Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 25th October 2021 Written Episode Update: Sherlin requests Rishab to give their relationship another chance

Kundali Bhagya 25th October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Preeta exclaims he now only has two options, either to help them or go in jail, if he helps then in the court hearing then she promises that he would not go to the jail, she will also talk with her family make sure he doesnot go in jail because he revealed the name of the mastermind, Preeta requests the name of the mastermind, she explains they do not have enough time because she will go to the police station and show the police that he cannot only walk but also run, he doesnot have enough time as they will manage to save Rishab but he would be stuck in jail for a long time.

Shristhi questions what is he thinking because he doesnot have enough time, she explains that he should not think as they will manage to save him, Sundeep explains he is more scared of the mastermind because even when

they have promised to save him from the police and jail, he feels the mastermind will not let him go because he always stays with he family acting as if he is their friend but he in real in ruining them all, Preeta assures they will help him, Sundeep standing exclaims that she must not talk like this because he stays in their house, Preeta once again demands the name when he reveals it is Prithvi Malhotra who is adamant on ruining the life of Rishab Luthra.

Karina is sitting with Dadi when Rakhi comes to sit with them, Karina questions about the health of Mahesh, Rakhi explains that he is sleeping without even blinking his eyes, she even tried to talk with him however he did not respond, Rakhi explains she feels she made a mistake by scolding Preeta without any reason as she was just trying to help the family, Karina gets tensed hearing this, Preeta comes to Dadi mentioning she has brought her medicine, Dadi explains she is taking it today since Preeta brought it but from now on she must not worry about her health, Preeta is about to leave in a saddened posture, Rakhi stops her explaining when they came back from the court, she scolded her without any reason, because Rishab did not come back, she is sorry, Preeta asks her to not apologize as she knows what everyone is feeling and she is a mother so knows that even when a mother scolds then it shows her love, Rakhi explains these are her teachings. Rakhi explains that she yelled at Preeta without any reason, Preeta assures she doesnot need her apology but only her love. They both hug each other which Karina is not able to see.

Sherlin sitting in her room thinks how Prithvi yelled at her, she standing drops the photo of Rishab but thinks that he is really a nice person who is actually living like a husband with her when he thought he was about to be the father of her child, he still cares for her now, she opens the door, prithvi entering the room apologizes to her, she however explains that he feels Kritika is more caring, Prithvi questions if she doesnot know how there relation has been since the past, they both fight first after which it is resolved, Sherlin wiping off her tears doesnot want to listen, Prithvi once again apologizes, requesting her to end the anger, Sherlin replies she si going to do the same and will also throw him out of the room. Prithvi exclaims it is fine as he is leaving forever.

Sherlin sees the photo of Rishab, she is picking it up starts smiling.

In the night Rakhi with Preeta comes to the police station requesting the officer to let them meet Rishab. Preeta requests him to not do this as they only want to meet him for five minutes, the officer exclaims his sift is ending so they can ask from the other officer, Preeta explains he must know that a mother wants to meet her son, if she is not able to then would not be able to sleep and not eat anything, Rakhi questions Sherlin why is she coming so late, she explains it took her a long time to make food for him, Rakhi exclaims they will meet Rishab together.

Karina closes the door, she asks the servant to take the file to the Rakhi, and ask her to take the signatures of Mahesh, Kritika explains Rakhi has went to meet Rishab, Karina then sees Prithvi so requests him to get the signatures of Mahesh if he is awake otherwise should leave the file in his room. Karina questions Kritika what happened to him, she explains that he is tensed because of Rishab.

Prithvi while walking in the hall thinks Sherlin is really angry with him and when ever they fight, he tends to get in a lot of problems, he prays that everything gets sorted in his life.

Rishab takes the blessings of Rakhi asking if she once again scolded the police hearing since the time has ended, Rakhi questions if this is what he thinks of her since she is now mad, Rishab explains that she is his mother, and her love is just for him and karan. Rakhi explains that Sherlin has prepared food for him, she goes to get her, Preeta comes to Rishab, she apologizes for not being able to save him, Rishab explains there is no need since he is grateful for all she is doing for his family and it is more than enough, Preeta explains there is no need as this is even her family. Rakhi comes with Sherlin saying she will feed Rishab, but the constable explains that the time has ended, Sherlin exclaims she has just arrived, so she is allowed to stay.

Sherlin tries to explain to Rishab that he was just mistaken after he found the earring in Prithvi’s pocket, but she assures him that they are not having any sort of affair and it was just his mistake, Rishab is however not ready to listen, he thrashing the table goes away.

Prithvi after knocking enters the room of Mahesh, he thinks it is Rishab but Prithvi mentions he is the other son, Mahesh then thinks of Karan but Prithvi reveals his name, he explains he wants the signatures of Mahesh on some files, Mahesh appreciates Prithvi for all his help, prithvi exclaims he just called him as his son so it is his responsibility, Prithvi thinks how he tried to murder Mahesh and even bribed Sundeep, Prithvi leaves assuring no one would disturb him now.

Sherlin kneeling in front of Rishab requests him to give their relation another chance as she knows he always forgives everyone so why can he not give their relation another chance, Rishab in a state of tension looks at her while Sherlin is requesting.

Update Credit to: Sona

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