Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 24th November 2022 Written Episode Update: Rishab invites Snedha and her Dadi for the pooja

Kundali Bhagya 24th November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

In the morning, Dadi is sitting when Snedha asks her mentioning they must leave, Dadi is excited to meet with her friend after so long but Dadi notices that Snedha is staring at Arjun so questions why is she staring at him when she informed that arjun is already engaged and has feelings for Preeta, Snedha replies she is not saying he should look at her but just that when someone who is so handsome is standing in front of her, she cannot control herself, Dadi with a smile agrees, the worker comes informing Dadi he found this bag in Arjun sir car, Snedha takes out informing Dadi it contains flower, she replies she had asked Arjun to bring them, Dadi wonders why is it so heavy, she finds the coconut and things needed for the pooja, Dadi turning questions Arjun if he is thinking about arranging a pooja

in the house so should have informed her earlier as she really likes them, Arjun replies he never thought of anything like this when Dadi replies there are a lot of things needed for the pooja, Arjun recalls that when Preeta picked the bag she switched it, Dadi replies there might be a pooja in the Luthra Mansion, Arjun says it is not possible because it is no ones birthday today, Snedha questions how does he know it when he replies he knows it. Dadi asks him to come with her as they would stop at the Luthra house and give the bag, Arjun replies he will not go there but Dadi mentions she wants him to have an informal meeting with her friend who has a business proposal for him. Arjun leaves asking her to come quickly.

Shristhi is working in the kitchen when Sameer comes to the door and starts staring at her, she asks what has happened but he explains he cares for her, she mentions he should not be concerned and must go to the office, Sameer asks what is her problem because she first wanted him to stay and now he has gotten late, Shristhi questions what problem does he have when he is the owner, Sameer assures he will stay with her since she is not feeling well, he hugs her which irritates Shristhi but he doesnot leave, Shristhi teases him saying she doesnot like him, he feels offended asking what did she mean when she replies she likes tall boys but he is short, he leaves in anger. Preeta entering questions what happened with Sameer and why is he so angry, Shristhi exclaims she just teased him a bit but he got really offended, Preeta questions why does she do such things as it hurts the feelings of Sameer, Shristhi asks why does she get angry with her, Preeta explains she wants to explain to her that if she loves Sameer, she must tell him today because who knows they might get the chance tomorrow. Preeta accepts she also feels wrong because she never said to Karan how much she loves him and today he is no longer with her. Preeta explains Shristhi must tell Sameer how much she loves him, Shristhi asks if she is missing karan when Preeta mentions she never misses him, Sameer comes informing Preeta how Dadi is calling her, Shristhi tries to stop him however he leaves, she feels tensed.

Rishab asks Karina where is Dadi and Dad, Karina replies they will come soon, Preeta arrives with Sameer when Karina questions where are the things required for the pooja when she went to the market, Preeta mentions they are in the bag however Karina explains the bag only has flowers but where are the other things, Preeta explains some goons tried to snatch her bag when she was in the market and everyone gets tensed, Shristhi explains they will file a police complaint, Preeta explains Arjun came to the market and made sure she got back her bag but he also had the same bag which might have been switched. Rishab replies they will surely bring all the things from the market, Karina follows as Rishab left his wallet with her.

Preeta is running when Rishab requests her to walk slowly since she will hurt herself, Preeta accepts it was her mistake when Rishab sitting in the car asks why she not told him about what happened in the market, Preeta replies she thought he would get tensed when Rishab mentions he feels good to be tensed for her. Arjun stops the car in front of the Luthra Mansion when Dadi says she would go and return the bag as she promised him, Rishab and Preeta also get out of the car when Dadi explains she thought there will be a pooja in their house, so she decided to return the bag. Karina quickly brings the wallet when Rishab informs that they have brought back the bag containing the necessary things for the pooja. Rishab asks them to also come inside, Dadi even invites Arjun, but he replies he would stay here, Rishab says they must not disobey the elders so he can also come.

Preeta is walking when her saree gets stuck in the watch of Arjun, she gets furious questioning how did he dare but he shows he did not even touch it, she tries her best to remove it but is unsuccessful and even Arjun himself tries it but all is in vain. Rishab comes stopping them both, he finally manages to remove the saree before leaving with Preeta. Arjun gets mad recalling the party when Preeta and Rishab fulfilled the ritual of the Varmala.

Dadi asks why has the pooja not started, Kritika informs Preeta Bhabhi did not bring all the things required for the pooja which angers Dadi however she is tensed after Kritika reveals the entire situation. Rakhi assures Preeta has already went to bring them once again, Karina enters the house followed by Arjun and Snedha accompanied by Dadi. Karina whispers that Snedha’s Dadi brought bag the bag, and before she could say anything Rishab invited them for the pooja. Pandit jee asks them all to sit down as he is about to start the pooja.
Rishab and Preeta along with Shristhi and Sameer sit as a couple, pandit je explains this pooja is being done for the couple so they would have to perform the Gant Bandhan.

Kritika mentions it is ready so she along with Rakhi fulfill the ritual however Arjun is furious standing at the back as he thinks about the day when he got married to Preeta. Pandit jee lights the Agni, when he asks both the husbands to put forward their right hand while instructing the wives to place their hands over those of their husbands. Arjun, seeing it recalls the night when he saw Rishab and Peeta hugging each other along with the photos that he saw of them together, he keeps remembering their wedding. Pandit jee asks them both to swear they would always protect his wife for their entire lifetime, Rishab swears he will always protect his wife, Arjun getting furious asks them to stop it but then he leaves so starts walking in the house, Preeta questions what is he doing in the house, he replies that he was invited for the pooja questioning if something is wrong with her mind. Preeta mentions he was allowed to stay for the pooja so why he is walking around the house, she warns that he has to stay away from those people which she warned him, Preeta is adamant.

Precap: Panditji says now husband will apply sindoor to his wife. Rishabh pick sindoor in his fingers, but Arjun comes in between and stops him from applying sindoor to Preeta. Everyone is in shock. Arjun says to Preeta, nobody can apply sindoor to you when I’m here.

Update Credit to: Sona

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