Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 22nd February 2024 Written Episode Update: Rajveer vows to ruin Karan Luthra

Kundali Bhagya 22nd February 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Rakhi asks if she would have to make her remember the past twenty years and if was it just a dream and not reality, Nidhi also said it but she cannot understand what to believe or not, Karan says everyone is telling the truth because they see the dreams but sometimes other things happen so she should relax, Rakhi hugs Karan who thinks she saw the correct dream but he cannot tell her anything as she is not well, he asks her to calm down and relax as he is saying that Preeta can never forget her because relations are strong and when they come close then the relations tend to be close so in love they cannot forget anyone, he asks her to relax and try to sleep, Rakhi is still emotional.

Rajveer is standing outside the house Rakesh asks if the offer was just an excuse or not but the person says

that he had been waiting for quite some time and thought that Rajveer would come within ten minutes, he offers the glass of drink Rajveer says his offer was not a joke while he has made some plans to destroy Mr. Karan Luthra, Rajveer accepts it vowing they both would ruin Karan Luthra together and make sure he falls, Rajveer then drinks straight from the bottle, telling him they will meet tomorrow. Mr. Panday thinks the enemy of their enemy is the friend while the enemy of Karan is his Bhagwan.

Karan enters the house thinking this night is the biggest night of his life which is not ending and he feels it is hurting his heart, his life has been changed and he feels everything has been ruined while he does not have anyone with whom he can share the feelings, he is not even able to breathe and is feeling that his breaths would stop right now. Karan is emotional, saying today a new light could have come to his life but such darkness has entered his life that he feels there is nothing else to live for they say that when one does not have anything worthwhile then they are not bothered by what happens, but he is someone who got everything but still does not have anything left and he wonders how would he bear this pain, he is feeling as if he has been broken from the inside. Nidhi enters the house but at first is not able to see anyone, she stands beside Karan and apologizes to him, saying she should have understood but did not know what happened today, and after the bullet accident she changed however she had asked Garesh to clean everything. Karan starts coughing so she goes to bring water.

Karan goes to answer the phone which starts ringing, Gurpreet asks if Karan has stopped Rajveer for some night duty saying that Shanaya and Palki have returned but Rajveer did not come back so she felt he had stopped him, Karan informs Rajveer left after everyone so might get a bit late, he requests Gurpreet to tell Rajveer that he should talk with him and he also inquires about Preeta, Gurpreet replies she is asleep when Karan asks her to take care of Preeta. Preeta is very worried hearing the thunder and tries to call Rajveer thinking he would surely get beaten by her as there is no time for his return so she vows to pull his ear once he returns. Preeta is reading the book but gets worried seeing the time as it has been very late, Rajveer is slowly walking in the night towards the house. Preeta sitting beside the bed sleeps but then suddenly wakes up and tries calling Rajveer again, he is walking on the road but Preeta is very worried. Rajveer keeps looking in the market.

Palki is walking when she sees Rajveer kneeling, she asks why he has not returned till now and she says she does not know who tried to cause differences between them both but she cannot stay away from him. Palki asks if he has a drink when Rajveer says he has done wrong to him and everyone else while he even hugged Nidhi Luthra, Palki is not able to understand when Rajveer says he is a very bad person who does not think anyone is worthwhile, palki asks if he is talking about Karan sir, Rajveer agrees when she asks why is he talking so bad of him, Rajveer getting up replies that he has made such an image due to which everyone thinks he is a good father, Palki asks Rajveer to stop, he angrily says that Karan is a very bad person who has done a lot of bad things to him and does not care about anyone which is why he hates him, Palki asks Rajveer to stop questioning if he has any idea what he is saying, she says she would drop him but Rajveer questions what would he say to maa with such a face and how long would he hide it from Maa, as he feels someone has died in his life due to the pain. He says he wants to talk with someone who knows all about their fast, Rajveer runs while Palki is shocked.

Karan is sitting in the room when Nidhi brings the water so asks Gareth to leave, she offers water to Karan but he refuses and she apologizes thinking she would not ask anything as she has found out he is not ready to talk about anything but when he feels like then should talk with him, Karan says it is okay, Nidhi vows never to say one thing but it does not mean he should not share anything with her when she will not tease him, she removes the candles from the table and leaves apologizing to Karan.

Palki tells Shanaya she is very worried and has never seen Rajveer like this so he has surely had something to drink but Rajveer is hurt which she could see and there is something related to the Luthra. Shanaya replies that Rajveer works for the Luthra and this is why he hates them but Shanaya replies Palki is just thinking and she warns her to not think like this as it would not get her anything. Shanaya says she is closing the light and Palki must also go to sleep but Palki gets up from the bed to go stand beside the window, thinking about what Rajveer said to her.

Preeta is worried thinking it is so late but Rajveer did not return, she knocks on the room of Gurpreet asking her to come with her to the Luthra Mansion as she is going to bring Rajveer back, Gurpreet says she talked with karan Luthra just a while ago but Preeta asks Gurpreet to talk with Karan right now, Gurpreet dials the contact then hands it to Preeta who says hello,Karan is shocked and takes the name of preeta asking what happened, she says Rajveer did not come till now so she is worried and Gurpreet told her that Rajveer left the Luthra Mansion so she wanted to talk of it, she says he said he would take care of her and Rajveer so Karan agrees, but Preeta says she can take care of herself when he assures he will bring Rajveer back from wherever he is, preeta ends the call thinking now she feels Rajveer would come back and it is very weird that she trusts Karan Luthra even when they are not related, she leaves when Gurpreet thinks Preeta je there would be trust as Karan e is her husband which her heart knows, she prays that they both get together because when Preeta finds the truth then would surely accept everything.

Karan sits on his bed thinking his heart says he should help Preeta and Rajveer but he knows that Rajveer would never accept his support however where can he go so late at night?

Precap: Rajveer says my father is so bad person that I can’t even tell you. Karan is listening everything. Rajveer says he just gave pain to my mother and did not even try to search for her from last 20 years.

Update Credit to: Sona

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