Kundali Bhagya 26th September 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Rishab is left astonished hearing that Karan has married Preeta, she says that he must not worry as he has not brought her home with him, she explains the entire story after which Rishab leaves in anger, she starts tyo smile, he goes to his room and seeing that he is lying on the floor, he wakes him up asking why he has done this, Karan says that he ash told everyone and he must go and talk with them, Rishab says that he could take him to the police, Karan taunts him saying that he can take him, Rishab says that he should not have done this, Karan talks with him in frustration saying that he should not defend Preeta because what he did is not ethical, Karan and him are both having argument, he says that Rishab has feelings for her, Rishab emotions that he doesn’t feel anything for her and if
he did it with any other girl then he would say the same thing,
Rishab says that he has committed a crime for which he can be taken to court, Karan exclaims that if wants him to do justice then he also wants justice, Rishab asks what justice he wants he explains that he wants his father to wake up and hug his brother, Rishab gets emotional seeing this, Karan says that they have broken as a family and it is because of Preeta, Rishab sits with him saying that he cannot stand by side after what he has done but will never forgive him, Karan asks if he thinks that he is wrong, Rishab pleads that he should ask himself.
Preeta is crying after leaning on Shrishti’s shoulder, Sarla comes saying that she told her to cry as much as she wants in the night but she wishes to see a smiling Preeta the next morning, she also asks her to take off the jora, Shrishti says that brides db not take it out till after a year, she explains that it is when they are considered as a bride, she takes off the bangles assuring Preeta that things will be fine, she kisses her so that she can remain calm, she then orders Preeta to change her clothes.
Preeta sits in front of the dressing table, she starts to take off her jeweler, remembering how she thought that her special day will be the start of a new life but instead it has been the start of a punishment for the crime which she never committed, she then sees the Mangal Suture and remembers that Karan promised to be with her side till the end, she seeing the mang cries but there is no one to console her.
Dadi is sitting on the breakfast table, she is not eating, Dadi asks Rakhi is Karan is still sleeping, Sherlin explains that Rishab is in Karan’s room with him, Rakhi asks if he came to know what Karan did with Preeta, Karina asks her what can Rishab do, Karina asks Rakhi is she was not able to sleep and what was she thinking, she explains that she was thinking what they can now do after the mistake that Karan has committed, Sherlin advises that they can respond by saying that this is a fake news, Dadi mentions that they cannot do this because they live in the same society and he has married Preeta with all the norms of their society.
Karina mentions that she doesn’t feel Karan is doing this to take revenge but rather feels that he was forced to marry Preeta by the Aroras as they know all of his weakness and might have exploited them which forced him to take such extreme step and now they will always ask them for money which is why Sarla came to threat them, Rakhi tries to defend them by explaining that she might have said all those things in anger but they will not ask them for money, Karina is curious why Rakhi is still defending them after what they did to their family.
Karina mentions that might ask them for money and blackmail Karan which might destroy Karan life and they can give the Auroras money but will their needs be fulfilled, Sherlin thinks that that she will not let anyone take even a single penny from the Luthras, she says that she is curious as every problem has a solution so why does this problem not have any, She responds that it also has a solution, they all get curious about what the solution will be.
Shrishti is texting Samer asking him to meet her in the cafe which is near her house, he agrees to come, Sarla enters the house complaining that the prices of vegetables have gotten really high, she asks Shrishti what is wrong with her, everyone is saddened by what has happened with Preeta, she tries to act as if everything is happy giving Bi jee her newspaper also informing Janki of what she wants to make her for the day, they all look at her with confusion as they are not able to understand why she is acting like this.
She orders Janki to go and put the things in the kitchen, she inquires if Preeta is still in her room saying that she will go and call her but Preeta comes out by herself, she kisses her on the forehead and gets saddened to see the Mangal Suture and Kumkum, Sarla asks her if she will drink tea to which Preeta responds that she will also make it they then respond saying that they want to drink it.
Precap: Rakhi asks Karina for the solution she says that they can marry Karan, the lawyer explains that the Luthras might try to say that the wedding is illegal but they can ask them for money.
Update Credit to: Sona