Categories: Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya 28th November 2019 Written Episode Update: Preeta advises Prithvi to back out from the wedding

Kundali Bhagya 28th November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Janki explains that she can fight all she want with karan and even she will stand by her but she should not marry Prithvi as it is not the right decision, Preeta is relieved that she has someone to stand with her, Janki promises to be with her no matter the situation, Janki explains that she can face any circumstance for her and the worst that would happen would be that Sarla would not talk with her and the situation would remain like that for some days and but it will get better after some time.
Sameer is trying to call Shrishti but she doesnot answer he then scolds her saying that she never picks his call, Karina hears it and then asks him who he was scolding, he makes an excuse saying that he was scolding himself because he felt that karan was in his room but he is not in the house.

jee is taking Prithvi to his room but he says that he can go to his room by himself and her doesnot have to follow the rituals, she then asks him to not worry and they will call him when everything is ready.
Karan takes the water bottle from the vendor, Rishab taunts him saying that there was ample supply of water in the car still he came in front of the Kumkum Bhagya hall just to have water, the vendor is in sheer excitement says that there is a wedding today and the sales will be really high, Rishab asks why karan is so tensed, he disagrees but Rishab is adamant also saying that he has a solution to his problem and it is that he should call Preeta ordering that she refuse to marry Prithvi, he at first acts as if he will not call but then requests Rishab to send him the number, Rishab asks him to wait as he receives a call from one of his clients in London. Karan feels that Rishab was not supportive.
Prithvi is in his room, he compliments that himself on how good he is looking, there is a knock on the door, He asks Janki what the matter is she explains that Preeta wanted to talk with him so she ahs brought her, Prithvi gets tensed as he feels she might have come to back out from the marriage, he asks her to come in, he says that she is looking really nice, then she explains that she ahs to talk about something which is really important, she gets a call from Karan but doesnot answer as she does not want to talk with him so ends the call.
Karan gets really angry when she ends the call, he asks the vendor to pack all of the Pan that he has then he also sees the phone from Rishab to confirm that he dialled the correct number.
The Pandit exclaims that the pooja has ended and she should take the blessings from the elders, Maira asks her about karan she explains that he is on the way then says that he will call him, Dadi asks her if he is coming then she explains that she doesnot know anything as she could not even find him in his bed room, Maira and her mother hear it, her mother asks her if she is sure that Karan still wants to marry her or has he gone back to Preeta, Maira tries to convince her that she is sure that he will not go after Preeta.
Prithvi asks Preeta what she has to say, she explains that she is apologetic of what she is going to say, Prithvi asks her the matter, she asks why he did not receive her call, he explains that his phone was not working and so he couldnot receive any call, she explains that she doesnot want to marry him and even said to him at the hotel that they cannot be friends so how can they marry, Prithvi explains that he only accepted to marry her after Sarla said that she will talk with Preeta, she explains that she said it but only because she couldnot hurt her mother and when she refused Sarla stared experiencing heart pain which could have resulted in her death but she could not think of anything else and so accepted to marry him, she asks why he accepted the proposal knowing that she was married, he responds that he did it for mother, she explains that she is still the wife of Karan and she doesnot care what anyone thinks because she still believes that she is the wife of karan and wishes that he understand what her feelings are and back out from the marriage as otherwise she will herself back out which will be really shameful for him, he then explains that he will back out even if it means that her mother hates her and she does not want to see her face again but still he will face all the allegations just for her, he thinks that he is really angry and Preeta will have to pay for the refusal as he will make sure that she marries him and is not able to meet Karan, she however warns that if he doesn’t agree to her terms then she will herself back out from the wedding and leaves the room, She sees Shrishti standing by the room but leaves without saying anything.
Prithvi immediately takes out his phone and hires a hitman for some work which he has dor him.

Update Credit to: Sona

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