Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 27th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Preeta and Palki plan to reveal the truth about Varun

Kundali Bhagya 27th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Daljeet asks if Preeta was partying with Palki and then exclaims she is very idiot but Preeta replies she had some work so took Palki with her, Karan says she is looking nice hearing which everyone is stunned, Daljeet explains that Preeta is indeed looking very nice and she likes these modern dresses but if she wears them then it looks even more beautiful, Daljeet explains to Karan that both of her daughters are very nice and even Shanaya is a bit modern but due to this Karan should not end the relation of Shaurya and Shanaya, Rakhi asks what is Daljeet saying as it is not the case and even their family was suffering since the past few weeks, she explains Daljeet must not think they will end the relation just because Palki has been arrested, Shanaya tells Badi Mom she is very sweet and cannot see everyone

is bad but he is going to say that this situation would surely have an effect on their relation and he explains they both must go for a breakup hearing which they all are shocked, Karan asks Shaurya what is he talking about, Shaurya replies he was just joking but Karan says it is nothing to joke about, Shaurya wonders why did he come here and might have made the mistake, Shaurya thinks even Rajveer is here but he does not do any work. Preeta tells Karan she is feeling very bad about it as she needed to do some work and took Palki there, Karan assures he will hire a very good lawyer and not let Palki stay here, Rajveer say to preeta that palki wants to meet her, Daljeet and Shanaya go to Palki asking Preeta to stay here, Rakhi also asks Shaurya to go and meet Palki as she would feel nice but Shaurya replies he cannot go there because he has no idea how to talk like this and might make some mistake, Karan agrees with Shaurya.

Palki in the cell thinks she has to first meet Preeta je and inform her about it all, Daljeet and Shanaya come when Daljeet is glad to see Palki like this but then asks why did Palki go to the club by herself when she would refuse at first however now went without even informing her, Shanaya asks Daljeet to stop and not talk like this in the police station, Shanaya pleads with Daljeet but she does not listen and angrily asks Palki how did the drugs came into her bag, Shanaya says that she must not scream, Shaurya coming from behind agrees saying she should not shout that they file another case, Shanaya tries to request him to stay quiet but Shaurya replies he was not interested in meeting her as he does not know how to console and is not perfect like Palki so why not start wit her, Shaurya asks Palki how does she feel like being behind bars, Shanaya asks what is he saying, he replies this is why he stays quiet because he knows it would have an adverse effect, Daljeet tells Palki to not feel bad about anything that Shaurya says as he does not know how to talk, Shaurya says she is indeed looking very nice while being behind bars, Shanaya tells Shaurya it is enough explaining she feels they both should leave and send the aunt of Rajveer as Palki wants to talk with her, Shanaya also leaves telling Palki to not be worried. Palki says she knows Shaurya is feeling good when she is locked here but cannot understand why did her Nidhi mom let him come here as she does not like them so why did she send him here.

Nidhi asks if Varun got shocked when he replies he will give a shock to her but is finding it weird as everyone would have a problem with this behavior but not Nidhi and any mother who felt that her daughter is getting married to a bad person then would have broken the marriage but Nidhi did not do anything of the sort and it is a question of one hundred thousand about why did she not do it, Varun asks what is the reason behind her careless behavior and she is not bothered when he had done such a big thing, it is because Nidhi is not the mother of Kavya and does not have a heart, Nidhi says Varun is talking as if he has revealed a big secret when everyone knows it, Varun replies they all know Kavya is not her daughter but there is a question about why is she so in sensitive with Kavya, it is because kavya loves Preeta je and gives her importance so this is why when he talked with Preeta je in that manner then Nidhi did not feel bad and he is sure it would be the same in the future which is because Preeta je is the true love of Karan Luthra, Nidhi tries to leave when Varun thanks her as it is because of her help that Palki is behind the bars, Nidhi is stunned when Varun is smiling.

Palki wonders why did preeta je not come till now as it is important to talk with her, palki says she has found a way to find out if Varun came with a girl, Preeta also says that she knows of it, Palki and Preeta both talk of the CCTV, Preeta says she thought a lot then realized that CCTV footage is everywhere and then they can find who put the drugs in her purse, Palki says they can even see the face of the girl who came with Varun. Preeta replies that she is now worried about Palki, and not Kavya but Palki says she knows that they all would surely help her but asks if Preeta remember that she took a promise from her and she accepted the promise to not let anyone harm Kavya. Palki says she aid she would stay with Palki and fulfill it by saving Kavya from Varun, Palki mentions she can only see the three of them meaning Kavya, Varun and the girl whose face they have not seen but it is possible if they can see the face of the girl from the CCTV footage, Preeta says she is very lucky and cannot understand from where did she find Palki, as she is herself trapped in such a big problem but is worried how to save Kavya. Palki replies she is not worried as she is getting so much love from them all after being locked here and feels she would stay for a few more days after being released, the constable comes to inform them that their meeting time is over, Kavya leaves after asking Palki to take care of herself so leaves then Preeta tells Palki she is going to the club and find the proof, Palki makes Preeta promise to not tell anyone about their suspicion as they need to first gather the proof.

Karan asks the driver to bring the car, he explains that Shanaya should take her mother when he advises Daljeet to not be worried as they will surely get Palki free from it and even the lawyer would have arrived had it not been the weekend, Daljeet praises Karan jee saying they only have his support, Karan asks Shanaya to get in the car. Rajveer says he will take his aunt back home as he has called a cab, Preeta tells Karan that she is very grateful but karan replies they are all a family, when Shaurya tells his father they must leave as mom is waiting for them so they all leave the police station.

Preeta is in the car with Rajveer when she thinks about what happened as they went into the club following Varun, Preeta immediately asks the driver to stop the car informing that she needs to do some work in the club, Rajveer suggests to accompany her but Preeta forces him to sit in the car.

Preeta entering the club asks for the manager of the club when he says that he is indeed the manager so she asks for some help explaining that some people were caught in the raid today hearing which the manager gets furious and refuses to help her so Preeta leaves.

Shaurya is laughing when Sandy asks him to be calm as someone might get furious, Shaurya asks if Sandy feels he is bothered by it, Shaurya says that now he is going to go back and make her feel the same as she did when he was locked up in the cell without making any mistake, Sandy says that Shaurya gets interested while talking of Palki, Shaurya says it is twice the joy for him as on one side Palki is locked while at other Rajveer is also worried. Varun standing at the door is smiling while hearing their conversation, Kavya calls Varun saying she is glad he came when he replies that she can call him at any time, Nidhi thinks of talking to Varun right now as their conversation was left incomplete, Varun refuses to help Kavya saying he does not trust Palki even a bit, but Kavya replies she knows Palki can ever do anything of the sort however Varun replies that Kavya does not know about the people living in the world and he advise Kavya to also stay away from Palki, Varun says he always felt suspicious of Palki and she got trapped so he believes that she might be involved, he knows kavya does not like it but she must stay away from Palki who is not good for her. Varun asks if kavya has something else to talk about, kavya says she felt Varun would talk to the seniors of the narcotics but Varun replies he will never help Palki, Kavya is worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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  • I've always know that nidhi never cared for kavya and this her discussion with Varun confirmed it.
    Come to think of it,who does nidhi even care for?
    I would have said Shaurya but I know for a fact that she does care for him either as she only pretends to because he still foolishly listens to her and regard her as his mother.

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    • right she just use them to come close to Karan but when she fail to have Karan attention she is no trying to put shaurya against his mother

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  • right she just use them to come close to Karan but when she fail to have Karan attention she is now trying to put shaurya against his mother

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