Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 24th February 2022 Written Episode Update: Mona is ousted from the Luthra Mansion

Kundali Bhagya 24th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

The doctor takes out the injection and helping Preeta sit down starts preparing It before injecting her, meanwhile everyone is shocked while standing there, Mona assures she did not poison Preeta when Bi jee explains that she is the one who prepared the salad and served Preeta so how did the poison reach the salad, Preeta standing exclaims there is nothing to do anything like this however Shristhi questions why is Preeta not allowing them to call the police, Preeta starts signalling Shristhi and she even realizes that Preeta might have done something which is why she doesnot want them to call the police, Shristhi makes Bi jee end the call since they should first hear what Preeta is tyring to say. Preeta informs she doesnot want anyone to call the police but needs the doctor to make notice of that

the fact that Mona has tired to kill her, she first wants them to search the belongings of Mona.

Mona says that she has not put anything in her salad and doesnot have any poison, Mona agrees to bring it herself but is going to bring it however Shrishti questions if she thinks they are stupid since Mona will go and throw anything which has the poison, Mona insists the purse belongs to her and she should be the one to get it, she doesnot want anyone else to get it, Sherlin signal Natasha who at once exclaims she will bring the purse but Preeta refuses saying that she will not go alone and then asks Sameer however Karan himself agrees to go there with her, Karan enters the room where Mahesh is hiding, he tries to go near him however Mahesh gets scared, Natasha thinks now she has the chance and will throw the poison, she starts searching the purse but before she can find it, Karan turns questioning if she got the purse, he asks her to come since they need to leave.

Natasha coming tries to give the purse to Preeta, but she asks her to give it to the doctor since she is the only one here who knows the truth as everything happened in front of her, she is the medical expert. The doctor starts searching the purse but is not able to find anything, Karina starts scolding Preeta why does she always have to make a scene as she was constantly saying that Mona has tried to poison her but there is nothing in her purse, the doctor then finds the vile which contains the same poison which was found in the blood stream of Preeta, she replies how she was sure that mona has tried to poison her, just because she got a little angry at Preeta so tried to take her life, the Luthra family has hired her for such a sensible job and that is to take care of Mahesh papa, they all know how he sometimes gets violent so will Mona also kill him, she has seen her use the hunter on him so will she now also kill him, Karina starts thinking. Preeta exclaims she was also thinking why Mahesh papa did not get well when his treatment has been going on for so long, he should have gotten better but this girl has so much anger filled in her so would also be harming Mahesh if he gets angry.
Preeta informs the doctor that there is a problem working in their family and this cannot happen so she is sorry but she is going to fire Mona, she requests the doctor is she also feels the same when the doctor agrees with Preeta, Mona looks to Prithvi, he thinks that today Preeta has ended one of his pawns in this game and is really happy, the doctor questions if Mona thinks she can leave so easily as she will make certain that Mona is banned from this post. She orders Mona to leave, Karan thanks the doctor however she says that the real person whom they all must be thanking is Prithvi since she came because he called her a lot to convince her, Preeta thanks Prithvi then also asks him to show her they way out but the doctor says she can go by herself however Prithvi agrees to go and drop the doctor, Karan asks Shristhi to take Preeta inside since she needs to rest. Preeta says Karina can go and meet Mahesh in the basement and even give him the jacket that Rakhi maa gave her as the gift for Mahesh, Rakhi starts smiling.

Preeta feels dizzy while walking to her room when Shristhi exclaims she is glad that Preeta acted so well as even when she was not poisoned then she made sure Mona was thrown out of the house, she also manipulated the reports but how did she mange it all, BI jee asks if she is not seeing that Preeta is dizzy, Preeta mentions that the salad was poisoned but she herself put it there, Bi jee hits her in the head and she questions why did Bi jee do it, she questions why has Preeta harmed her own life not worrying what they would feel if something happens to her, Preeta explains this is why she only took a single bite and acted as if she feels dizzy, she needed to plan this all because Mona was not at all a good nurse, her job was to take care of Mahesh but she even hit him with the hunter, she always knew something is wrong with Mona and so kept a close eye on her so saw what she was doing but today while mona was preparing the lunch for Mahesh, she sent her away saying that there is someone on the call for her in order to check what food is she giving to Mahesh, she was shocked since the food had a really bad odour like there was a very strong poison mixed in it, no one was believing her so she asked Mona to make a salad for her and seeing the time she herself put some poison in her salad.

Bi jee exclaims she is doing all these things to teach these people, Preeta says that the nurse was so wrong and so she had to do something wrong, because Mona was not listening to any doctor but Prithvi, as even after the treatment was going for so long then he was not getting better, she was not present for two days, after which his health got so better that he even celebrated the event with them and danced with the entire family. But just as she came he once again got violent and attacked her, so she was sure that Mona gave him something, that night when she went to meet Mahesh papa, she saw Prithvi giving her a large amount of money but when she is taking the money from the Luthra’s then what was the need to take the extra money, she made some noise which startled Prithvi and he even came to check her in her room, so if she had said it clearly that she wants someone else then no one would have believed her but she is glad they all have thrown her out of the house, Shristhi sitting exclaims they all think she has changed but she knows Preeta is the same old who can do anything for this family, Shristhi asks why does she care so much for this family.

Precap: Preeta asks Sherlin whether she is really her younger sister because it doesn’t look like from her talks, class, status, behavior. Later, Karan tells Preeta that she provokes people to do something with her that they don’t want to. This time she got saved, but not next time.

Update Credit to: Sona

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