Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 26th July 2024 Written Episode Update: Preeta and Palki reach the Luthra Mansion

Kundali Bhagya 26th July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Varun is very worried along with the entire Luthra family, Kavya comes with Garesh who is holding her bags, Varun appreciates everyone for letting Kavya come with him to London as it is a very big help, Karan says he is still asking Varun from where was his father kidnapped as he has a lot of contacts in London but Varun requests Karan to not do anything of the sort as the kidnappers have stopped him from discussing it with anyone so they can harm his dad, he is going to give the money as what do they mean in front of his father. Karina wonders what if they still harm his father even when he gives the money, Rakhi agrees with Karina di and she feels he should listen to Karan as he has a lot of contacts while he should allow Karan to make the call, Karan requests Varun to tell him what happened as he

will contact the embassy and higher authorities, Varun replies he cannot lose his dad and he will just arrange the money while he would have to go with the money, Mahesh says he has not seen such a case in his life, when the kidnappers are asking for money from abroad so he says he is feeling something is wrong, the entire Luthra family also gets skeptical and Varun agrees with his father, Shaurya replies it all sounds very stupid, Rajveer suggests they should call a reliable source to find out about it because it seems very fake, Nidhi replies she does not feel someone can say such a big lie while if Varun desires they should go then she suggests Kavya must take care of Varun and his mother.

Bani Dadi tells Nidhi she does not feel it is right to send Kavya abroad midst the wedding, Rakhi gets up asking Varun if she can say something but he should not think wrong, Rakhi informs Kavya is still a child and not mature to handle such a situation, she accepts he desires someone to take care of his mother but Kavya is not that capable, Karina also explains she cannot understand but Kavya replies she would handle everything including herself and the mother of Varun as he needs her support so she must stand by his side, Kavya agrees with Varun to leave when Karina asks if he got th tickets in such a short time, they all start thinking of it. Bani Dadi asks if this really true or is he playing a prank, Rakhi and Karina also say they are not able to believe it. Shanaya wonders how would they believe it when Varun is making a fool of them all. Roma says if they all have such a problem then should keep Kavya with them, her son is pleading that Kavya should be send with them while she is bothered that they all are about to be in laws, while the Luthra’s are behaving as if they are strangers. Roma says Rakhi still has a problem if Kavya is coming with them or should she say that they all are suspecting the intentions of Varun. Roma asks Varun to come, Kavya requests her to not get angry as they all are just concerned about her safety while Roma must not say anything to them, Kavya also assures Varun is going to take care of her, she goes to Rakhi and hugs her tightly. Shanaya tries to call wondering where are Preeta, Palki and Aaliya as they should reveal the truth about him.

Preeta and Palki are still tied when they hear the foot steps of someone approaching so palki informs she heard someone coming, Preeta also agrees when palki says she is sure Varun might have send them she tries to open the rope but wonders how would she be able to do it. The two killers reach the house and then try to open the door but one of them drops his knife on the floor giving Preeta and palki the time to open the ropes with which they were tied to the chairs, the criminals both enter the house holding the knife but are shocked to find that the chairs are empty, they realize that they both would have escaped however then suggest they would be hiding somewhere and so start looking for them, Palki hits one of them with a rod due to which he falls down and then Preeta also sprays one of them with a spray, Preeta and Palki run out of the house locking the criminals.

Varun requests Rakhi to pray that they find his father, Rakhi assures nothing wrong would happen to his father when eh is such a nice person and so Varun must not take any sort of tension. Varun then takes the blessings of Karan before going to Rajveer who advises him to take care of his sister, Shaurya also replies Varun would be responsible if anything happens to his sister. Varun replies he does not want them to beat him. Rakhi explains that she was saying Karan has some contacts on the higher level then Varun must let him as they would be relieved if it is all genuine or not, Karan agrees with his mother requesting Varun to give him the details, Varun replies that he is not able to think of anyone else other then his father, Roma start panicking about Gautham and says she would die without him, Varun asks her to calm down while Kavya suggests they should leave because the time of the flight would end. Kavya hugs Nidhi who advises her to take care of herself while keep calling her, Varun is very tensed. Rakhi tells Rajveer they cannot see his aunt so where is she, everyone gets worried and then Varun gets a call from his goons who reveal both preeta and Palki have escaped, Varun furiously shouts which shocks everyone.

Preeta asks the auto driver to be a bit fast and Palki does not know what he would be doing, Preeta says they cannot let Kavya get trapped in the plans of Varun, Palki asks Preeta if she knows where the goons of Varun would have taken Aaliya. The goons are driving the car while Aaliya is still locked in the trunk, she recalls when Varun said he would come after some days to meet her, she wonders how can she believe Varun that he would not kill her and do as he has promised, Aaliya wonders where are they taking her, the criminals discuss how the boss ordered them to kill her at some place which is not occupied, then Aaliya thinks she has not seen a worse person then him.

Karan asks Varun what happened, he informs the kidnappers have gotten very furious and so he gets in the car with kavya thinking that his plan can never fail so he is going to take Kavya very far from here and no no one can stop him. Varun starts driving the car out of the Luthra Mansion but just then the auto stops at the front door, the entire Luthra family is shocked, Varun gets worried.

The criminals stop the car at the factory, Aaliya prays to Bhagwan that her life should be spared otherwise the life of Varun would be ruined, she thinks of acting as she is unconscious so then she might be able to find some way to save herself. The goons open the trunk of the car when they find out that Aaliya is still unconscious so then think about taking her inside the factory but just then the cops come and they both call the goons towards themselves, Aaliya is able to free the cloth from her mouth, she then gets out while the constables are interrogating the goons. The police suggest they would check the car but the goons try their best to stop the police from checking the trunk and opening it they say that it is empty the constables say that it is nothing when he orders both of them to leave from here, the goons wonder where did the girl go to because if they donot kill her then the boss would surely kill them, they both start searching for her.

Aaliya sees the auto driver and requests him to give his phone as she wants to make an emergency call, she is grateful when he hands his phone.

Preeta and Palki are sitting in the auto while Varun is not able to leave in his car, Preeta is shocked to see Varun when Palki gets the call from an unknown number, she answers and it is of Aaliya who advises Palki and preeta to tell the entire truth of Varun to the Luthra family while save Kavya from him because he is not a human, Palki offers to come and save her but Aaliya says she will hide and then ends the call, Aaliya runs away after handing back the phone. Preeta asks what did Aaliya say when Palki informs Aaliya said she is going to hide while Preeta and Palki get out of the auto, Varun and Roma are shocked seeing them both, Rakhi is glad. Varun asks kavya to not trust anything they both say to her, kavya gets out without listening to Varun who is furious.

Update Credit to: Sona

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