Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 22nd July 2023 Written Episode Update: Shristhi threatens the Luthra’s

Kundali Bhagya 22nd July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shristhi agrees to leave since she does not want her sister to suffer due to her, she requests the doctor to take care of her sister and she whispers to Preeta that she will come back after two or three hours, she comes out of the room after thanking the doctor. Shristhi thanks Diya and Ajay for protecting her sister and ringing her to this hospital on the right time, Shristhi tells Mohit how they have to go for the Luthra house, Mohit asks how can they leave Preeta je when Shristhi informs that Preeta je is still unconscious and they would not allow anyone to go in the ICU, Diya agrees to stay here for few more hours, Mohit asks if Rajveer is in the Luthra house when Shristhi informs that he is in the custody of the police and they must go there, Mohit calls Palki informing her that Rajveer is

locked in the police station so they both must go to him before them however should not inform him about the condition of Preeta je. Palki and Gurpreet both reach the police station but are not able to find Shristhi and Mohit, Palki suggests they must ask the Inspector, Palki informs that they are the neighbor of Rajveer and if Shristhi and Mohit have come here, but the Inspector replies that no one has come here with such a name, Palki requests to meet Rajveer however the inspector refuses saying no one can meet him until they complete their investigation, Gurpreet asks when will it complete when the Inspector says it is going to take a lot of time, Palki requests they should meet Rajveer but the Inspector refuses however is forced to agree, he calls Patel to take them to Rajveer, Patel tells Palki he is the one who arranged the call for Rajveer, Palki goes to Rajveer asking how did he reach here, he replies today was the function of Kavya and he went there on her invitation but there was theft for which he has been blamed, Rajveer assures he did not steal anything when Palki says there is no need for him to prove anything to them, Gurpreet explains they are going to the father of Palki as he knows some lawyers.

Shristhi is standing on the gate of the Luthra Mansion, she remembers the day when she cut all her ties with this family, and left, Shristhi not being able to control herself starts getting furious so keeps throwing rocks at the Luthra Mansion demanding they must come out, Mohit tries to stop her but she says she is not scared of anyone. Rakhi is talking with Karina bua and Bani Dadi when they get stunned seeing the rock and mention someone is throwing them at their house, Shaurya and Nidhi also come asking what has happened, wen they inform them both about the truth and he decides to go out and check.

Rajveer asks Palki and Gurpreet if Shristhi maa is with his mother, Palki asks if Preeta je knows he has been arrested, Rajveer explains he made a video call but left the phone without disconnecting it so she saw him being arrested and then even tried to stop the police from arresting him but got hurt, so asks if she is fine. Rajveer explains even Shristhi maa is very easily offended and he is worried if she does anything wrong, Gurpreet assures Rajveer that she is going to talk with the father of Palki and everything will be sorted, Palki asks if Rajveer knows, he says if she tells him then it would be good, Palki replies she has complete faith in him and knows he can never do anything wrong, Gurpreet asks Palki to come so she leaves assuring Rajveer that they will come back.

Shristhi is furiously throwing rocks demanding that the Luthra’s must come out, Nidhi comes out but is shocked to see Shristhi standing there and asks what is she doing here, Shristhi angrily questions how did Nidhi dare send her son to jail after filing a fake case against him, Shristhi demands a rock and is about to hit Nidhi with it, Shaurya comes out asking what is going on here and questions if Shristhi has lost her mind, Shristhi is stunned and keeps looking at them both in shock, Nidhi questions why did Shaurya come out and must come back with her, Shaurya says that they both should leave from here, Shristhi taunts Nidhi for raising her son like this and he has the same father, she mentions this is the problem of them all because they all care for only themselves, Shristhi says they must have some decency. Shristhi warns them both saying that they have just blamed her son for this crime but she is going to leave and make sure that her son gets out from this situation. Shristhi says they both must tell everyone that she has come and asks Mohit to turn on the bike. Nidhi also goes back in the Luthra Mansion with Shaurya.

Shristhi turns asking Mohit why is his bike not standing, she says he should not tell anyone that she did this drama here, Mohit agrees to not tell anyone. Shristhi vows to teach a lesson to these Luthra’s as they are wronging her son, she exclaims she will take revenge for all the problems that have been caused to both her sister and Rajveer.

Karan rushes down asking what is this noise when Bani Dadi says that someone has broken the glass of the window, Rakhi stops him from going ahead, Bani Dadi exclaims that it is some mental women, and Nidhi along with Shaurya have gone to handle it, Karan thinks about Preeta so runs out without even stopping for Nidhi. She asks where did he go when Bani Dadi informs he went to look for that women.

Shristhi gets on the bike and leaves with Mohit when karan comes to stop them both, Nidhi also comes when Karan asks if she saw them, she says they were some weird people who were just cursing the Luthra’s.

Rishab also comes down asking Rakhi if they both should leave, he is shocked to see Shaurya and asks why did he not sleep till now when Shaurya says that he would only sleep if they let him since a mad women came here, Bani Dadi explains she broke the window of their house. Rishab asks who was the lady when Shaurya says that he does not know anything about her but she was just saying bad things about the Luthra family and even cursing his father, which he did not like at all. Karan also comes back and Rishab asks who is the women, Karan replies that she had already left when he went there. Nidhi exclaims they must forget everything and move on but Bani Dadi does not agree saying they have to file a complaint, Shaurya agrees with her. Rishab agrees to leave when karan asks where is he going, Rishab replies that Rakhi wants to meet the aunt of Rajveer, Nidhi refuse saying she cannot leave as who knows what she is capable off, she says that Rakhi cannot go there, when Shaurya mentions that the aunt of Rajveer is very nice, Karan says it is not what is happening at the present but that his mother wants to meet the aunt of Rajveer so they are going. Rishab stops them both saying it is enough and questions why do they make a fuss of everything, he asks Rakhi mom to come when she says she will come only after changing her clothes, Rishab leaves to wait in his car and everyone else also go to their rooms. Nidhi realizes that everyone is present here but not Kavya so where did she go, she gets worried.

Palki is very worried while walking in the police station when she bumps into Kavya who drops her phone, Palki apologizes to her and then helps her pick the belongings, Kavya leaves with the lady constable when Palki starts wondering where did she see her as her face seems familiar.

Update Credit to: Sona

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