Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 25th April 2023 Written Episode Update: Karan and Preeta both reach the Mandir

Kundali Bhagya 25th April 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Palki is in the kitchen when Daljit coming asks if she has prepared the tea, palki replies she would make it right now, Mr Khurana asks if Mahi is awake, Daljit replies she is still asleep as she was awake late last night, they both start quarreling when Daljit explains it was her mistake that she asked his daughter for something but would do everything by herself, Mr Khurana questions why is she talking like this, she replies she can never think good according to him when Mr Khurana after getting irritated explains she has started fighting in the morning. Palki coming mentions she has made the paratha which she likes, Mr Khurana asks her to come and eat them, she explains she got sad thinking what would happen to her after Palki gets married.

Daljit is sitting when Jaspeer calls her so Daljit

explains that she was just thinking about her when jasper explains she was wondering what are they planning for the engagement as she thought that they should go and purchase the rings for the children, Daljit assures that Palki would surely reach on time, Jaspeer requests to talk with Palki and informs she can even talk with Ketan as then would say that she did not know him before their marriage, Ketan tries to talk with Palki however she ends the call just after greeting him. Daljit immediately sits down to have her breakfast when she explains that Palki should not buy any small jewelry. Palki is emotional and very tensed.

Preeta purchases the thali for the pooja when Karan also reaches with Dadi and Karina when Bani Dadi asks if he would not come inside, he says they have already had this conversation in the house as he will not come inside, he requests them to not look at him like this. Karina asks Bani Dadi to come as they both would pray for Karan.
Preeta while walking t the mandir walks past the car of karan and her dupatta touches karan, he starts thinking how he met Preeta in the mandir and gets the same feeling, he gets out of the car to find out but is not able to see Preeta.

Palki is ready to leave when Daljit advise her to not argue in front of her mother in law since she is going out with her for the first time when Daljit mentions that the mother in law considers such girls to be very clever, Mr Khurana questions what is she trying to inform to their daughter as they should never try to ruin the image of palki, Daljit explains he does not know anything about the world but is just busy in his hospital. Mr Khurana leaves asking Palki to come and not listen to anything which her mother is saying. Palki leaves when Mahi comes asking where have they gone, Daljit reveals palki has gone to purchase the jewelry with her mother in law and Ketan, Mahi questions why did she not wake her up early as then she could have also talked about her project and even bought a gold chain, Daljit says it is nothing to be worried about as she has asked palki to bring some ear rings even for her. Mahi is still tensed when Daljit mentions palki has prepared potato stuffed tortilla, Mahi gets excited when Daljit reveals she can only eat the oats.

Rajveer coming out of his room asks Gurpreet if she has seen Preeta since he is going to the mall, Gurpreet revels she has gone to the Mandir, Mohit takes the blessings of Gurpreet and asks Rajveer where is he going, he offers to drop him when Rajveer demands the key to the bike revealing he himself would ride the bike whenever they go, Gurpreet exclaims they both seem like brothers, she even likes Preeta as she is of a very pure heart.
Dadi and Karina comes asking karan why is he still standing here, Karan explains he is just leaving but came to drop them so is going, Karina and Dadi leave when Karan also leaves but he stops at the other side of the mandir and starts walking towards it.

Palki coming to Mr Khurana questions why does he behave like this with their mother, he says she has to take his side since he is the best father. He reveals he is sad about what would happen to him when she gets married, she asks if he will make her cry. Mr Khurana says that she is his best daughter and he explains he does not like Ketan for her, Palki reveals that he made her cry once again when Palki questions who in his eyes is a suitable choice, Mr Khurana points to Rajveer when Mohit comes to take his blessings, he explains Mohit can never be a nice person revealing he would like to have someone as Rajveer for his daughter Palki as he is even a victorious person. Mohit reveals even he does not like Ketan but does Mr Khurana have any specific reason, Mr Khurana says that he cannot say about his feelings. Mr Khurana tries to start his bike but it is broken when Rajveer offers to drop her, but she says she can take the auto however Mr Khurana says she can go with Rajveer. Mohit getting off the bike exclaims he was going to take him but Rajveer replies it is important to drop Palki since she is getting engaged tomorrow.

Preeta is performing the pooja in the Mandir while both Karina and Bani Dadi are also waiting, te wind starts blowing and Karan also enters the Mandir. Preeta starts smiling wondering why such strong wind is there, she turns to look back but karan also turns away at the same moment so Preeta turns back to fulfill the ritual.
Karina asks Dadi what has happened to the weather, pandit jee reveals they cannot think of what Bhagwan does because all that has happened then something is surely about too happen in the life of someone, he prays that Bhagwan should always protect everyone. Karina is shocked seeing Karan so asks how he came to the Mandir, Karan reveals he has no clue how he entered the Mandir.

Preeta while leaving once again has a very strange feeling so she turns back to see, and even Karan tries to find out but is not able to see anything, Preeta leaves.

Karan asks them both to continue their pooja, explaining he will meet them later, Dadi and Karina both are worried.

Rajveer is riding the bike while Palki is sitting with him, he manages to protect his bag from falling and keeps holding, Palki offers if she can hold it so she takes the bag from Rajveer, he is smiling. Rajveer suddenly applies the brake due to which Palki holds him tightly, Rajveer starts smiling however she is really shocked noticing how she placed her hand on him. Palki slowly removes her hand and gets a bit worried, he explains she can hold him as there are a lot more speed breakers ahead, asking if she knows what he means. Rajveer starts smiling thinking how he has always protected Palki.

Update Credit to: Sona

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