Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 23rd April 2023 Written Episode Update: Rajveer and Palki desire to express their feelings

Kundali Bhagya 23rd April 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shaurya is getting ready in his room, he gets a call so going to pick it up, he is informed he is winning the STV style awards, Shaurya is really glad to hear it and thinks he will inform everyone. Shaurya however turns back wondering why should he tell them as they all should find out that he has won the style award, Shaurya starts drinking when he recalls when Preeta explained he has even learned from his mistake and mentioned if they still punish him then his life is going to be ruined, Shaurya thinks had she not helped him get out of jail then he would not be living this moment, he exclaims she is really good but then he starts remembering how Nidhi informed him that such people tend to get close to wealthy people and after a while start explaining their financial problems.
The entire family

is smiling when Rajveer and Palki both are staring at each other, Ketan notices it when Mahi thinks that Rajveer is really handsome and has every thing but is not wealthy otherwise she would have married him. Preeta asks Mr Khurana if he has some sort of stress so can they help him, he replies he is fine and even Daljit assures that there is no stress. Daljit mentions she is going to explain a weird case informing that he always desired to have a daughter and when she was born, she saw him crying and when she asked him why was he crying he said that they are of happiness, Preeta starts remembering as if she has also heard these words in her past, Daljit asks Preeta if she is fine when Preeta replies she felt as if someone has already said these words to her or she has said them but she cannot remember, Rajveer immediately asks if she is fine, she replies she is perfect when Rajveer exclaims they must go back home as she needs to rest, Preeta replies he has taken her entire responsibility. The guests praise Rajveer when Preeta agrees but she says that their son has a better fate as he got to marry Palki.

Daljit stands up holding the tray when Palki takes it from her hand, Preeta instructs Rajveer to help her but she refuses however he insists on helping her now that his aunt has instructed him. Preeta thinks that Palki should have gotten married to Rajveer and become a member of their family.

Palki and Rajveer enter the kitchen when he turs back to leave but then apologizes exclaiming he was not able to say, she says even she wanted to say it to him, he asks if she wanted to tell him when Palki replies she thought it would be too soon as they do not know each other properly, Rajveer replies but even then, it feels they have known each other for a life time. Palki once again turns back when her dupatta falls on the face of Rajveer, he starts thinking how it has already happened before, palki turns back in shock only to see Rajveer holding her dupatta which gets stuck in his watch, he tries his best to remove it but is not able to do it by himself. Palki tries to help him, he thinks that she did the same before, Palki keeps trying to remove the hair from her face which are irritating she notices how Rajveer is staring at her, she removes her hand when Rajveer once again tries to remove the dupatta and he succeeds in it, she also gets a bit emotional. Rajveer inquiries if she is happy, explaining she seems bit sad. Palki says she wanted to ask him this question that he seems sad, he replies because she is leaving as she is his first friend in Mumbai and they do not tend to become such close friends in such a short time, he says hat he has still not gotten late and so congratulates her, she accepts it when he asks what did she think, saying she could also tell him what she was not able to as he said it is still not that late. Palki however is quiet when palki hesitantly explains she wanted to tell him about Ketan as they both finalized the relation one year ago, he asks if she loves Ketan. Palki keeps staring at him.

Ketan enters the kitchen asking what is going on, she says she just came to put the utensils. Ketan praises her for the tea explaining her mother is right to say she makes very nice tea so he requests if he an get another cup, Rajveer making an excuse of getting a call leaves from the kitchen, he recalls how Preeta explained they both seem as if they are made for each other and she desires to get them married. Rajveer is glad that palki is moving on in her life as she has to fulfill the desire for which he came to Mumbai.

They all are discussing where should they hold the event, they even ask Mr Khurana about his suggestion when he says he cannot say anything, Mahi while seeing the catalogue suddenly starts screaming, they all ask if she has found a venue but she explains that he is a very handsome and rich person who even has a very expensive car, she is really excited while explaining they are very wealthy and have a life style which they cannot even think about, she informs that now Shaurya is getting the STV style award. Palki agrees explaining people indeed got very excited as the song was not even able to get very successful. Mahi keeps asking if they all have not heard his other song, she informs Preeta she did not find him very good at first but now feels he is the best.

Rajveer says he does not respect him at all and he found out that his song was a flop. Mahi mentions that his dad owns a recording company and is the famous Karan Luthra, Preeta suddenly drops the tea on her feet, even Karan spills the tea on his hand.

Palki and Rajveer rush to help Preeta who assures she is fine, Karan also wonders how did the tea spill on his hand when they all say that karan has still not grown up and is a child, he says he cannot explain how something like this happens to hm but even he cannot explain such situations. Karina questions what is he trying to say, Karan leaves after getting a call from the office. Mahesh exclaims he is very tensed and not able to explain what is going on in his heart, Nidhi leaves while calling Garesh.

Karina exclaims even what is going on in this house, Mahesh does not understand anything when Karina explains Nidhi is very polite when karan is in the house but rude when he leaves. Dadi asks him to express himself, he says they can understand what Nidhi does but what about his wife since she keeps wearing two faces in front of him. Dadi scolds Mahesh when Karina asks if he got in a fight with Rakhi Bhabhi, Mahesh exclaims that all the mothers and sisters side with their brothers but they both are against him, he stands up to leave when Karina requests him to have the breakfast but he leaves saying he is full.

Palki rushes to apply cold water on the burn when Preeta assures it is fine however Palki questions what sort of behavior is this as if she does not apply it then she will get blisters, Preeta mentions she even scolds hearing which Palki gets tensed, Mr Khurana exclaims that he feels very proud seeing his daughter behave like this, palki apologizes explaining she just wanted her to feel nice when Preeta assures she is fine. Palki then starts applying the ointment on her feet, Rajveer meanwhile keeps staring palki.

Update Credit to: Sona

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