Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 26th November 2019 Written Episode Update: Preeta refuses to marry Prithvi

Kundali Bhagya 26th November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sherlin asks Prithvi why he went to the Luthra house, Prithvi explains that Karan bursted the tires of his car, Sherlin asks why Karan would do such a thing, Prithvi explains that he was somewhere and there karan parked his car and then busted his tires which is why they would be fighting, Preetas call is coming but he does not answer it as otherwise Sherlin would get suspicious then he assures that she ends the call.
Prithvi wonders why Preeta is constantly calling him, he thinks that she might try to call off the wedding, but he will not let anything happen so will meet her at the wedding. Sherlin sits with her friend who asks her to leave Prithvi and move on in her life with Rishab as he is a nice guy but Sherlin is not ready to hear anything against Prithvi which forces her to stop talking.

asks Kartika what the problem is, she blames that preeta was the one behind the dowry case against their family even then she is supporting her, Kartika does not hear anything that Maira says as she is convinced that Preeta would never dare do anything of the sort, Maria asks her to explain if she has any problem with her marrying Karan, Kartika explains that she has changed and is no longer the girl they once knew.
Karan arrives to the practice club where he is about to enter into Preetas office but Shiv stops him asking why he came as he is about to get engaged the very next day, Karan explains that he has a shoulder pain so thought that he should get it checked but Shiv says that Preeta has not come as she has taken the day off, explaining that she might have some personal problems as they are all humans, he advises that they should discuss Karan’s shoulder pain on the phone but Karan disagrees and leaves the hall thinking that Prithvi mentioned he is going to marry Preeta.
Maira again asks Kartika why she is saying this, Kartika says that they have talked about this before and she said that there have been changes which came after the announcement with her marriage with Karan, Kartika makes an excuse to leave but stops at the door to hear what Maira is talking on the phone, she assures that she is really getting married to karan, when the call ends she explains that no one is believing that she is truly getting married to Karan.
Karan arrives at the house of Preeta, he sits in his car thinking of how he tried to explain his feelings to preeta but was not able to, he goes to the house and rings the bell wondering that iof she is demanding alimony then she is still his wife then why is she marrying someone else, Sarla asks her to come and check if the dress is off the same size, Bi jee and Sarla ask her who was at the door then they try to measure if she has everything off the right size, karan seeing everything from the door gets emotional and begins to cry, he leaves from their house.
Preeta is standing in her room, Shrishti is trying to find her charger but is not able to find it, then she sees Preeta, she says that he is not picking up her call, Preeta explains that she even texted him but he is not replying and she wonders why he is not replying or is it that he really wants to marry her but she cannot move forward as she is already married, she is aware that he is nice person and cares for her but they cannot get married and so she will make sure that they never get married and she also does not break the heart of her mother, Shrishti points that Preeta has made the right decision, She responds that she is really intelligent and they would make sure that Sarla never hurts herself.
Prithvi is in his room he is talking with Preetas photo, wondering how good they both will look after getting married, he also thinks that he will only meet with her on the Mandap, he is excited when his mother asking what he is doing, he explains that he is talking with her future daughter in law, she pleads that he stop talking and sleep, Prithvi is not ready to close Preetas photo so requests that his mother let him talk with her but she should herself sleep,
Rishab wakes up in his bed only to find that Karan is sleeping next to him, he asks when karan came into his bed, Karan replies that he could not sleep and so came to sleep with him, Rishab asks him for some water then thinks that he will never talk of Preeta so he has to do something to make him talk, Rishab asks the reason he is tensed but karan does not reply, Rishab then mentions that he is worried as to why Preeta is marrying Prithvi, Karan enquires as to how he came to know of it, Karan says that he has also started the job of an astrologist, Karan is still hesitant to talk, Rishab is about to leave but karan stops him, Rishab mentions that he is also thinking as to how can Preeta marry Prithvi when she is still his wife, he should therefor call her, karan is about to take out his phone but stops while thinking of something.

Update Credit to: Sona

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