Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 21st October 2024 Written Episode Update: Varun tries to kidnap Kavya

Kundali Bhagya 21st October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shaurya get excited seeing the Rawan and asks Sunny if it is looking as the magnificent Rawan, Sunny asks Shaurya who likes the Rawan, Shaurya replies he likes it and what is the problem with Sunny ten he asks the Rawan how is he going to feel when they will burn him, Sunny tells Shaurya that he I just a statue so Shaurya asks him to come back home.

Rakhi is still decorating when the drum players enter the house followed by Karan, Rajveer who both are holding Mata Rani on their hands and entering the house with a smile on their face, Rakhi, Preeta and Palki are clapping, Shaurya and Sunny also enter, karan stumbles and is about to fall but then Palki runs to help him hold the Murti and she starts taking it with Rajveer. Preeta asks Karan if he is fine, he thinks he is fine but whens he asks

then he feels proud on himself. Karan starts to smile while Preeta is also relieved. Rajveer starts staring at Palki who is holding the Murti of Mata Rani with him, she is also just smiling. Karan then gets a bit nervous. Shaurya is just staring at Palki and then he asks Sunny if he can look at both Rajveer and Palki who think it as it is their house. Sunny says that it is also his house but Shaurya questions if he cannot stay quiet. Rakhi asks if Preeta can see how Rajveer and Palki are looking very good together and seem as they are made for each other. Shaurya exclaims they would look good together when he will let them stay so says they should just wait and watch, Shaurya goes to the front saying to Palki that the girl who can barely take care of herself then how would she be able to handle Mata Rani, he asks her to get aside and let him handle it, Palki says she never lets anything fall down and would never let anything of the sort happen to Mata Rani, Mahesh once again starts to chant the slogans, Rajveer and Shaurya start walking ahead with a smile on their face when they both carefully place Mata rani on the place. Rajveer and Shaurya take her blessings, Mahesh chants the slogan, Rakhi says that MataRani arrived to their house and Rajveer, Shaurya even made her Virajit. Rakhi says she feels them both are, preeta adds like Ram Lakhan brought Nevdurga to the house, they all smile after hearing the words of Preeta who is smiling. Preeta asks why have they become so emotional, karan says that she said the right thing as this Ram Lakhan brought Mata Rani to the house, Rakhi says they should go and get ready while the auspicious time is about to start, karan even asks Rajveer, Shaurya to get ready, Bani Dadi is even excited for Ram Lela so the all leave after taking the blessings of Mata rani. Palki is smiling Shaurya turns to stare at Rajveer before furiously walking away. Rajveer also leaves.

Kavya is walking and goes past Varun who is disguise, he not being able to control himself starts following her while holding a sack, Varun keeps following Kavya even into the Luthra Mansion and is about to put the sack over her when Anshuman pulls him away asking what s Varun doing here and asks if he forgot that they came here for Preeta Dehan but has Varun lost his mind, he replies he loses it all after seeing Kavya but then Anshuman asks if he remember what Nidhi said, Varun replies he is not the servant, Anshuman says he agrees with Nidhi that Preeta is their biggest enemy but Varun keeps going after Kavya which is why he is not able to do anything, Varun says Anshuman must not forget that he is not the boss but Anshuman says that Varun is neither his employee but he is also not the enemy, Varun says Kavya is the one due to which his plans failed and the desires of his parents were not fulfilled Anshuman pulls Varun back asking if he remember the reason they came here because Preeta si their protector ad they came here to pull her out of their life, so asks what is Varun thinking about their future, he replies he cannot think of anything. Anshuman says after preeta is gone then thee Luthra family would not be present to save them so asks if Varun wants to win for one day or his entire life after getting rid of Preeta, Varun agrees that he wants it for life time so that this family is not able to fight again, Anshuman agrees informing that they would be the strongest after Preeta and no one will be able to fight them, they just have to wait for the Rawan Dehan so asks what does he thin, Varun replies they would flow the plan when Anshuman asks him to forget Kavya for some time, Varun promises Anshuman saying he would try to not divert from the plan thinking today the Rawan would burn and along with that the protector of this family who is Preeta.

Kritika enters the house and says today is very lucky day as she got to perform the Darshan of Mata Rani, Kritika after putting down her phone mentions she felt very peaceful at her heart so Maa should listen to her request and must bring their family together, now that Mata has come them she should fulfill the relations and bring everyone including Preeta. Kavya also comes to take the blessings and ask kritika Bua where was she when Kritika replies that she had some work, she asks if Kavya does not feel that they have some connection with Mata Rani and it feels she would just speak. Kavya says she had a question but felt awkward so can she ask two questions, kavya asks today they are going to perform the pooja of MataRani and then perform Rawan Dehan, Kritika replies that they are traditions and it has been going on like this in their family for very long so they first dance at the arrival of Mata Rani then do the Rawan Dehan, Kritika says that Ram jee was not able to defeat Rawan at first then sought the help of Mata rani who gave her blessings to him and then Ram jee did the Rawan Dehan, kavya says this means she has a lot of strength and so they perform the pooja. Garesh brings the bags of Kritika so informs her, she thanks him when Kavya asks what are they all when kritika replies that Kavya knows her aunt needs chance to do shopping and so she has brought it for everyone then Kavya also wants to see it, kritika says she thought that there are going to be a lot of functions and so she would bring some special clothes for them all and they have to wear it, Kavya says that everyone has gone to change but Kritika asks who would not listen to her, Kritika informs that everyone is going to wear it as they even give a lot of importance to the women of this house. Kavya mentions even Preeta is a member of this family but she is unaware o f the relation however still is very attached to kavya and if she goes to preeta informing her that the new dress is the idea of Kavya then she would not refuse, she says they all should see how Preeta would come after getting ready. Kritika asks if Kavya knows a mother gets the feelings of being a mother no matter the place as she can do anything for her daughter, explaining they say that they need the heart of a mother to care for the children just as a son is the strength and weakness of a mother then it goes the same for the daughters, kavya starts smiling when kritika asks if they want to get ready or become emotional.

Anshuman thinks he wants to talk with Varun so decides to call him, Anshuman informs their people Birju and Raja have arrived so can he see, Varun sees them saying they would come to the lawn when Anshuman informs they donot have a lot of time so he should hurry, Varun replies he is in a lot of hurry then Anshuman. Varun goes to them both saying that Himat singh sent them both, Raja and Pirju. They both introduce themselves, Varun says that the work is very important today and they both would work for them so Varun leads them towards the lawn where Anshuman is busy working. Varun introduces the men whom Himat Sigh has sent, Anshuman asks if they brought the things, Raja says they never make mistakes and Piju informs that it is saved in their minds. Anshuman just asks for the things, he says to Varun their preparations have been completed while everyone would be stunned after the Rawan Dehan.

Shanaya is stunned when Garesh informs they sent these clothes for them, Daljeet says that she is very glad as the Luthra family is doing all the preparations for them, Daljeet asks Garesh to have some tea but he leaves saying he has a lot of work. Daljeet starts looking at the dresses when Shanaya informs that she feels there would bee some dress code at the function and so this is why kritika Bua sent them. Gurpreet and Mohit also come asking what happened when Shanaya says that the Luthra family has even sent them clothes for them so she gave the bags with the name of Gurpreet and Mohit to them. Palki comes with her dress but Shanaya informs her that Kritika Bua has sent a special outfit for her today and she goes to change it along with everyone else in the family.

Palki along with her family members reach the location and they all are very excited seeing the children Daljeet is amazed with the decoration of the house and Bi jee says tat she felt very nice just after stepping her foot here, Gurpreet agrees with her then Mohit points to Rajveer, palki notices him greeting the guests when Rajveer signals then and he hugs Mohit tightly the even seeks the blessings from Bi jee who says she is feeling very good seeing Rajveer, he thanks Mohit for bringing everyone when Mohit gets angry at Rajveer saying there is no formality. Daljeet agrees mentioning they have just come to their second house. Rajveer starts getting nervous when Gurpreet says that their house has become vacant ever since Rjaveer left, he informs that those who are dear are in their hearts just like Gurpreet is in his heart. Bi jee agrees with Rajveer saying that the things of their heart remain there. Daljeet signals Shanaya when Rajveer says he is very glad to see them all here, Gurpreet mentions she is very proud of him now and he says he feels very calm after seeing those are near to the heart. Shanaya mentions she cannot see Shaurya anywhere and explains she has been searching for him for so long. Shanaya then finally sees Shaurya with Sunny and so explains she just took his name and he came in front of her. Sunny says Shaurya is confused who is better in them but Shaurya leaves with Sunny, Shanaya gets worried. Daljeet says that Rawan has to be burnt today but where is he, Palki points to the Rawan.

Anshuman is standing with Varun looking at Preeta who is walking towards the guests. Varun exclaims that preeta is going to die today and would not be able to meet everyone, Anshuman says that today along with Rawan there would also be Seeta Dehan and it is the new story of this century in which the Seeta also burns with the Rawan. Anshuman mentions the Rawan dehan teaches them tat the evil loses and good wins but this time the new page would be written in the Ramayana and the Luthra’s are going to cry tears of blood. Varun mentions they both are going to laugh and he is already feeling good, Anshuman vows that today the good will become ashes while the evil s going to win.

Preeta comes to greet them all and Palki hugs Preeta first followed by Shanaya, Daljeet says she is going to say Jai Shri Ram and even Preeta does the same, Gurpreet asks Preeta how is she who replies that she is very glad as the entire family has come together and even this time the good will win over the evil. Shanaya says she feels very good hearing the old stories that the good won over the evil, Palki says they left a teaching that one must always win and never lose, Karina also comes to greet them when Rakhi says the guests have finally arrived so now they would celebrate Deshara. Rakhi says she was waiting for Daljeet, who says she is not habitual of making the people they love wait a lot when Gurpreet informs Rakhi they have started feeling very nice. Daljeet informs they have come to the lawn of someone for the first time and would normally do it in the ground. Daljeet says that her neighbors could not believe it but then she informed that it is the house of her daughters in laws, Rakhi says they enjoy a lot in celebrating the festivals and Gurpreet also says they feel even more good while celebrating it with the family. Preeta notices Bani Dadi entering from the main door so she slowly walks to bani Dadi asking what happened and why does she seem worried, so is she fine. Bani Dadi says she is tensed a bit and wants to pray to Mata Rani that not evil should come to them, Preeta replies nothing bad happens where Mata Rani comes as the burning of Rawan gives the same teachings, Bani Dadi says the world is very bad and who knows how many Rawan are present in the world, Preeta gets worried.

Precap: Rakhi tells Karan that he and Preeta should sit together in the pooja, Nidhi is stunned. Anshuman agrees mentioning they would first kidnap the life of Preeta and then herself. Nidhi tells Arohi that today would be the last night of Preeta in this world as after today she would leave the world forever.

Update Credit to: Sona

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