Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 24th October 2022 Written Episode Update: The Luthra’s find out about the terrorists

Kundali Bhagya 24th October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

The terrorist threatens that if he killed her no one would come forward to save her, Kavya replies that her friend would save her, he has bought a lot of cricket bats and he loves her a lot so if they tease her then he is going to beat them a lot, she explains one day she was about to get in a big accident but he came to save her in front of the truck, she mentions he is really fast and brave. They all are stunned hearing a sound so rush outside to check out while leaving one of their accomplices with the children. The teacher kneels explaining to kavya that these are bad people and do not believe in such stories when Kavya explains she is telling the truth as the person would come to save her when he finds out she is in trouble.

The police inspector exclaims what did they think that the

police would not come inside when they have locked the doors, they hear someone approaching so the inspector asks all of his men to hide. The terrorist thinks they have heard someone coming here, the inspector walks in front of them with all his men when the terrorists start laughing suggesting showing them their plan, they opening the bag takes out the masks which worries the Policemen. They do not know what they are doing, the terrorists then ignite the smoke bomb causing everyone to start coughing because of the smoke.

Preeta questions Janki aunti and Bi jee if they both are children so are arguing like them because they should not complain like it, Bi jee explains she is their Dadi and is not complaining but Janki explains she just wants the best of Dadi as she should not eat sugar, Preeta agrees with her explaining she should not eat any sugar as it is bad for her health, Janki starts smiling explaining the decision is one her side but Preeta sits beside Bi jee explaining they are human so if she feels like then can have some chocolate within a week or two, Preeta explains they both should not fight like children, Shristhi agrees when Preeta replies even she just tries to instigate the quarrel. Shristhi is stunned seeing the news about the school so gets worried, Preeta is stunned after seeing it so runs away when Bi jee questions what has happened to her, Shristhi runs away explaining the terrorists have entered the school of Kavya.

Arjun while driving mentions they cannot delay the meeting and he wants to meet everyone after he reaches the office, Arjun stops at the signal and then is stunned hearing the news, he gets worried explaining it is the school of Kavya.

Rishab is at the office when he is presented with the report of the project, Rishab explains that he now wants to discuss about the project and how they would get it, he feels they are all tired. There is a phone ringing which causes him to be furious, Sameer tries to explain that it is his mobile, but he is not ready to listen and then finally answers the call, Rishab leaves in a hurry.

Preeta is also running down with Shristhi when Karina questions why they are both running like this, Mahesh also questions Preeta what has happened, but she faints before telling anything, Shristhi reveals the terrorists have entered the school of kavya taking the students and teachers hostage. Karina exclaims this means that the life of Kavya is in danger, Preeta wakes up and is really restless when Rakhi assures they all would go and make sure Kavya is safe.

Raja and Vishnu reach the school wondering what has happened here, Vishnu questions Raja if he is behind it but Raja replies he doesnot do anything wrong with children since he loves them a lot and feels they are the part of Bhagwan, but he hates those who harm children. Raja and Vishnu move ahead to check what is going on when they find out that terrorists have taken the students and teachers hostage. Raja explains he knows who is behind it and is glad he did it since there used to be severe traffic jam here, so he blew his bridge. Raja explains one would feel the pain after seeing his girl friend with someone else, but she was their relative. Vishnu exclaims no one trusts them, Raja replies anyone can deceive them like Arjun for whom they were waiting outside the house of Prithvi demanding his money, Arjun replied he only remembers that they deceived him because he helped them get out of jail but on the condition, they do not tell anyone, but they deceived him because of Prithvi. Raja replies he must give them money for the work they just did for him, Vishnu also desires the money as it would be the best solution for them all, Raja then threatened Arjun for anything that might happen to him. Raja explains no one would believe their confession. Raja mentions they should give vote to the politician who would set up a police force for them, Vishnu suggests they should themselves stand in the election, Raja asks who would handle their clients when Vishnu mentions he would give up anything for him.

Sameer (terrorist)is with the students and teachers when his men come explaining they do not have a lot of ammunition left and must do something to solve their problem. Sameer calls Raja asking if he wants to work with him, Vishnu also talks with Sameer explaining he is his biggest fan, he reveals the people are saying he is not worthy of doing anything, but he knows Sameer bhai is a really bad person. Sameer asks if he would like to work with him to which Vishnu agrees but Sameer explains he wanted to talk with Raja, he instructs Raja to come inside the school as this is the only way he can work with him otherwise he should forget it all, Raja asks Vishnu to come as they must go inside the school.

Anjali calls Arjun requesting him to come to the school, but he replies he cannot come now, she replies she would not be able to handle the clients and it will be a big loss for them as all of their future projects are with these people, she reveals they would lose everything when Arjun asks if she has gotten mad since Kavya is trapped in the school and he doesnot know what is her condition.

Karina asks Preeta to call Rishab if she has not informed him till now, Preeta mentions she forgot her phone hearing which Karina exclaims life is so wired without the mobile. Shristhi is worried about Bi jee and Janki, Dadi suggests they are fine in the house as they both would be able to inform them all about the situations. Mahesh thinks they should turn back as there is a traffic jam, they try to make way for their car but Dadi starts getting dizzy so they all rush to help her sit in the car while Preeta runs away.

Sameer (terrorist) is sitting when his accomplice comes suggesting they should run away but he replies that he has never run away from any problem, he thinks Raja would need his help to get inside. Raja tries to enter the school but is stopped by the police, he explains he is the partner and his companions are inside the school so if anything wrong happens to them then it would not be good for them, Kavya suggests if they desire a helicopter then should work with her father, they ask her for her name when she reveals she is The Kavya Luthra, they decide to put a tape on her mouth. Kavya gets worried while even Arjun is really tensed driving the car.

Update Credit to: Sona

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