Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 25th July 2024 Written Episode Update: Varun requests the Luthra’s to allow him to travel with Kavya

Kundali Bhagya 25th July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Karan says Shaurya hates Rajveer due to Nidhi because she has ignited such a fire inside him that he is still burning, Nidhi says that the style of Karan has changed and asks if Preeta is teaching him all this, Karan replies he does not have to learn anything from anyone, Shaurya is his son while Nidhi has stayed here for a long time so he knows them both very well, he asks if she can only cause fights between two people which is why he is warning her to mend her ways otherwise a time will come when she would not be able to clear anything. Karan tries to go and talk with Rajveer and Shaurya but h walks away, Rajveer and Karan are worried.

Shanaya is with Kavya who says she would have to shift after the wedding, Shanaya wonders if Roma aunti knows about Aaliya as she never talked of her, Rakhi

says she knows Kavya would leave this house and tells Shanaya that she is glad Kavya is getting married to Varun as they would nto have been able to chose such a nice boy for her, Rakhi says she has a complaint as whenever she would ask kavya for something but she would refuse then she would call Varun requesting him to convince her so she will agree, Rakhi says she has gotten a bonus that Preeta and Palki is also on her side so they can convince her, Rakhi says she was not able to see Varun, Kavya replies that he is in the washroom, Nidhi is glad that Varun is still here and prays that preeta along with Palki must return with Aaliya as it is important that they reveal his true face.

Varun gets out of the car with his goons, he orders them to tie her hands and then even cover her face, he immediately stops the goons from tearing his dress informing that according to the Luthras he is still in the function, Aaliya tries to run but is caught by Varun when thee goons cover both her face and mouth, Varun informs that he loves Aaliya a lot and had she loved him then would have believed him but she has failed so it is wrong, Aaliya just had to trust him but she did not do anything of the sort, now he is also not going to do anything for her. Varun refuses to kill her saying she is his wife and darling, he says he had gotten angry that day so tried to kill her but says this would not happen again, he demands she should look at him while not move when she knows his nature, he says she just has to go from his life.

Palki slowly wakes up wondering what is happening to her, she is not able to understand the reason behind it but then finds out she has been tied, she is amazed to see that even Preeta je is tied to the chair. Palki remembers how the criminals entered their house and then as they were trying to escape someone covered their mouths with the tissue.

Varun tells Aaliya his men will take her somewhere quiet and he would also come to meet her after some days after which they would sit to have long discussions then decide what to do with her, he says it is dependent on her answers because had she gone to reveal his truth then he would have killed her with his own hands but hiss secret is still not known to anyone, he advises Aaliya to not stay with Preeta and Palki as she would only get death by their side, Varun mentions they both would not be able to prove that he is marred to her, he explains that she is alive until his secret is not revealed, he orders the goons to keep an eye on her while make sure nothing happens to her mentioning they both know what he would do them if they cause any problem to Aaliya. Varun walking with the goon orders him to find a suitable place and kill her explaining had he told her ten it would have broken her heart. Varun is standing by his car when the goons leave, Varun exclaims he has broken the dream of Preeta and Palki because with the death of Aaliya then his truth would be hidden, he says he will leave Kavya out of their country and go so far that no one would be able to find her, Varun thinks Preeta and Palki also know his truth so he has to even kill them both but does not have the time, Varun then sitting in the car orders that he wants to them to take care of two ladies.

Palki gets worried when preeta is not awake so demands she must wake up as Kavya needs her support a lot, Palki starts getting emotional explaining Preeta considers Kavya as her daughter then must wake up because they need to reveal the truth about Varun to everyone, Palki tells Preeta they came to take Aaliya but she feels that they must save her, Palki asks if Preeta je is listening as her children need her support, Shaurya and Rajveer are also not aware of the truth and they have to go and reveal his truth in front of everyone, Palki says Preeta thinks Kavya as her own daughter then her life would be ruined, Palki mentions they have to stop this marriage under any cost, Palki says she is her Kavya whose life would be ruined, palki mentions only Preeta je can save the life of Kavya otherwise everything would be ruined, she suggests they both would go to stop the wedding while pleading with Preeta to regain consciousness. Preeta starts getting the memory flashbacks and then thinks about how Kavya said to Shaurya that she is the mother. Palki is glad that preeta je regained consciousness, Preeta is shocked to realize they are tied to the chairs and wonders what happened as they need to go and save Kavya as they cannot let her go with that person, while reveal the truth about Varun in front of everyone. Palki and Preeta both try to open the ropes.

Rajveer is talking to kritika who asks where is his aunt, Roma thinks it is good that she does not come back as she is the enemy of her sons plan, Mahesh also asks where is Varun, who mentions that he is here but explains that there has been a very big problem. Varun asks if he can ask them with a question and he asks if they all trust him or not, Mahesh says why is he asking such questions when he is their future son in law, Varun mentions he feels he can express his words, he explains he has been trapped in a very big problem and does not know what to do or not which is why he needs their help. Rakhi also asks what has happened, Varun replies he does not know the truth but his dad is missing, Karan is not able to understand, Varun mentions he has contacted everyone but his dad was not found anywhere, karan asks Varun where did he go that he went missing assuring he can help him, Varun says his father has been kidnapped, Roma is also shocked hearing it along with the entire Luthra family, Roma asks what is Varun saying and who would have done it, Karan and Karina ask Roma to be careful, Karan says Varun must use his contacts. Varun reveals from London, Varun reveals that his father was supposed to travel to India but then he got the cal from the kidnappers who said that he has been kidnapped, Varun pretends that he is confused, he says the kidnappers have asked him to bring the money and take his father while he must go there. Mahesh says he is not able to understand it, he says it is very confusing. Roma asks Varun how would they bring him back, Varun says he needs the help of Nidhi mom so going to her requests for her help, Nidhi asks what can she do to her, he says does she feel he would be able to take care of kavya and not let anything happen to her. Varun requests her to let him take Kavya to London. Nidhi asks what is Varun talking about when they are about to get married in a few months, Varun mentions it seems wrong but he does not have any other option, he needs Kavya so she can take care of his mother while she would do the same for his mother that she does in this house, Varun pretends he is emotional explaining he cannot take risk with his mother and trust anyone else other then Kavya, she agrees to go with Varun hearing which the entire Luthra family is shocked.

Palki tells Preeta they have to reach the Luthra house and she does not know how they would escape, palki says she suspects that Varun was the one in the mask and so that they cannot reveal the truth about Varun, Palki explains if Aaliya does not reach the Luthra mansion then no one will be able to even trust them Palki is sure that Varun is the mastermind, Preeta tells she believes one of the people in the mask was Varun as they have to reach the Luthra Mansion who knows what he would be saying and he takes Kavya with him after telling the story, she is sure he would be planning something. Palki says he could have done everything to them, preeta replies she is very worried for Aaliya as who knows how they would be treating her and after that would even come to end their life, preeta says she is very scared and then palki suggests they have to first open the ropes, Preeta replies she believes someone is coming to kill them, Preeta is worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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