Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 23rd October 2024 Written Episode Update: Rajveer and Shaurya get in an argument

Kundali Bhagya 23rd October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Palki is in the kitchen when Rajveer comes saying he is also hungry so it would have been good if he got anything to eat, palki starts looking around then says the caterer has not made anything so mentions she would serve him the food here, Rajveer asks her what is she doing when she replies she is just serving the food, he replies he is not the king nor an ill person, she replies the enemies should be ill but Rajveer says she always agrees to do everything that he asks her, he says they are going to become life partners and he does not want anyone to says she is his care giver, while he can also serve the food so it is the time of equality and even he can serve her, Palki says Rajveer is very rare in the world, Palki replies that she cannot stop herself when something happens to those for whom

she cares about and they are her own, Rajveer replies he still does not want her to always obey when he says he is indeed hungry, he even asks if she is also hungry so then Rajveer suggests they can make a sandwich, Palki says half and half but Rajveer says it is life and not the business so they should be equal, Palki says how can a person be so care giving and simple as it is very rare in this world and there is just one person like this in the entire world who is going to be her husband, Palki brings the bread with which they make the sandwich, Palki and Rajveer both are smiling after putting it in the toaster. Palki gets a bit nervous when Rajveer teases her then they both take out the sandwich, Rajveer even burns his hand so Palki signals him to wait, he first asks Palki to have the sandwich with his hands then she also gives him a bite, they both are enjoying.

Anshuman and Varun are furiously walking and they reach Nidhi who is standing with Arohi, Nidhi says they have done a lot of time pass and now it is time to act, she says she desires Preeta should be dead very soon and asks if they both remember what they have to do, Anshuman mentions he is even older then Nidhi so she must not make fun of him, Nidhi says it is time of action as she wants that preeta dead, Varun asks if she does not feel she is getting a bit desperate and must show some patience as they have come here to kill Preeta so would do it. Nidhi replies the time is finished and she wants Preeta dead before the pooja Varun asks what is the point in changing the plan, Anshuman says the work is complicated and their plan is full proof so the time would be taken. Nidhi says she wants Preeta dead as Karan desires he should perform the pooja with preeta but she cannot allow it, as then she would be able to perform the pooja of Dashera with Karan and Preeta is going to burn with the Rawan. Anshuman assures it would happen, Varun says the death of preeta has been pre poned and it is nice, Nidhi ask them what are they both waiting for so Anshuman and Varun leave. Nidhi is smiling telling Arohi it is just a matter of time as then everyone would lose something in this house but she will get back her position and that Preeta would be dead today. Arohi asks if Nidhi thinks that Preeta would surely die today, she replies that the death of Preeta is written today and in the Luthra house so if both Anshuman and Varun are not able to do it then she will kill Preeta today.

Shaurya is walking when Sunny calls him saying he really enjoyed hearing the story of Ram jee, Shaurya replies even he likes it but Sunny says he cannot accept the words of Shaurya as his smile is saying something else, Shaurya says that he feels Sunny should have some mind and then mentions he told Sunny as he is fascinated y the character like Rawan ad he does not eve know why it is the case, palki walks beside Shaurya so he is just staring at her and she even turns to look at him but is really furious, Palki turns away but then as Shaurya is still looking at her she also turns back a bit, Rajveer walks over to Palki and touches her on the shoulder due to which she is startled, Shaurya tells Sunny he sometimes doubt if Rajveer is his real brother, Sunny asks the reason when Shaurya replies he feels Rajveer should chose a better girl for him and does not understand why Rajveer chose Palki. Sunny says that Shaurya told him that he knows him well so explains Shaurya is not able to hate Palki a lot and they tend to like the person who they claim to hate, Shaurya replies he would prove he does not like Palki, Sunny notices Shaurya staring at her, Shaurya asks if Sunny wants him to go and prove in their argument that he hates her, Sunny says he knows whom Shaurya likes or does not, Shaurya says Sunny wants him to prove that he does not like Palki

Karan is working on the phone when Preeta while walking by corrects her dupatta which falls on the face of Karan, she turns when he pulls it down and they both are startled, Karan keeps looking at Preeta who is also a bit embarrassed by it, Preeta then pulls the cloth back apologizing to him, he replies it tends to happen and must, she says he talks like it but Karan replies this has been going on for generations, Preeta laughs asking if he is saying that she is over a hundred years old, karan replies that he meant as in the song, Preeta talks of love but Karan replies he was talking of the time and not love. Preeta tries to leave when Karan comes in front of her so he asks why did she stop, she questions if he has a something to ask, karan replies he wants to ask something from her, Preeta then calls Rakhi maa to her and she asks what is Preeta wanting to know about, Preeta says that Karan wants to ask something from her but is not able to speak properly, so she should tell him to ask the question and why is he so worried. Rakhi thinks that her son loves Preeta a lot but is not able to express it which is why he is worried, Preeta asks Rakhi maa to say it and why did she get quiet, Rakhi says that karan wants to just tell her that she should stay with him during the pooja of Dashera and not go anywhere, Karan replies that his mom said the truth, Preeta assures she will stay by his side and not go anywhere and is staying here. Rakhi says what they could not say themselves, the universe made her say it. Preeta is stunned when Rakhi says what Preeta said then they would do the pooja of Dashera together, she asks if karan heard what Preeta said that she would stay here. Nidhi and Arohi are furious hearing it. Preeta smiles before walking away while Nidhi and Arohi are furious. Karan hugs Rakhi.

Shaurya goes with Sunny to Palki asking if she saw Shanaya, Palki says that Shanaya is with kritika Bua then Rajveer asks Palki to come with him as he wants to show her something, Shaurya purposefully places his feet to make her fall but Rajveer manages to catch her, Shaurya apologizes when Rajveer replies he feels they should burn all the mistakes of Shaurya with the Rawan, Shaurya replies he is going to become the Rawan if this is what Rajveer desires, bani Dadi coming scolds them both saying they should not even think about fighting today as today the good has won over the evil. Shaurya tells Bani Dadi he would never think about fighting with Rajveer as he is not strong enough, he advises Palki to make sure Rajveer gets strong as they say health is wealth and he asks Sunny to come with him otherwise people might get hurt. Rajveer tries to follow Shaurya but is stopped by Palki. Bani Dadi praises Rajveer for being very sorted as he did not go after Shaurya who is just a foolish person, kritika takes Bani Dadi away when Rajveer asks what did Shaurya just say that he does not have strength so he follows Shaurya,

Nidhi tells Arohi she cannot tolerate the romance of Karan and Preeta and questions where are Anshuman and Varun, Arohi points to them both when Nidhi wonders why are they still wasting time, Preeta walks away holding the tray of Laddo, Anshuman and Varun both start to follow her. Arohi advises Nidhi to not panic as they both are following Preeta while there are a lot of people present in the function so she should just keep an eye on them both from far away, Nidhi agrees that their work would be finished.

Shaurya asks Sunny if this game is not good enough that he keeps irritating Rajveer, Sunny asks him to at least let it go today but Shaurya replies that it would be even more fun today. Rajveer comes asking what did Shaurya say that he does not have the strength, Shaurya replies he did not say a lie when Rajveer says if he shows his strength then Shaurya would be crying in the corner, Shaurya asks if it is not the truth, Rajveer questions why is Shaurya comparing crying with women who only get emotional for their relations and they know how to keep them together very beautifully while the women are strong and if their tears fall then they have the ability to destroy anything, just like the tears of Draupathi caused the end of DaurioDhan and the tears of Sita caused the end of Rawan. Rajveer explains their emotions can change the entire world and women give birth to the world, so Shaurya should not dare compare being emotional with women but Shaurya will never be able to understand as he is not worthy of even their shadow, Shaurya asks if Rajveer does not get tired of speaking and if he has finished then they need to leave, Shaurya asks Sunny to come but Rajveer holds the hand of Shaurya asking where is he going and there is one task left, Rajveer corrects the muscles of his hand, Shaurya asks if he means arm wrestling, Rajveer mentions they can see who has more strength when Shaurya asks if Rajveer just has the strength in his arms, Rajveer agrees to fight but then Palki comes in between saying Rajveer is intelligent and should stop. Shaurya calls Palki mad saying that she understands everything and is trying to protect the honor of Rajveer as he does not have the courage, Rajveer says that he is indeed courageous so Shaurya says they should put it to test, Palki asks if Shaurya wants to be humiliated, he asks why is Palki so worried for him when she replies she is not bothered by what happens to him. Palki asks who does Shaurya even respect when his own Grandmother told him that they should not fight, Palki says Rajveer should show Shaurya what is he truly and explains Shaurya is just a spoiled rich brat and that is his truth, palki asks Shaurya should first win in arm wrestling and explains that Shaurya will not be able to wrestle with Rajveer, while the real strength of the lion is in his arms. Shaurya is impressed with the trust Palki has on Rajveer so he asks Sunny to come assuring they would break Rajveer along with the trust of Palki. Rajveer accepts the challenge saying that the trust is the first step to wining. Sunny stops them both from fighting saying they should go for arm wrestling, Shaurya and Rajveer angrily start looking at each other when Sunny takes Shaurya away. Palki and Rajveer also follow them.

Preeta is walking with a smile on her face and she goes to place the flowers in front of Mata Rani, preeta prays that she should always remain as a strength in this house and cause all of the Rawan to fail. Anshuman and Varun are following preeta and go to stand behind her, Varun says the coincidence is that Rawan Dehan would be performed outside the house while inside would be Seeta Haran, Preeta feels someone is standing behind her but before she can turn, Anshuman and Varun hide behind the pillar. Preeta turning back calls to them asking who is here, she wonders why did she feel that someone is present and thinks that she is feeling something is wrong so thinks about calling Karan. Preeta thinks she feels a sense of security when Karan is present around her as there is no one present in the house and if it was a guest then they would have revealed themselves but she is sure that there is someone else present in the house. Kavya starts walking through the door and calls to Preeta Maa, who immediately ends the call when Kavya comes asking her to come outside, Preeta says she brought the Thali of Pooja then explains she has to tells something o Karan. Varun coming out gets frustrated saying she would mix with the crowd, Anshuman says there is not even a protection here but then how can they perform the Seeta Haran.

Shaurya prepares for the arm wrestling with the white chalk and Rajveer does the same so they both come close while staring at each other. Shaurya says Rajveer would lose before it even starts when Rajveer asks him to not think before winning. Shanaya says that they should not argue while she announces her support for Shaurya along with Sunny but Palki starts cheering for Rajveer along with Mohit. Kritika says she is supporting them both and then Rajveer and Shaurya start the arm wrestling. Shaurya is using the strength to beat Rajveer and his hand slowly starts going downward but then Rajveer is able to use his strength to stop Shaurya and he starts to push the hand of Shaurya, they both keep struggling.

Precap: Preeta drops her phone when Varun manages to Kidnap Kavya, Arohi and Nidhi are shocked seeing it. Preeta wonders where did Kavya go to when she was right by her side, she gets worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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  • Here we go again..kidnaping, kidnaping and killing. Someone please kidnap this writter and producers so that no such shit is produced for prolonged time.

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