Rakhi and Preeta.

Kavya is helping Kritika prepare for the party, Nidhi is still furious but then goes to karan asking when will he bring Shaurya back home, Karan says that he is going to the lawyer who will bring Shaurya and Rajveer back home but it would get late, Nidhi tries to warn karan to be very careful about what he is doing, Karina asks why is Nidhi so tensed as Shaurya would surely come back home very soon before the party, Nidhi asks if Karina Bua is also taking he side of preeta but Karina replies she is agreeing with Karan because he always fulfills the promise he makes, karan turns to leave after wishing Karina Bua along with Nidhi.

Karan sees Rakhi so informs her he is going to the lawyer with the papers, Preeta wishes him all the best, Palki gives the Parshad to Karan sir mentioning all of his work would be fine, Rakhi even asks Palki to give everyone else the Parshad, Bani Dadi tells Rakhi she is very worried about what would happen tonight, Rakhi replies everything would be better and they would face if something wrong happens, Preeta replies indeed they would try their best that everything good happen however Bani Dadi is still worried.

In the night Rakhi along with Karina are welcoming the guests when the media enters the party, Arohi asks Nidhi why is she looking like this, Nidhi replies she is very worried as she wants everything including this house, Karan and even the property and if he had given half of the property then she was fine as she knew Karan would earn it again but what has started is not right, Rakhi asks Karina and Bani Dadi if they have seen Preeta, Karina asks the reason when Rakhi says if she stays with her then ti feels everything would happen for the good otherwise she gets tensed, Mahesh greeting them hands a glass of water, but they donot take it when he informs it is electrolyte water which is going to reduce their stress, Karina asks how can he be joking in such a stressful situation, Bani Dadi scolds Mahesh ordering that he should not talk, Rakhi sees Preeta so goes to her explaining that she was looking for her when Shanaya also comes informing that palki is bringing the snacks as they did not have enough waiters since even the media and guests came before time, Mohit comes saying Palki asked him to tell her to take the medicine, Karan asks how can Preeta do this to her and forget it, Preeta replies how could she remember it today when everyone is tensed and even she is in the same situation, Preeta says she is worried they would have to leave this house after the party, Karan asks her to not worry assuring everything would be fine, Rakhi looking at the entrance sees Rajveer and Shaurya entering so informs her Karan Arjun came back, the entire Luthra family rejoices seeing them both enter the Mansion, Preeta is also excited.

Anshuman Panday standing in front of Karan asks the media personal to take their photos as they are about to become business partners, Rajveer and Shaurya stop seeing which Anshuman panday asks why did they stop after hearing the news, the Luthra family turns back to see that Shaurya and Rajveer are furious.

Update Credit to: Sona

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