Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 25th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Preeta informs Prithvi the reason she came back to the Luthra Mansion

Kundali Bhagya 25th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Prithvi is in the lockup, karan comes to stand in front of him and stands with the inspector who reveals the FIR has been registered when prithvi asks if he cannot understand what is going on since his wife has manipulated to send him to the lockup, karan orders him to shutup revealing the only reason he doesnot reply him in the house is because he respects the women and cares for them but this doesnot mean he cannot stand in front of Prithvi, Karan holds him by the collar when prithvi questions if he cannot understand what is wrong because Kritika is his only sister and is crying even then he is eager to stand against him, seeing this he gets really angry and once again is about harm Prithvi but the police pull him away requesting that he should only sign the FIR, the constable start taking selfie

with Karan, Prithvi questions why are they taking the selfie with him when he is no longer the star he once was, Prithvi is even sure he would not be selected in the team this year, Inspector orders him to shutup but prithvi replies what good will keep talking, inspector informs Karan that his task has been completed so he can leave now.

Rakhi sitting with Karina and Dadi explains she is really glad that prithvi got arrested and the police took him, what else can be good then it, Dadi is relieved that Karan was released, Karina replies she is tensed how could she not trust karan as she thought he would have stolen the papers because she asked him to but he has always done the right thing and she is sure he is a really nice boy, Rakhi replies that she is also feeling a change in the air and is glad after Prithvi got arrested, Kritika entering the room questions what is to be worried about because this house is still in the name of Preeta, she asks if Rakhi forgot it all, but she replies she doesnot care who owns the house as she was talking about the feelings as she felt like this house is once again the Luthra mansion, Kritika asks Karina to say something because she can understand the feelings of Rakhi as her son was saved but she should speak as her son in law got arrested, Karina asks her to calm down as she is happy that karan was saved but did Prithvi do any good deed with them, he treats them like slaves and rings the bell to call them, she always chooses Prithvi over Preeta but he not done anything good with them, and as for karan and Prithvi, she will always choose Karan over anyone else, Kritika questions what about herself as she is her daughter, she leaves getting tensed explaining they have shown her what they feel, Kritika leaves in anger. Karina questions what has gotten into her.

Rakhi stands explaining to Karina that they need to understand her feelings since Kritika was about to get married to Akshay but that marriage did not happen so after that she married Prithvi and considers him to be her husband with all her strength, she is standing in a position where there is immense confusion in her mind, but there is nothing to be worried about and everything would be sorted.

Karan is driving the car thinking about what prithvi said to him and warned that his sister would not be fine, karan calls Sameer asking where is he, Sameer replies that he is in the house, karan then questions him about Kritika, Sameer mentions she would also be in her room, karan explains they both have to take care of her since she is not like before and even her relation with Preeta is not the same, she starts crying even on small things so they must take care of her, Sameer assures he is going to sit with Kritika and talk with her in the meantime Karan can come back home.

Kritika sitting in the room is thinking about how the police were dragging Prithvi jee out of the house when she tried her best to stop them but they did not listen to her, Sherlin sees her crying, she thinks that when prithvi got arrested Kritika was the only one who stood against the family and she was standing in front of Preeta, Sherlin thinks she needs the support of Kritika now that prithvi is not in the house and she needs the support of Kritika, Sherlin goes to sit beside Kritika assuring she knows what is she suffering from, how she would have felt when they were taking Prithvi away, Sherlin reveals that she is the elder daughter in law of the Luthra family and lives with a lot of people but even then is really lonely, she knows when a life partner is not with her then they feel lonely just because Rishab jee is not with her, Sherlin assures she will not let what happened to her also happen to Kritika, she is always going to support her, Kritika hugs her, Natasha standing in the corner thinks technically they both are the lover of the same person but then are hugging each other, Natasha thinks how did prithvi got caught since he was always able to evade and protect himself, she must have thought a lot of him as he was not able to stand infront of Preeta.

Prithvi is sitting when the constable asks how did he like their hospitality, Prithvi stops him from opening the door asking him to think it through as he knows that his men would have surely come and made them realize their right place, the constable replies he will stay with them for some more time as someone has come to meet him, Prithvi asks if it is Karan Luthra who once again came to fight with him or did he think he would come back to fight him.

The constable mentions he thinks really well but for now a lady has come to meet him, Prithvi thinks it would be Sherlin, he is taken to the meeting area. Preeta is waiting when prithvi is shocked asking how did she come to meet him because he thought it would be Sherlin what is she doing here, Preeta replies he is right since this place is for people like him and not her, Preeta reveals that he was asking her a lot of questions but she felt she will answer him here, Preeta reveals all the answers for his questions it the love which she ahs for the Luthra family, Preeta reveals that she loves each and every member of the Luthra family, this house is both her in laws house and her own house, as Mahesh papa considers her as his own daughter, Preeta reveals that she desired to who an evil person like him out of the house and she felt there should be someone with whom she can reveal the truth as she threw him out of the house and came to tell the truth. Preeta reveals he was right to think that she brought the papers in the house because of her as she purposefully brought them back, she was sure he would steal these papers.

Prithvi praises Preeta for the game which she played, he reveals if he is the devil for the family then she is also not a good person in their eyes, she did it all to get the love from the luthra’s but they will only give her rejection as they never trusted her, even if she goes to reveal them that he is an evil person but they will still reject her because she is still evil for them and should go to tell them she planned it all for their safety, no one would stand with her. Including her husband and Rakhi aunti or even Mahesh, she can go and test it. Preeta replies she doesnot care until she knows that she took this step for their benefit, he said the truth they donot love her and it is because they are not aware of the reason, she is staying there but when Mahesh papa gets healthy, she is sure they all will love her and did he not see how karan supported her because he is in this jail because of karan, who stood with her in all this situation, even if he did not say anything.

Preeta advises him to worry about his own life since she has also sorted this for him, she is going to send Sherlin to this lockup, she will be with him even if she is in the women’s lockup, she questions why is he looking at her like this as must wait till after Holi because she wants her family to enjoy the function, she leaves wishing him Happy Holi, Prithvi turns to look at Preeta with immense anger.

Precap: Prithvi is in the lock up. Karan warns him if you take Preeta’s name again, then I will make sure that you are never able to come out of the jail. Later, Preeta reveals to Prithvi that the biggest credit for you being in the jail today goes to Karan because he always supported me. You might need a company, so don’t worry, I will soon send Sherlin to the jail as well.

Update Credit to: Sona

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